The World Is A Stage
The World Is A Stage
The World Is A Stage
This short-book was written to help humanity see the deceits we have been told, and to offer
the truth for those with an open mind, that want to learn. As you read each chapter, you will
see the connection to everything by the end.
Aliens have been said to have visited our planet time, and time again even before the
antediluvian period. When we look into our history, and we want to know about aliens, we
need to try to find the origin. The origin of aliens can be traced back to the religion Mithraism,
dating back to the 1st century to the 4th century. In Mithraism, it was a common practice to use
a sensory deprivation salt bath, also known as the Caracalla baths, while taking psilocybin
mushrooms. Above the baths were holes in the ceiling, and while lying in the baths
hallucinating, they would stare through the holes up at the stars and encounter experiences -
having visions of “beings” and “flying objects”.
Many religions and cultures would also be doing the equivalent to this, taking hallucinogens,
having visions, and other worldly experiences. As the stories and experiences were passed
down from generation to generation, the alien stories, start become more real to some.
In our modern times, the alien experience continues. As we look at the time around World War
II, the Germans were building “U.F.O’s” or flying discs; to let them silently fly over their
enemies. This was known as the Nazi Bell. During the same time period, the Americans were
working on triangular and circular flying objects or “U.F.O’s”. During the 1940’s and ‘50’s, Bell
Laboratory was working on a “U.F.O.” for the U.S. Air Force known as AVRO VZ-9 AeroCar.
As we also know, during the 1970’s and ‘80’s was a huge time for the crop circle hoax. People
would create shapes in fields to once again, keep the alien agenda real and alive.
Today, there is a government agency known as MILAB. MILAB is short for military abductions.
The military has technologies so advanced, the public will never realize how advanced they are.
This government agency, MILAB, has staged faked alien abductions on civilians.
So as we start putting the pieces together, aliens were nothing more than stories, turned into a
government lie. The government has been making flying discs for years, while also staging fake
alien abductions to continue the façade.
Weather control has been a practice since the 1920’s. Its intentions were to control the
weather for warfare. These intentions have changed, rather than control the weather for war,
now it’s to control the population.
Airplanes are spraying chemicals on the public, known as “Chemtrails”. The chemicals used are
Tri-methyl aluminum, Lithium, and Barium as stated on NASA’s webpage. These chemicals are
known to cause health issues. Along with chemicals being sprayed on the public, weather
manipulation also comes from High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, also known as
H.A.A.R.P. can control the weather and create droughts, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and
other catastrophic weather events. Rosalie Bertell has warned the public in 1996 about
H.A.A.R.P. being a military weapon. H.A.A.R.P. has been known to even cause major power
Nick Begich Jr. and Jesse Ventura have even made the statements that H.A.A.R.P. not only
controls the weather, but H.A.A.R.P. is also using mind-controlling radio waves.
We can see in the past how weather manipulation was used, for example, Operation Popeye.
Operation Popeye was a classified weather manipulation program used during the Vietnam
War to prolong the monsoon season by cloud seeding done by the Americans.
As our technology advances, the easier it becomes to control and modify the weather to use as
a weapon on the people. Many believe this is part of the population control as stated on the
Georgia Guidestones.
Chapter Three: Georgia Guidestones and Denver Airport
The Denver International Airport has a dedicated capstone from March 19, 1994 with the
Freemason compass and square logo on it. On the capstone can be read “New World Airport
Commission” and also states “The time capsule beneath this stone contains messages and
memorabilia to the people of Colorado in 2094”.
The airport also consists of a statue, a 32 foot blue mustang, weighing 9 000 pound, nicknamed
“Blucifer”. The statue’s artist, Luis Jimenez, was killed by the statue. The murals on the wall at
the airport are controversial themselves, as they depict the New World Order takeover.
Underneath the airport are five multistory buildings with a complex network of tunnels.
Now as already mentioned, the capstone has the freemason logo on it, but when adding the
date on the capstone, you end up with the Freemason highest degree number. The date 19,
1994, 1+9+1+9+9+4 = 33.
The Georgia Guidestones were put up on March 22, 1980, by a man using the pseudonym
Robert C. Christian. The Guidestones are located in Elbert County, Georgia.
The stones can function as a clock, calendar, or a compass. The stones are also known to be the
New World Order’s new 10 commandments. The commandments are written in 8 different
languages including; English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and
Since the beginning of time, our ancient ancestors knew that the earth was indeed flat. Water
always find’s it level. Our ancient ancestors have been watching the stars, as much as our
modern men watch television. For over 20 000 years Polaris (North Star) has been above the
North Pole, and all other stars make a perfect circle around it. During this same time frame, we
know that all 88 constellations have never changed. Our ancient ancestors would use the big
dipper to tell the seasons and time.
The people in power have always manipulated the way in which we think about life. Early
Catholics were influenced to take out certain scriptures out of the Bible. For example, the book
of Enoch was taken out, because it describes perfectly the luminaries above and how the sun
and moon are of equal size, but the sun is 7 times brighter than the moon.
Every religion speaks about the earth being flat from the Vedic scriptures, Torah, Holy Bible,
Quran or any other religious text.
When we think about why NASA or any other space agencies would lie, we need to look at their
reasoning. Well, for one, NASA’s earnings in 2017 were that of 19.5 billion dollars, taken from
from the people’s money. NASA in Hebrew means to deceive. The logo on NASA uses a
serpent’s tongue. The space programs have created “space” denying that there is a firmament,
which in turn, would prove to be a creator.
Again, who is behind the lie? The Freemasons. Isaac Newton who “discovered” gravity was a
freemason, as well as Charles Darwin. The connection between these is that they want people
to believe we came from nothing, “the big bang theory”, we evolved, “evolution theory”, and
we spin a globe ball and water sticks because “gravity theory”. The problem with this is they are
only theories, and have never been proven. The freemason agenda is to deny the existence of
God, and to think you are an ape-man on a spinning ball, in reality; you’re a creation of God,
When using our common sense, we can understand that water is always level, and never bends.
The star trails stay the same year after year, century after century.
The firmament is a solid dome above us, which holds the luminaries (stars) inside them. The sun
and moon travel around us, making different patterns during the seasons. In the northern part
of earth, when the sun is going around the equator, it is autumn. When the sun moves to the
tropic of Capricorn, it becomes winter in the north, then once again the sun makes its way back
to the equator, making it spring time, before finally moving to the tropic of cancer, making it
summer time in the north. This causes the analemma figure in our sky.
The sun and moon use electromagnetic energy like everything else on our planet earth.
Electromagnetism allows the sun and moon to travel around the magnetic pole. This allows the
sun and moon to travel on the needed courses giving us our seasons, and time. The moon gives
off its own cold light, which has been proven by using a thermometer in the shade, than placed
in the moonlight. The results show the moon has a cold light. The sun is male, and the moon is
female. The moon has its cycles, and charges off the sun like a battery, which explains the
waning and waxing of the moon.
As mentioned earlier, electromagnetism is found in everything. The earth has its own
electromagnetism known as the Schumann Resonance. When the Schumann Resonance spikes,
or vibrates high, humans can be effected by it, feeling angry, confused, or just emotional
overall. Human’s also have an electromagnetic field. Both Earth’s and human’s electromagnetic
field work the same way, such as a torus field. This energy comes from within and surrounds us.
Our human inner energy is known as the kundalini energy. We have two kundalini energies, one
female, and the other male. The energies coil around our spine, travelling up and down. Our
spines have 33 vertebrae when we are born, and certain locations have different chakras.
We have 7 chakras from the root of our spine to the crown of our skull.
All of this is important and allows us to connect with earth and God. Electromagnetism can be
connected to, and used to heal ourselves. We can heal by grounding, walking barefoot. We can
heal by sun gazing. We can heal by fasting. We can heal by meditation and opening up our
chakras and opening up our third eye, known as the pineal gland.
Your third eye can be calcified by fluoride. This is the reason we do not want to drink tap water,
or use toothpaste that has fluoride.
When your third eye is open, you have become “awaken”. To open our third eye, we must first
balance our minds and become spirituality, mentally, and emotionally connected with Earth,
God, and Life.
This is another symbol the illuminati and freemasons use as a mockery to the people. Known as
the eye of Horus, or the all-seeing-eye, which can be found on the American dollar bill. Drawing
a pentagram on the dollar bill, where the pyramid is, with the words “novus ordo seclorum”,
the pentagram will spell mason. The words “novus ordo seclorum” is Latin, and translates to “a
new order of ages” or New World Order.
Rahu and Ketu is the explanation for solar or lunar eclipses. Many people from the western
world have never heard of Rahu or Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are transparent luminaries in the sky.
They are also known as shadow entities. Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees across from
each other. Rahu and Ketu come from the Vedic scriptures. Once again, our ancient ancestors
were able to use the sun and moon as they circled the earth in our sky, to know when eclipses
would take place and the paths when they would meet Rahu or Ketu.
Rahu is also known as the black sun. This is the name given during an eclipse.
All religions are the same, our ancient ancestors were talking in secrets, for us to unlock. All the
religions talk about astronomy, humans, and our chakras, plus more. 7 is the number of chakras
we have from the root of our spine up to the crown of our skull. The 7 chakras from bottom up
are; Muladhara (The Root), Swadhisthana (The Sacral), Manipura (The Solar Plexus), Anahata
(The Heart), Vishuddha (The Throat), Ajna (The Third Eye), and Sahasrara (The Crown).
7 is a significant number in religions. The Jewish menorah has 7 candle holders; the Quran has
the story of the 7 men in the cave; when Buddha is born is takes 7 steps with 7 lotus flowers
appearing and in Christianity the 7 seals. These are all symbols for our chakras.
The tree of life is a representation of our spine. Adam and Eve, or Ida and Pingala are the
kundalini coils of the male and female electromagnetism, that travels up and down the spine.
The Apple or forbidden fruit is our third eye. Once we open it, we become “awaken”. The
religious teachers today, and the people in power, the elite, do not want you knowing this
A main connection between all religions is that the Elites have made people worship the sun.
Most religions are now Sun worshipping religions. For example, Dionysus, Mithra, Krishna, Attis,
Horus, and Jesus, to name a few, share the same stories. Born of Virgin, died on cross. Etc. This
is all about the sun and not a Son.
The Son “dies” on the cross on the 23rd, much like our sun dies on the constellation Crux, or also
known as the Southern Cross on the 23rd. Then again “rises” on the 25th, being reborn. This is
also when Virgo is in the sky, or the Virgin giving birth to the actual sun in the sky.
All the religions have come from the northern part of the equator and are talking about
astronomy, and all have secrets to unlock the mind. Make sure to have an understanding when
reading religious text.
One of the most controversial topics to bring up is the holocaust being a hoax. The numbers
don’t add up. The World Almanac.
The World Almanac gives the figures in 1940 as 15 319 359 Jews, and in 1948, 15 713 638 Jews.
This is impossible if history says that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. People who have
talked about this subject and brought it to the public have been murdered. You cannot question
this at all in parts of Europe.
Winston Churchill has said “The victors will write history!” which they have made the losers
look completely bad. History is not what we were taught. All the men that were leaders during
WW2 had something in common. Freemasons!
The Illuminati has 13 family bloodlines, which connect to the royal family and presidents and
leaders. Those 13 families are; Astor, Collins, Freeman, Reynolds, Bundy, Kennedy, DuPont,
Russell, Onassis, Rockefeller, Li, Van Duyn, and Rothschild. They have connections with both
Disney and Krupp family, plus many more.
This is another symbol they use on the dollar bill, as you see thirteen bricks below the all-
The Freemasons have lodges worldwide, with their symbols and influences extending
worldwide also.
33 is an important number to the Freemasons, as it’s the highest degree for them. When joining
a lodge, you start from a 1st degree and work upwards. They use this number because 33 is a
significant number in humans, as we are born with 33 vertebrae’s, 33 joints in our feet, Jesus is
said to have died at 33, etc.
Freemasonry was developed by Jesuit Jews and now controls many things in the world.
The Agenda, it’s clear that they want to depopulate Earth. Research and dig deep on Agenda
21. The elites do not want to have family values; in fact, they have been changing this for a long
The elites pushed main religions on people, and controlled how family values shall work. Our
ancient ancestors knew how relations worked, as a man can have multiple wives, but not the
other way. A woman can only be impregnated by one man, as a man can impregnate multiple
women, creating bigger families.
Christianity pushed for monogamous relationships, one man and one woman.
Now over time, we see the elites making it even worse, pushing the LGTBP community as the
normal. When in fact we know this is not right.
The reason I say this is not right is due to the fact that our future children will not even be able
to ask their partner what natural way they were born without being scolded. How can our
future children live this way, and want to create a family? How do we change this? And where
are the boundaries?
Now that family values are being changed and this being made the normal… what about the
poisoning of us humans from fast food, vaccines, chemical spray by airplanes, H.A.A.R.P. and
the radioactive cancer causing devices they are pushing on our future children.
The connection between everything is that our world is run by lunatics who do not care for you
or me, and have lied in every way possible! They tell you vaccines are safe, when they contain
mercury and animal fetus, but doctors won’t inject their children with these needles, they are
safe for us?
They push fast food on you, but the food only makes you go faster to your grave, and this is
They teach us to love animals but we eat them, and if you’re Vegan, The majority mocks you for
saving lives?
Do you see the lies and who is controlling us yet? This is a short book part one; I will go into
details in Part two! As I want you to dig deeper down the rabbit hole!! Enjoy your journey, God
Bless, and be nice to our fellow humans!