Occult Practices of The United States

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To introduce the occult and provide some very basic background, we are recommending two books by W.
Y. Evans-Wentz. They are "Tibets Great Yogi Milarepa" and "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines". We
will briefly discuss these:
The Left and Right Hand Paths
The basic attributes acquired during the study of the Left and Right Hand Paths are essentially identical.
The philosophies of how one uses these attributes, however, are opposite.
On the Left Hand Path, the aspirant seeks occult knowledge to acquire material wealth and to dominate
and enslave those who are less adept. They see Nature as some type of enemy which is impeding their
desires. They want to use their powers to compel Nature to obey their will. Eventually, they tend to
become so powerful that they believe themselves to be gods.
On the Right Hand Path, the aspirant seeks personal enlightenment. They respect the Creation. Although
they have the same powers as the Left Hand Path, they will not use them to take advantage of others. If
they do interact with another person or creature, they will use their abilities to assist and promote its
Spiritual development. They learn to understand and cooperate with Nature.
As a quick example, consider agriculture in the time before science. People learned how to blend food
crops with other plants which harmful insects simply did not like. So, by understanding and cooperating
with nature, they had a good crop. Later, when science came along, the attitude changed. Why should we
bother trying to live in harmony with nature. We can kill bugs with synthetic poisons. We can change the
genetic codes of plants so that the plants kill insects (and maybe us too). We can force nature to obey our
This book is a biography of Milarepa. It is perhaps the only documented history of a person who became
a master of the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path in a single lifetime. Milarepa first mastered the
Left Hand Path. He did his meditation alone in a cave as was the custom. The only thing resembling
food in the cave was some green algae which grew on the walls. So, that was all he ate. In time, his skin
turned green. As a master of the Left Hand Path, Milarepa was a wealthy land owner. His tenants feared
him. He had the power to levitate and fly, sitting cross legged in the standard meditation position, above
his land - sort of like a helicopter without the helicopter. As a master of the Left, he had the power to
control the weather. If he was displeased, he could summon storms to damage a tenants property or even
kill them with lightning. So, it was best not to get on Milarepa's bad side.
Eventually, Milarepa decided to give up the Left Hand Path and study the Right Hand Path. He would
become a master of the Right Hand Path before he died. We can only assume that Milarepa reached the
top of the Left Hand Path and discovered its secret. The Left Hand Path exists only within the created
worlds. There is no exit from this path to the Eternal worlds beyond the Creation. In exchange for all the
powers and riches you can acquire on the Left Hand Path, you surrender your right to leave the Creation.
Also, the created worlds, by their nature, are temporary. They go through cycles of creation and
dissolution. If you are on the Left Hand Path at the time of a dissolution, you are essentially "nowhere".
There is no exit from this path and space, time and matter have ceased to exist. By contrast, the Eternal
worlds beyond the Creation were never created and so they can never be destroyed. The Right Hand Path
continues beyond the created worlds into the Eternal or pure Spiritual regions.
Secret Doctrines
This book is a comprehensive compilation of latent human potentials that have always existed and can be
awakened in anyone who will make the effort to do so. There are some cute stories which relate to
subjects we will cover here. In the past, there was no TV or technology. There was no artificially created
electricity. In this "primitive" world, what could people do to make life interesting. Actually, quite a bit.
For example, if you saw a flock of birds flying over you could transfer your consciousness to one of the
birds temporarily and view the world from that perspective. There is a story of two guys who agreed to
switch consciousness for a while to live as the other. Unfortunately, one was married and the other was
single. When the single guy realized what life was like living with a woman, he decided he would not
give the body back. It took some time for the rightful owner to reclaim his body. Consciousness
transference is one of the latent abilities people have. If society had not Spiritually devolved to its present
day low, this ability would easily solve the dilemma of those people who feel they are trapped in the
wrong sex. They could simply swap consciousness with someone of the opposite sex who also felt
trapped. Then, they would both have real, functioning bodies with the sex they desired.
Souls do not originate from within the Creation. Their origin is outside the Creation. Consequently, from
within the Creation - the places you can access on the Left Hand Path - you cannot create a Soul.
However, you can create essentially everything else. Since you cannot create Souls, if it "turns you on" to
enslave Souls, you must capture them because you cannot create them. Consequently, the Soul, which is
an attribute most people on this planet don't even realize they have, is the most valuable "commodity"
within the created worlds. Therefore, the biggest fear of those operating on the Left Hand Path is that
Souls will somehow find the Right Hand Path and leave the Creation. They will scheme up anything they
can to prevent this because they cannot survive alone. Their energy comes from "milking" the Souls of
the innocent.

To control the mind you need to first intimately understand understand the brain. To do this you need live
test subjects. Let's look at several examples of these experiments which are most likely MKULTRA
Dr. Heath's "Brain Pacemaker"
In what may have been his only TV appearance demonstrating his "skills", Dr. Heath, chief of psychiatry
at Tulane University, appeared on a local New Orleans TV channel with one of his human experiments.
He was doing MKULTRA experiments at the time, however no one knew that as the top secret project
had not yet been exposed. Heath showed off a young man. The boy's mother had complained he would
not obey her. Heath had implanted electrodes in the kid's brain connected to some type of radio
controlled device he called a "brain pacemaker". His mother had the remote control which activated the
device. Once activated, the kid's facial expression would simply "go blank" and he would just sit down
and stay like a zombie. Heath called it a "great advance in psychiatry". This appears to be the only time a
MKULTRA experimental subject was publicly demonstrated.
Experiments at the LSU Dental School in New Orleans
In the 1960's, I met Russel Bailey (deceased) who was working at a Sears store as a locksmith. We stayed
in touch and he was eventually hired as the building locksmith at the LSU Dental School in New Orleans.
LSU (Louisiana State University) is listed in declassified documents as participating in the MKULTRA
project and the project was active when Russel worked there. Bailey got to meet and know other staff
and, as the building locksmith, had the keys to every lock in the place. In conversations with the guy who
ran the facility incinerator, the operator bragged that no trace - not even a speck of dust - would remain if
a human body was disposed of in his incinerator. Bailey was naturally curious and would occasionally
open doors. Usually he would find two staff members having sex in, say, a utility closet. No one knew
about AIDS at that time. However, one day he opened a room and found a young man strapped to a
chair. The poor kid had been "scalped". His head was covered with a plastic dome and there were
receptacles for electrical connectors imbedded in the plastic. This was apparently an MKULTRA
experiment. Once you mutilate someone to this extent, you can never let them go free. So you know this
poor kid's fate: the "leaves no trace" incinerator.
Why would a dental school be involved with MKULTRA. The government uses special dental implants
in covert operatives. The most common is a communications implant so that operatives can receive
orders transmitted by satellites wherever they are in the world. Advanced models reportedly provide two
way communication. There are also "self-destruct" implants in case the operative "malfunctions". Dental
implants, obviously, are implanted by dentists. It appears, therefore, that the LSU Dental School is one of
the facilities where selected dentists who have been given top secret clearances are trained to do this
work. The technical details of the various implants as well as the fact that this technology even exists
remains secret to this day. However, the test subject Bailey accidentally discovered suggests that some
implants are connected into the brain itself.
Experiments on prisoners at Tulane University
Tulane University had a secret agreement with the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, La. to provide
them with test subjects. Both Tulane University and Louisiana State Penitentiary are listed in declassified
documents as participants in MKULTRA. The prisoners - reportedly all black males serving life without
parole - were told that they would be set free if they agreed to be used for experiments and survived.
Medical students who were present at that time describe their encounters with the "test people" as
follows: "We would occasionally see them. They were alert, walking, eating and talking. They wore
what looked like football helmets. However, the top of the helmet was open exposing a metal plate that
was actually screwed into their skull. Imbedded in this metal plate were electrical connectors."
These appear to be some of Dr. Heath's experiments. Dr. Heath holds the world's record for the doctor
who implanted the most electrodes in the brains of humans. This is referenced in public medical journals
and appears to be some kind of "badge of honor" among fellow researchers. The project description
suggests that, rather than having to make individual holes for each electrode, part of the skull had been
removed so that multiple electrodes could be easily inserted. Then the electrodes were connected to
receptacles on the metal plate and the plate was screwed into the skull to cover the hole.
Since students who saw the test people reported they were behaving normally and showed no signs of
being in distress, we can assume that they did survive the experiment. However, there was never any
intention of actually letting them go free. If they had been released it would have provided any concerned
activist with physical evidence of the then top secret MKULTRA project. When the project was
eventually exposed by the Church Commission, reporters questioned Tulane. However all they would say
was, "We destroyed all the evidence and we won't talk." The Angola "volunteers" likely went into the
incinerator with the documents.
It is important to realize that MKULTRA never really ended. It simply transitioned into other secret
projects. One was actually named PROJECT OTHER. They continue today. Facebook was recently
found to be participating in one of the subprojects of DoD PROJECT MINERVA [1].

Occult knowledge is simply aspects of the Creation which are not immediately obvious and so remain
hidden until one is somehow awakened and learns they exist. There is nothing intrinsically bad about
this knowledge. In fact, to be considered a truly competent adult, you must know these things.
Otherwise, you will spend your entire lifetime in meaningless, childish play and make no Spiritual
People who use this knowledge in a positive way and support the purpose of the Creation are part of the
positive stream. They eventually leave the Creation for the higher dimensions and continue their Spiritual
development. Consequently, by attrition, the positive stream within the created worlds gradually grows
People who choose to use this knowledge in a negative way cannot leave the created worlds. Therefore,
they remain and entertain themselves with dreams of conquest like, for example, taking over the world.
The negative stream which is currently active can be traced back over 800 years. The most recent phase
of the stream begins with Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. This stream took form in
the United States as the Council on Foreign Relations or CFR. To advance in Washington, D.C. you must
be a member of this secret group. Adam Weishaupt was educated by the Jesuit order of the Catholic
church. The Jesuit order is the intelligence division of the church so now you are tracing back almost two
thousand years. Eventually, you link into the Masonic system which is going to take you back to ancient
Egypt and the stories of Isis, Osiris and get you into Egyptian mysticism which was quite advanced.
Incidentally, the IHS you see in "christian" churches is actually the "Triad of Lucifer" and stands for Isis,
Horus and Seth.
There are breaks in the stream. When these occur it creates a period of disruption until the stream
revives. IGC law requires that access to Spiritual development cannot be totally blocked. Therefore,
civilizations which become so advanced and adept in negative skills that Spiritual progress is no longer
possible are destroyed. The two ancient extinct civilizations of Atlantis and Mu likely fell into this
category. Stories about Atlantis describe "strange experiments with the dead" which may be similar to
various black projects reportedly being carried out today.
The discovery of practical ways to produce and control electrical energy was a major game changer.
Within a relatively short period and mainly with the help of Nicola Tesla, key discoveries were made
which remain secret to this day. Even with primitive technology it became possible to create invisibility
and distort time. Later, with the development of computers, control over this natural force was refined to
an exact science and led to secret projects in time travel, space travel, mind control and others.
Believing promises of a glorious care free future with the help of technology, people rushed to embrace
the new inventions. Unaware that the people in control of the world are evil and seek a global totalitarian
state, people became addicted to technology and are just beginning to realize they are trapped.
Everywhere they go they are photographed and everything they say is recorded. However, the best is yet
to come. Shortly, thanks to "smart meters", your home will become a prison and everything you do will
require "permission". That's because all household appliances in the future will be "smart appliances" and
will not be under your control. They will, instead, report your desire to use them to the power company
and the company will decide what you are allowed to do. For example, suppose you want to dry clothes
at 2PM. Your "smart dryer" might respond, "request refused - high demand period - you must wait until
after 10PM". Your "smart TV" will be watching and listening to you and reporting to the government just
like the "telescreens" in Orwell's classic "1984".

Remote Viewing is the most well known "secret" US government psychic spy program. Most of what we
know comes from David Morehouse who decided to expose the program and miraculously escaped being
killed or jailed. However, his path to freedom was not easy and he is a very lucky man to have survived.
Mr. Morehouse has written books, notably "Psychic Warrior" and has quite a few free you tube videos
However, to understand the theory of remote viewing, all we need is the basic information he provided
some years back when he was first interviewed on the "Sightings" TV show. Here is the basic source
"I was accidentally knocked unconscious during military training. While unconscious, an "Angel"
appeared to me. I kept having encounters with this Angel afterwards so I felt I needed help and reported
this to the military psychiatrist thinking I would be given drugs to make the Angel go away. But the
psychiatrist went to the file in his office and pulled out some folders stamped top secret and told me about
the remote viewer program. He said I was a good candidate for the program. I decided to join but my
superiors warned me against it. I joined anyway. Military people called in my wife and told her, 'Your
husband will no longer be the man you married after he has been trained for this program'. We began our
training by studying translations of ancient Egyptian manuscripts.
[NOTE: Don't expect to see these "manuscripts". Reportedly, carefully hidden areas in and under the
pyramids in Egypt have now all been discovered and searched. Actual technology as well as technical
manuals on using the technology were found. Although this has probably been reverse engineered now, it
was totally unknown when discovered and beyond anything scientists then knew. It explained all the
Egyptian mysteries. These discoveries will likely never be made public]
After our classroom training, we were sent on psychic training missions. For example, we were sent back
in time to the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. We were in comfortable chairs in a gray room. We
were connected to monitors and each of us in the team had a person assigned to monitor us. We remained
awake and in physical communication with this person while on our remote viewing mission.
One day we all got an emergency call to come in. A commercial plane had exploded killing everyone. It
was Pan Am flight 103 which was downed over Lockerbe, Scotland on December 21, 1988. Our mission
was to go back in time, board the plane and determine what happened. We projected back in time as a
team. We located the plane in flight before the incident. After repeated trips we determined that there
was a bomb in the luggage. We were invisible to the passengers. However, when the plane exploded and
the passengers were "dead" they could see us and talk to us. The team leader explained to them that they
were dead now but that we still had physical bodies and had projected back in time from the future. Then
we left and returned to our bodies to complete our mission."
[NOTE: Because the government has this ability - and had it perfected as far back as 1988 - it is
impossible not to know the exact fate of Malaysia flight ML 370 because remote viewers could board the
plane and ride with it to its final destination just as they did with Pan Am 103. Therefore, there is a 100%
chance that you are witnessing an orchestrated coverup]
Now, let's see what we can determine by analyzing this information: (1) Remote viewing is bi-location of
the Astral body. When people die they are immediately in their Astral bodies. Since the team was able to
communicate with the dead passengers they had to be operating on the Astral frequency or Astral
vibrational level. Otherwise, this would not have been possible. (2) We know remote viewer are bi-
locating as opposed to complete Astral projection because their physical bodies remain animated and able
to communicate with the monitor. (3) The viewers have achieved a relatively sophisticated level of skill
because they project as a team. Everyone ends up in the same location and the team members are able to
communicate with each other at the remote location.
[NOTE: Advanced Witch covens do basically the same thing and have for thousands of years. The only
difference is they do complete Astral projection. They first project to some location everyone knows.
Then, once everyone is there, they travel as a group. Like the remote viewers, they can go backward or
forward in time and can also leave the physical universe and explore the Astral planes]
The conflict is always in the Student
Morehouse's experiences provide an excellent example of a key principle in mysticism. The Adepts will
say, "the conflict is always in the student". The masters of the Left and Right paths have made their
choice. They are not going to change. However, the student, innocent and unaware, is conflicted. We
see this in Morehouse. In his initial encounter with the occult, he established a relationship with his guide
whom he calls an "Angel". His guide is sworn to the Right Hand Path. However, his military superiors
have chosen to follow the Left Hand Path of evil. So, whenever they command him to go into the
"ether" (as they call it), his guide appears telling him he is on the wrong path and must use his powers to
do good and not evil. He eventually chooses to follow his "Angel" and quits the military but faces a
rough road ahead. Eventually, everyone must face this choice.

Years ago a story was reported about a young boy and girl who lived in separate states and had never
physically met. Somehow the two became pen pals (this was long before the internet) and began to
exchange letters. The correspondence eventually became quite erotic. One night, the boy astrally
projected to the girl and had sex with her with his astral body. Finding someone astrally is essentially
instantaneous if there is an established emotional link. The girl was sensitive enough to realize what
happened and wanted the boy charged with rape. However, there are no laws covering this situation. The
two had never physically met and mainstream science denies the existence of anything beyond observable
physical reality. More advanced cultures recognize these realities, however western cultures do not. So,
there was nothing she could do.
In fact, there are no laws covering anything in the occult spectrum. If you can operate in this spectrum,
you can do pretty much whatever you please. This does not mean that there will be no consequences.
However, you cannot be prosecuted under any US law. You may face consequences under Spiritual laws
enforced by other entities. There is a story about Edgar Cayce which illustrates this. Someone asked him
to find the winning lottery numbers. Casey saw no problem doing this and gave the correct numbers and
the person won. However, shortly after Cayce had a heart attack.

Although the government likes to believe that occult knowledge is part of its private stash of secrets, this
information has been available as long as people have existed. People who have achieved a sufficient
level of mastery use their skills as suits their fancy.
One lucrative business is selling bodies. Here is how this scam works. First, you need to be developed
enough to visit the Astral planes at will. Next, for safety, you need to incorporate yourself as a church.
This gives you legal protections and also allows you to accumulate large sums of cash with no tax
liability. Having set up your "church", you are ready to lure in unsuspecting people so you can sell their
Ordinarily, to enter the physical plane you need to be born as a baby. If you do this, you will generally
lose the memories of your previous existence. However, if you steal the body of an adult, you can keep
these memories and continue on. So, the body salesman -"priest", "guru" or whatever he calls himself -
will visit the Astral planes and find entities who are interested in taking this short cut to a physical
lifetime. Now, it's time to make deals. It would go something like this:
"I have a sucker who comes to my church. He makes $600,000 per year and has a nice house, two cars
and a boat. He also has a hot wife and you get her too with the deal. I've shown you my church so you
can find it when the time comes. This Sunday, I will tell this sucker that I am going to do a special
"spiritual ritual" just for him. The guy is clueless. You be there and stay close. As soon as his Astral
body separates, you jump in and take possession. To complete our "transaction" you agree to
immediately transfer $100,000 from the sucker's bank account to my church. Our business will then be
complete. Agreed? OK"
You probably do not realize how common this stuff is. When you hear stories like, "He went off to a
'spiritual retreat' and was 'reborn' and now he acts like a completely new person", that's because he is a
new person. The old person has been dispossessed and his body has been stolen and sold. It goes on all
the time.
Also, the government no longer has a monopoly on the techniques used to program slaves in projects like
MKULTRA and MONARCH. Various industries and institutions have learned these methods and
actively use them. These are primarily organizations which have access to large quantities of young,
susceptible children. The Walt Disney Corporation is reportedly involved in this [2] as well as various
moguls in the entertainment industry.

In conventional war, you try to get an edge on your opponent by having unique and better technology. If
you know about the bow and arrow and your opponent only knows about swords, obviously you have the
advantage of being able to attack from a distance since your opponent must be close to you to attack with
a sword. Psychic war is different in that psychic abilities are part of the human "package". Everyone has
them although not everyone knows what they have or how to use it effectively. So, since everyone is
potentially equal, to gain an advantage you want to find ways to enhance your psychic abilities and, at the
same time, degrade the abilities of your opponent.
The most common battlefield for psychic war is the ongoing secret war between the government elites
and the general populations they rule and control. To degrade the enemy - which is, basically, "us" (the
general population) - you want to do things like restrict occult knowledge or just claim the occult does not
exist, ban technologies and substances like dicyanin dye which allow one to visualize things in the Astral
spectrum, degrade the general population by poisoning the water supply with fluoride to kill the third eye,
create an environment of constant fear and make everyday life so complex that people have no quiet time
to think and contemplate the nature of reality. A great diversion is the promotion of scientific atheism.
Today's active generation of ordinary people may well be the last generation to know free will. School
age kids are increasingly being drugged with mind control agents. It is now considered a mental illness to
question authority. People are superior to animals because they have what are commonly called "higher
attributes" which allow them to question, investigate and analyze things. The mind control drugs destroy
these higher attributes and leave the drugged person as some sort of slightly smarter "dumb" animal. In
this state they can be easily trained to obey like, say, a dog. Many schools are now drug testing kids - not
to see if they are using illegal drugs but rather to make sure they are taking prescribed mind control
drugs. If the kid refuses to be drugged and their parents will not force the drugs upon them, the school
can order the kid taken from its parents and either locked in an institution or put in foster care where they
will be force drugged.
Of course, you do the exact opposite for your people. You make sure they have pure food and water.
You educate them about situations and substances which damage the human aura. You provide access to
top secret medical devices like the aura balancing machine and secret drugs which enhance psychic
abilities. You educate them with literature banned from the general population.
There is no question that occult knowledge which could benefit humanity is being deliberately and
actively suppressed. The book "The Human Aura" by Walter J. Kilner describes how, by using special
filters which allowed anyone to see the aura, it was possible to detect and cure disease before it ever
materialized in the physical body. These techniques, which were perfected and in use over one hundred
years ago, have been censored from public knowledge and classified. However, they are used in top
secret medicine to keep the chosen elite healthy.

The Materialization Experiment
Before going into the classic projects we will look at a strange military project which is not documented
on the internet. A person retired from the military describes this project. He was asked to take part in an
"experiment". All that was required was that he sit in a chair with some other volunteers and observe a
gray wall. The only restriction was that, whatever happened, they were not to get out of their chairs.
Slowly, figures of people began to materialize. He believed them to be holograms or some type of
projection. They did not move or speak while he was there. Eventually, he decided he must know if they
were actually physical beings. He got up from his chair and kicked one of the figures only to hit solid
matter. The director of the experiment then made him leave for breaking the rules so he never saw the
conclusion of the experiment - whatever it was. The most obvious question is, what was the purpose of
the audience. If you had this technology, why was it necessary to have volunteers look at it. Anyway, the
guy was not punished but also did not get invited to any more experiments.
Technology Assisted Sorcery
The Montauk series of projects can best be described as technology assisted sorcery. They centered about
using sensors and super computers to enhance natural psychic abilities. The Montauk chair was
essentially a mind amplifier. Early projects involved Kundalini energy and used only young boys. This
led to the phrase "Montauk Boys". The Kundalini is a normally dormant source of high energy present in
every person. When "awakened" it allows the person to have special powers. Kundalini Yoga - an
ancient science - is the natural method of accomplishing this awakening. When activated accidentally this
high energy will usually leave the person hopelessly insane. If you can find a legitimate Kundalini master
who will work with you, this can be done safely and a legitimate master can compensate and correct for
any mistakes. It does not appear that the Montauk people had one. Also, a legitimate master would likely
refuse to do black magic for any reason or incentive.
After playing with Kundalini energy, the focus appears to have shifted to attempts to access energy from
the Causal plane. Real magicians can access this plane. Anything you can visualize on this plane can be
caused to come into physical existence on this (the physical) plane. However, misuse of this power can
have serious consequences. The power of the Causal plane creates and maintains the physical universe
where we live and the Astral universe where most people go when they die and falsely believe they are in
"heaven". These powers are not just lying around unsupervised. They are under intelligent control by
beings who have this duty. They use this power to create the physical universe and its sister the Astral
universe. After a time, the same power is used to un create them resulting in the dissolution period when
nothing exists. In the Hindu culture, these three functions of creation, preservation and destruction are
symbolized by the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
There is quite a bit of literature about these projects on the internet. They resulted in or contributed to the
perfection of reliable space travel, time travel and conduits which could be used, for example, to walk into
a tunnel and come out on mars. This concept could also be adapted to create the "star trek" transporter.
The psychological experiments perfected the creation of so called "manchurian candidates".
If you are interested in this research, search you tube for Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron or Preston Nichols.

The Secret Nature of Electricity
The true nature of electricity has been hidden since the early days of research and development.
Electricity is a transdimensional force. It is invisible in our physical dimension but visible and solid in the
Astral dimension. In early research, the math used to model electricity is said to have used a four-
dimensional model which is the correct model. However, it was later deliberately changed to a three
dimensional model to hide the truth and this is the model in general use today. There are techniques to
actually see electric and magnetic fields but they are classified. When you can find it listed in a chemical
catalog, the use for the blue-violet dye known as dicyanin is given as: "for the visualization of magnetic
fields". Bet you did not know you could look through a special filter and actually see a magnetic field.
There are no plans to ever let you know.
Traps and Shielding
Research done with the help of Robert Monroe - a man who could Astrally project at will - allowed
scientists to figure out ways to control Astral bodies. Astral bodies can easily pass through physical
matter. So, if you can Astrally project you can enter people's homes and watch them as well as any other
"solid" structure unless it is shielded. In the original research, the scientists put Monroe in a charged
Faraday cage and told him to Astrally project and leave the cage. Remember, electricity is a solid on the
Astral vibrational level - the same level where Astral bodies operate. So, Monroe found himself caught in
an electrical net and could not escape. Now scientists knew how to shield against Astral entities and also
how to catch and imprison Astral entities. This technique was adapted to an early method to allow the
elite to live physically forever through controlled reincarnation. We discuss this in our book "Top Secret
Remote Viewing Sensors
In his book, "Psychic Warrior", David Morehouse mentions that the government had developed a device
which would detect remote viewers and so warn people having sensitive meetings that they were being
remotely observed. This would be an interesting piece of technology because what it is seeking to detect
is energy from another dimension. He gives no further details.
Aura Balancing Machines
The Aura Balancing Machine is a basic tool in top secret medicine. Basically, it does the same thing that
a competent psychic healer does. It detects holes or weak spots in the human aura and repairs them to
leave the recipient with a perfect aura. You could say it resets a human body to "factory specs".
Top Secret Television Distance Network
Transmissions to earth from other planets would be impractical using conventional radio waves.
Successfully sending these transmissions requires using methods which operate outside of time - or at
least time as it is generally understood. Top secret TV receivers reportedly can be set to "VideoCipher
III". Systems used commercially are VideoCipher II. This enhanced encryption is apparently used for the
top secret broadcasts. You can appreciate that if an ordinary person were ever to see broadcasts from the
secret bases on the moon, mars and distant worlds they would likely remain seriously disillusioned and
confused for the rest of their lives.
Time Regression Technology
Time regression technology is currently the preferred technology to allow the chosen elites to physically
live forever. Basically, it is a device - some describe it as a transparent double walled tube with devices
between the inner and outer wall - which regress an old person placed within the tube and returns that
person's physical body to the body they had in their early twenties. No memories are lost. Only the
physical form is regressed. The regression process is thought to be capable of being repeated indefinitely
as needed thus eliminating physical death for the chosen elite.
It is reported that when Ronald Reagan was regressed one of the first things he did was to get a job in a
California grocery store bagging groceries. How many times have you heard older people say, "If I could
only go back to high school knowing what I know today." The elite get this chance with their "second
life". They have new names and identities and they are officially "dead". They also have access to the
generally huge quantity of money they accumulated during their original life. As a publicly known
oligarch, their options were limited. They needed guards everywhere they went and the press was
watching everything they did or said. Now, they can just have fun for a while.
Soul Swapping Technology
Soul swapping is a capability that has always existed. Mystic adepts learn to master these techniques but
only after years of difficult practice. In our "fast food world", no one wants to take the time. However,
there is a top secret Soul swapping device which can easily pluck the Soul from one body and put it in
another. Recalling that electric fields are actually solid Astral matter, the device would likely use a type
of electric-magnetic "hand" to grab a Soul. Kerry Cassidy [3] has an interview with a girl who, among
other things, describes this process.
Soul Storage
There is a special section at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio called "secure housing".
This is for those retired people who know too much and so must be watched to make sure they never
speak to outsiders. These people have taken an oath to "never leave the service of the government".
There are indications that "never" may actually mean "never". The base stores DNA samples of these
people and they are told they can be "brought back if needed" - apparently by cloning. However, it is
suggested in [3] that the government also captures and "stores" people's Souls. There is little specific data
on this, however, considering other black projects we know about, it is definitely not beyond their reach
or desire to do something like this.
The Top Secret Technology Industry
Although the various top secret technologies were likely developed by DARPA or one of the national
labs, once perfected they need to be transferred to private industry so they can be mass produced and
distributed to those with permission to possess them. These private industries are most likely those who
already have government contracts and produce other classified equipment for the military industrial
You can imagine, for example, that the Remote Viewer Detector would be a very popular item. Any
gathering discussing sensitive material would want to know if they were being remote viewed. You also
have to realize that classified technology gadgets will occasionally break and need to go to the repair
shop. Secret repair shops are therefore located throughout the country. They are generally disguised as
some innocuous business like a flower shop. The secret shop is in the back. The code word for these
shops is "vendors".


Early Examples of Substitution

A secret base is hidden inside a mountain. A train tunnel passes through the mountain. From the outside,
it appears that trains go in the tunnel and shortly emerge from the other end. Everything looks perfectly
normal and routine. However, in reality, the train leaving the tunnel is a different train made to look
identical to the train that entered. The train that entered brings employees and supplies to the secret base.
The train that leaves brings employees home whose shift has ended. When one train enters the other
Wormholes and Dimensional Vortexes

In this scenario, an ordinary looking commercial plane takes off on a transatlantic trip. Somewhere in the
middle of nowhere the plane enters a dimensional vortex to take it to its true destination which could be
one of the secret Earth colonies on other worlds. At the same time, a flight returning from the secret
location exits the dimensional vortex and returns to Earth. It appears to be just another international flight
as both planes look identical. Although planes used in this way appear to be standard commercial planes,
they have classified modifications to allow them to safely make the trip.
This is a possible explanation for the MH370 plane. When you think of Malaysia you might think: simple
people, girls in grass skirts. However, that is not who was on this flight. Many were employees of Cisco,
a high technology company which most likely has secret government contracts. So, knowing this, we can
surmise that the plane successfully entered the dimensional vortex and arrived safely at "wherever".
However, the return duplicate plane failed to emerge from the vortex on schedule and so created the
"unexplainable" mystery of the missing plane.

AREA 51 Example

At Area 51, a satellite view may show no planes. This is because they are underground. There are visible
surface runways. However, when a plane lands, a secret trap door opens in the surface runway allowing
the plane to safely enter and land on the real runway which is hidden underground. Since you can't count
planes on the ground using satellite surveillance and since all the airspace near the area is restricted, it is
impossible to know if the "Janet" flights to Area 51 actually land there or enter some vortex within the
restricted airspace and come out in another location.

The Mysterious Interdimensional Flights
This discussion is going to require a leap of faith. There are "people" from the Astral universe who
routinely come to Earth, take on human form, go on some type of "mission" and then return home. We
know they exist because they can be tracked. To track them you need to be capable of Astral projection
because you can't follow them physically. They land in smaller planes at general aviation type airports.
They leave the plane and do "whatever" and then return to the plane. The plane takes off like a normal
plane but then changes form from gross physical matter to the finer Astral matter and enters the Astral
universe. The origin appears to be the Astral universe.
Ever see something you just could not live without even though you knew you could not afford it. This is
the situation the government found itself in when it discovered a host of new, exciting technologies. It's
expensive to develop all this stuff. While homeless people live in sewer pipes and women and kids
starve, the government is chasing its technology dreams like there was no tomorrow. That's where all
their energy is being directed. Switching from gold based money to imaginary money gave the
government the ability to go on a theoretically unlimited spending spree. The government is technically
bankrupt and the true value of the dollar is zilch, however, as long as they can keep the illusion alive they
have no plans to stop. Shop till you drop!

SEX is a universally desired commodity. The oligarchs and aristocrats who run this world are generally
old, gray haired men. They are definitely not young rock stars from the 1960's. It is unlikely that flocks of
young hot girls are chasing after them in hopes of having sex with them. However, they wish this was
true. And, it can be true if you have access to young, hot, mind controlled sex slaves.
The sex slave is denoted as the "Beta Level" in MKULTRA mind control programming. Sex slaves as
well as the other types of MKULTRA slaves are made by artificially creating a condition psychiatrists call
"dissociative identity disorder". This is done by subjecting the slave candidate to levels of trauma so
intense that the person's natural identity splits creating a new alternate identity called an "alter".
Dr. Josef Mengele - the Nazi doctor affectionately known as "Dr. Death" - was secretly imported into the
United States under Operation Paperclip and given the new identity "Dr. Green". He liked to sit in front
of two young boys holding a daisy flower. Slowly, he would pluck the petals from the flower. When he
pulled off the last petal, he would kill one of the boys in front of the other. This was his way - or one of
his ways - to cause sufficient trauma to split the personality of the surviving kid and create a separate
personality which could then be programmed as an "alter".
The preferred method for manufacturing female sex slaves is to locate parents who molest their kids.
Government agents then go to their home and play "let's make a deal". They will agree to "buy" the
molested girl and, in exchange, the parents will have immunity from prosecution. They will also
encourage the parents to have more kids and abuse them as well. Obviously, parents like this could not
care less about their kids anyway so the choice between selling them for a profit or going to jail is a no-
brainer. Once parents are recruited, they are sent to a special secret government school to be trained in
the "correct" method for abusing their kids. For baby girls, for example, substituting the father's penis for
the mother's nipple will help condition the girl for her future "duties".
Eventually, it is time for the young slave to leave home and be formally "sold into the program".
Government programmers will take over now. The necessary "alters" are created. Alters are coded with
a "key". The key is generally a simple phrase which is sufficiently unique that you would not be likely to
hear it by accident. A sample key would be to say to the slave, "Do you have a sister who is two inches
shorter than you?" This would cause the slave to switch from her natural identity to the "alter" linked to
that key. There can be more than one alter. While in the sex slave alter, the girl will willingly fulfill any
request. Once "switched off", she will have no conscious memory of what she has done. All those
memories are "locked" in the alter.
For national security, the slave is also given a self-destruct program. If she should somehow start to
consciously remember what has been going on or if anyone should attempt to help her recover and recall
memories, she will immediately suffer a major organ failure and die. Consequently, the slave is
completely safe for high government officials to use as they please because they know they can never be
exposed. Sex slaves are routinely killed when they reach thirty years old. Apparently, the old aristocrats
don't think a girl over thirty is worth engaging.
References for this section are given in [4].
Hardly a day goes by when the TV news is not reporting stuff like "police find kid porn on computer",
"guy arrested for touching kid" or "children taken away because of suspected abuse". It certainly gives
the impression that the government cares about protecting kids. Really, it is just another way to harass the
ordinary people so as to break their spirit and keep them down. They don't care about you or your kids.
They don't care about anything but themselves. Consider Henry Kissinger's thoughts on the military:
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." To read more of his
revelations use this link [7].

The various aristocrats and oligarchs who run this world are all part of a negative hierarchy. They all
know each other and share a common philosophy. They are also well aware of their rank in the
hierarchy. For example, George W. Bush is a member of the negative hierarchy with one of the lowest
ranks. He has reportedly gone insane and sits in his bathtub painting pictures of his feet [5]. However,
his father, George H.W. Bush has one of the highest ranks. Essentially all the leaders of this world are
members of the negative hierarchy. The few who are not are being eliminated. Essentially all come from
a small genetic pool commonly called "the ruling families". They have quietly maintained their unique
bloodlines for many generations.
The ruling aristocrats are very conscious of the quality of their genetic pool. Defective offspring are
eliminated. After all, their kids are destined to be the masters of the world. They receive the best elite
education and training. They must be smart and predisposed to evil to be an effective world leader.
Unfortunately, for example, Rosemary Kennedy was not. She was not super intelligent and was a kind
person. As she got older, the Kennedy family realized she would eventually become interested in boys
and likely become pregnant. Since this would "pollute" their genetic line, they arranged to have her given
a lobotomy and locked away in an institution where she lived as a vegetable until she died in 2005 [6].
The hierarchy of the Left Hand Path has always had a presence. It is sometimes referred to as "the
negative stream". Together with the "positive stream" of the Right Hand Path, it has existed since the
origin of the Creation. In the Golden Age, the positive stream is strong and the negative stream is
essentially non existent. This makes the Golden Age possible. However, as the ages progress through the
Silver, Copper and Iron, the negative stream grows stronger and the positive stream weaker. We are now
in the last age or the Kali phase of the cycle of ages. This is the negative stream's "golden age". In this
last phase of the cycle, the positive stream is effectively drowned out - almost to extinction - by the
negative stream.

[1] Search using the phrase "facebook mind control"
[2] Search using the phrase "walt disney mind control"
Also see: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/the_disney_bloodlinept1.htm
[3] Search you tube using the phrase "kerry cassidy rothschild girl"
[4] Do a general search and you tube search for "Cathy O'brien"
Also see this distractor: http://www.rense.com/general2/phil.htm
[5] Search using the phrase "george w bush painting feet in bathtub"
[6] Search using "Rosemary Kennedy"
[7] https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/28442.Henry_Kissinger

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