Chapter 8. LISTENING - Technologylkj
Chapter 8. LISTENING - Technologylkj
Chapter 8. LISTENING - Technologylkj
Chapter 2: Listening and Technology
Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain how technology helps learners practice listening
Discuss how technology complements the development of various macroskills
Suggest how websites on the internet can help improve listening
8.1 Preamble
8.2 Listening in the second
8.3 Using technology to
enhance listening
8.4 Using the internet to
practice lstening
8.5 Samples of websites to
practice listening
8.6 Summary of technology for
teaching listening
Chapter 1: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Chapter 2: Materials Development
Chapter 3: Visual Learning
Chapter 4: Language Games
5 Chapter 5: Writing and Technology
Chapter 6: Reading and Technology
Chapter 7: Speaking and Technology
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
Listening is the language modality that is used most frequently. It has been estimated that
students spend almost half their communication time listening, and may receive as much as
90% of their in-school information through listening to teachers and to one another. This
chapter examines how technology may be employed in enhancing the listening skills given its
Often, however, language learners do not recognise the level of effort that goes into
developing listening ability. Far from passively receiving and recording aural input, listeners
actively involve themselves in the interpretation of what they hear, bringing their own
background knowledge and linguistic knowledge to bear on the information contained in the
aural text. Not all listening is the same; casual greetings, for example, require a different sort
of listening capability than do academic lectures.
Language learning requires intentional listening that employs strategies for identifying
sounds and making meaning from them. Listening involves a sender (a person, radio,
television), a message, and a receiver (the listener). Listeners often must process messages as
they come, even if they are still processing what they have just heard, without backtracking
or looking ahead.
In addition, listeners must cope with the sender's choice of vocabulary, structure, and rate
of delivery. The complexity of the listening process is magnified in second language
contexts, where the receiver also has incomplete control of the language. Given the
importance of listening in language learning and teaching, it is essential for language teachers
to help their students become effective listeners. In the communicative approach to language
teaching, this means modelling listening strategies and providing listening practice in
authentic situations: those that learners are likely to encounter when they use the language
outside the classroom. One of the best ways introduce students to listening strategies is to
integrate listening activities into language lessons using various technologies.
As technology (interactive computer programmes, audio clips, video clips) becomes more
accessible to teachers and learners, its potential as a tool to enhance listening skills becomes a
practical option. Technology allows integration of text, graphics, audio, and motion video in
a range of combinations. The result is that learners can now interact with textual, aural, and
visual media in a wide range of formats.
8.2 Listening in the Second Language
8.3 Using Technology to Enhance Listening
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
A range of audio-visual technologies have impacted teaching of listening and among these, is
the computer and the internet. Today, individual learners can, in addition to interacting with
computer-generated text and graphics, control combinations of analogue and digital sound
and images. Arranging these combined media into intelligent, pedagogically-driven material
is a challenge to teachers. Teachers have their disposal a wide variety of teaching aids such as
charts, slides, voice-recorders, videos, projectors and many other technological innovations
which have taken the place of the chalkboard, though not completely.
Listening skills fall into three categories: Passive listening (listening for pleasure or
entertainment); Active listening (listening to learn and retain information); and
Critical/Analytical listening (listening to critique or make judgments about what one has
heard). Technology fosters listening skills by providing a multitude of opportunities for
listening to spoken language. A good language teacher will be aware of these current and
emerging technologies to immerse their students in the spoken language experience. Jack
Richards (1985) describes listening competency as being comprised of a set of
"microskills". These are the skills effective listeners employ when trying to make sense of
aural input.
Meskills (1996) suggests the following microskills which can be enhanced with technology:
Retention of information in short term memory
Most current multimedia applications allow
the student some control over the rate of
language presentation. That is, users can
start, stop, and review pieces of information
to better understand and remember the aural
text. The addition of video provides a clear,
logical flow of events so that linking
(remembering) new information to old is
Discriminate the sounds of the target
User control over language presented in more than one modality supports a student's
ability to discriminate where words begin and end. The synchronised display of text
along with the aural text assists the learner in distinguishing phonetic groupings and
boundaries. When learners can see the faces of those speaking in the video, moreover,
they can additionally make use of facial movements to understand the sound-meaning
correspondence in the target language.
Recognize patterns of stress, rhythm, and intonation and how they signal
Information and intent
Stress, rhythm, and intonation are automatically highlighted when aural language is
divided into syntactic units. When we speak, the logical breaks in our discourse (the
places where we pause ever so slightly) occur at syntactically predictable junctures.
When specific words are stressed and patterns of intonation used, learners can be cued
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
to closely examine the visual and spoken reactions of interlocutors in the video
Understand reduced speech
Video and audio clips is particularly well suited to assist learners in their
understanding of reduced forms of target language speech. Having the written version
of fast, naturally-paced aural text on the computer screen allows the learner access to
both the written and spoken forms simultaneously. That is, the learner may hear
"wadjagonnado?" but will read "What are you going to do?" In this way, learners can
come to understand the two different forms of the target language spoken and
written as well as learn to decode these reduced forms.
Recognise core vocabulary and the rules and patterns of words used to
Coordinated aural, visual, and textual information on the computer screen at the same
time makes up an ideal laboratory for student problem-solving at the level of
individual words and sentence structures. The learner has at her disposal rich visual
and contextual clues that can assist in breaking the code of the written and aural text.
The multimodal cues can be cross-referenced for word, sentence-level and broader
Understand communicative functions of utterances according to context.
Video can be a very rich source of context for language processing. In a multimedia
format, learners are provided control over the rate and order of video presentation and
can therefore take advantage of starting and
stopping the action in order to study
language in a well represented context.
Video also typically boasts tight
correspondence between what is seen and
what is heard. That is, in only very rare
cases is the audio portion of video
temporally disconnected to what is being
viewed. By studying target language
communication in a multimedia format,
learners can experience and come to
understand the connections between
utterances and how they function within a
visually depicted context.
Process different speech styles, different rates, and performance errors
Rate and style of audio naturally vary according to the genre of the video selection.
Many situation comedies, for example, exemplify slowed speech. Interlocutors speak
slowly and deliberately so the joke can be processed and understood. There are other
kinds of programming, talk shows, for example, that are very fast-paced and difficult
for non-native speakers to comprehend. Multimedia that includes varied genres
permits a broad experience of different voices with differing rates and speech styles.
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
Students can control the aural text so they have sufficient time for their individual
processing needs.
Recognise that meanings can be expressed in different grammatical forms.
Redundancy in video presentations is common. That is, interlocutors and narrators
frequently repeat the same information in different ways so that meaning and
intention is made clear to the viewer. In a multimedia format, phrases and sentences
that carry the same or similar meaning can be highlighted for users and/or the learner
can be prompted to highlight those phrases and sentences she feels express like
Infer meaning and make predictions using personal knowledge, experiences, and
Video is a medium to which language learners come well equipped. Students are very
accustomed to inferring meaning and making predictions from what they see and hear
on the screen. In a multimedia format, these viewing/comprehension strategies can be
cued and guided by, for example, posing pre-viewing questions on top of the stilled
first frame of the sequence they are about to watch. Inference, predication, and calling
up prior knowledge and experience can thus be activated.
The Internet is suitable place to practise languages as it offers the possibility, with the right
software, of using images and audio resources at the same time, combining sounds and
images as in communicative situations in the real world. It also provides users with a highly
appealing and innovative format. But only when the sources are properly selected can the
internet be useful in learning environment. There is a plethora of educational video and audio
material available online and accessible via Web search engines such as But
practice shows that the best way to find good web sites is to listen to a collegue's suggestions
who actually searched the site on his/her own or find a serious web site which may actually
8.4 Using the Internet to Practice Listening
a) Explain how the three types of listening are different
b) How can audio and video clips be used in improving the listening skills
of learners?
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
For example, Skype application is increasingly used
as a part of listening development process throughout
the world today. Skype is an internet-based
application that enables Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) calls. It has a useful user-interface that enables
the users easy and effective use. What's more, there
are similar online applications such as MSN Messenger and GoogleTalk and the likes. MSN
Messenger also has millions of users worldwide and is
used to improve speaking and listening skills by L2
students. Skype and MSN Messenger increasingly
create newer possibilities for the users. These software
can also transmit video at the same time when the
users speak to each other. So, this feature raises the
level of interaction between practisers. Such level of
interaction is also effective because of the highly
useful features and user interfaces of the applications.
As an alternative,
internet TVs and radios can be used to develop listening
comprehension skills of a student in an entertaining
atmosphere; however, there is a relatively new emerging
phenomenon:! This is a video uploadwatch-
download site and is increasing its popularity day by day. The
huge video pool offers priceless opportunities to practice listening in an entertaining and
convenient environment.
Television/radio shows, news, documentaries, music videos and
any videos beyond the imagination of people are just one click
away. All you need is an internet connection. The rest is almost
totally free; however, videos should be carefully selected and
prepared by the instructor to maximize comprehension and
minimize frustration of learners and they hope that improvement in
search tools for videos will allow the teachers to find the right
video clip for supporting language class.
As BBC has always been seen as a genuine source
of right form of English, it cannot be disregarded
for English Language Teaching. Being aware of its
educative role, BBC has been publishing books,
audio/video materials and so on. With the rise of the
internet, BBC has prepared an English Learning
Page which is one of the best of its kind. The site
gives ideas to the learner about material
development and how to work efficiently with the
aural input. Maintaining the publication at,
BBC provides the visitors with quizzes, videos,
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
podcasts and games as well as radio archives and voice recordings. As regards listening
activities, there are many activities based on listening comprehension.
Apart from that, songs can be highly useful for developmental process of listening skills of a
student. As music is everywhere in human life to change or boost the emotions and feelings,
we can include music and songs in language learning as well. Besides, karaoke is also
beneficial in that it requires a recitation which eventually leads to improvement in speaking
Lastly, computer aided games can also have striking effects on student's listening
comprehension. Games are proved to be useful during their language education process.
When games' attractiveness unites with convenience and flexibility of computers systems, it
may cause positive results as well.
In conclusion, we may say that using technology in the classroom
allows teachers to add multisensory elements, text, sound, pictures, video, and
animation, which provide meaningful contexts to facilitate comprehension
allows teachers to increase authentic materials for study
encourages greater interaction between teachers and students and students and peers
emphasizes the individual needs of learners
allows learners to hear the available input as many times as needed until they feel
they understand it
allows learners to develop their autonomy to review and practice materials as many
times as they wish
allows to reduce the learning stresses and anxieties
allows learners to build their self-instruction strategies and self-confidence
promotes second language learners learning motivation.
However, there are disadvantages and obstacles in using technology for improving listening
skills in terms of financial barriers, content considerations, technical features and pedagogical
perspectives. There is no doubt that technology offers teachers and learners vast amount of
materials and communication possibilities to enhance their language teaching and learning.
For successful integration of multimedia technology in language courses, both teachers and
learners need to be prepared to adopt new roles and use the available technology in
appropriate ways. Teachers should be prepared with professional skills which include
pedagogical and technical skill because the more enthusiastic and more knowledgeable
language teachers are, the more successfully they can implement Internet in the language
classroom. Learners can only benefit from technology based activities provided that these
activities are relevant to their needs and interest.
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
8 is run by a team of experienced English as a Second Language professors with
over 30 years of high school, adult, and university ESL teaching experience. Dr. Lucy Tse
writes scripts and story ideas for the podcasts, and records many of the dialogs and stories.
The host for the podcast is Dr. Jeff McQuillan, who helps read the scripts and provides
explanations for them.
A podcast is an audio file that you download from the Internet. After you download it, you
can listen to it on your computer or on an MP3/portable music player (for example, an
iPod). You can subscribe to a podcast so that it is delivered to you automatically each day,
just like a newspaper.
Dear Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan,
How can I tell you my gratitude? One year ago I was unable to write you. One year ago I was
unable to understand a phrase and even less to speak, though I learned English during eight
years till I was 19.
The first podcast I heard was Buying a Bicycle #213. I found it wonderful. Since the 4 of
November 2006 I listened to all your podcast, and some many times. Your method is
perfect. You are both very sympathetic. I spend so much time with you that you seem to me
close friends!
Today I thank you: yesterday I passed a job interview in English (Hopefully the man had just
one head ) and I surprised myself! I could say fluently what I want to say without
searching for my words! I did not realize before that I can. I knew that my understanding
and my reading had improved but what about my speaking? Now I know.
I wanted to tell you that we, my family, had planned to settle in Australia, in Perth exactly.
Thanks to you it is possible today.
And maybe one day if we take some holiday in Beautiful Los Angeles well make you a
little visit just to say thank you very much.
Thank you, my friend.
Luc (from France)
8.5 Samples of Websites to Practice Listening
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
Randalls ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Technology is useful to teach listening because each type of technology provides
opportunities for students to explore their ranges of listening strategies. And it allows for
more emphasis on certain aspects, such as cross-cultural, interactional, critical, and
contextual dimensions of listening, to be developed. Technology also makes learning
process of listening more entertaining.
(source: Second Language Listening : Theory and Practice. John Flowerdew Page:182)
Using media, for example radio, could be an effective way to develop students listening
skills and build up student confidence in listening since they did not have sufficient access to
native speakers.
(source: Taken from Forum Magazine in Listening volume 35 number 2, April 1997 Pages
47-48 Article: Using VOA News item by Ho Xiooqiong)
8.5 Summary of Technology for Teaching Listening
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
What kinds of media that we can use to improve listening skill?
There are various kinds of media that we can use to teach listening. They are:
Radio: Listening to the radio is one of the most accessible ways a learner has of developing
listening skills. Listening to the radio is not an activity that is often used in class time.
Perhaps, this is because radio, listening can be done only in real time and the scheduling of
language classes to catch particular radio program is difficult.
CDs: CD players are the simplest and cheapest way to provide listening practise
opportunities for students in classroom. Because nearly all textbooks these days have
accompanying CDs players has become an essential tool in the language classroom.
Video: The use of video to help develop listening skill has received much attention since it
began to appear regularly in language classes in the mid 1970s. The obvious
contextualization of language provided by video, made it a popular medium in non-English-
speaking contries.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Since the 1960s, computers have been used in
language education. During this forty-year period, the use computers could be divided into
three main stages : behaviorist computer-assisted language learning ( CALL); communicative
CALL; and integrative CALL. Each of these stages corresponds to the available
technological and the prevailing pedagogical theories.
What part of listening ability we can develop by using technology?
Hearing the sounds: By using technology, for example radio, we would have an access to
know how native speakers pronounced their words. Therefore, it would help us to be able to
distinguish between two similar words, like, think and thing, etc.
Understanding intonation and stress: The English system of stress, intonation and rhythm,
though perhaps less obvious difficult than problems of the actual sounds, can interfere with
the foreign learners proper understanding of spoken English.
Predicting: If the listener can make a guess as to the sort of thing that
is going to be said next, we will be much more likely to perceive it
and understand it well. We may even be enabled to do without
Understanding colloquial vocabulary: Much of the vocabulary
used in colloquial speech may already be known to the foreign
learner; but this does not mean that we are familiar with it. Therefore,
technology help us to be more familiar with vocabulary in colloquial
speech, for example by using video.
Chapter 8: Listening and Technology
Understanding different accents: We can differentiate various accents spoken by native
speakers, for example by watching movie. Movie provides different people for different
Common vocabulary: In news broadcasts, there are certain words that are frequently used.
There are about 1500 words are often repeated in several broad categories such as politics,
economy, science in technology and military matters.
Proper names & Acronyms.
Sherman, J. (2003). Using authentic video in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Carla Meskill. Listening Skills Development Through Multimedia. Journal of Educational
Multimedia and Hypermedia 5(2), 1996
Nunan, D., and L. Miller, eds. 1995. New Ways in Teaching Listening: Alexandria, VA: