Responsive Facade: Nuit Blanche Proposal Introduction Being in a building with too much sunlight or glare and having no power in controlling it can be troublesome and often cause discomfort. In many facades of buildings, there is a lack of a responsive system in which it can respond based on varying ambient conditions. There is a need to incorporate more ways to have responsive systems as facades to interact and respond based on the external environment. For this Nuit Blanche Proposal, the focus will be on creating a responsive facade system which will be a prototypical design which will have the capability to be applied to building facades everywhere. This proposal begins with case studies, an analysis of text, an outline of the problems, and fnally, the design concept. Case Studies When looking through certain case studies, it was important to look at several types of kinetic facades. As kinetic is defned as, of, relating to, or resulting from motion, the goal was to not only have a facade which moves for the sake of looking interesting. Having a dynamic facade, pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action is closer to the desired result from the proposal. The best type of kinetic facade is one that is responsive, something that responds readily and sympathetically to appeal efforts or infuences. The frst case study to the top right is the Dynamic Facade by Giselbrecht + Partner ZT GmbH constructed in Austria by 2007. The second case study in the middle is the Q1 Headquarters Building by JSWD Architekten constructed in Germany by 2010. The last case study is done on the Arab World Institute by Jean Nouvel which was constructed in France by 1987 which is an early case of facade with moving elements. D y n a m i c
F a c a d e G i s e l b r e c h t
P a r t n e r
G m b H Q 1
H e a d q u a r t e r s
B u i l d i n g J S W D
A r c h i t e k t e n A r a b
W o r l d
I n s t i t u t e J e a n
N o u v e l Case Study Technologies Dynamic Facade Giselbrecht + Partner ZT GmbH Q1 Headquarters Building JSWD Architekten Arab World Institute Jean Nouvel This is the new offce building of the Austrian metal company Kiefer technic. What is special about this is that it has a dynamic faade system of electrically driven folding elements. This faade changes continuously each day, each hour showing a new face but can also adapt to the individual needs. Within this building, the occupants can control any or all of the 112 metal tiles that cover the exterior of the showroom by means of 56 engines. The new, highly effcient sun protection system has a key role in the overall appearance of Q1. The circa 400,000 stainless steel lamellas are oriented in response to the location of the sun and enable light redirection without blocking the view. The facade is shaded by 3,150 kinetic feathers that open and close based on user input and sensor data. It can vary from 0 to 90 degrees of openness to provide as little or as much shading from the sun as possible. This kinetic facade for the Arab World Institute was designed as a facade which responds to changing environments. To achieve this, the south facade of the building consists of high-tech photosensitive mechanical devices which control the light levels and transparency. It interprets traditional wooden Arab latticework screens into a glass and steel construction with 30,000 light-sensitive diaphragms on 1600 elements, which operate like a lens of a camera. The changes to the irises are revealed internally far more than what can be observed from the exterior. Analysis Ubiquitous computing evangelists herald a coming age of urban infrastructure capable of sensing and responding to the events and activities transpiring within the city (Shepard, 2011). With this coming age, we need to create new ways to transpire towards the creation of a more responsive city which caters towards the needs of the public within urban settings. This future vision is capable of refexively monitoring the environmental aspects as well as the possible behaviors which can result through it. Essentially what the proposal hopes to encompass is a responsive faade system which can react upon different conditions, whether environmental or not to provide better situations. On a building, the envelope is the most critical element which provides shelter towards the building occupants. Without it, people will be exposed to the elements which can create high levels of discomfort as well as distractions. There are three main categories for the functions of a building envelope, the support which resists and transfers mechanical loads, the control which affects the fow of matter and energy of all types, and the fnish which is catered to meet human desires on the interior as well as the exterior. With todays technology, there is no doubt that very high effcient systems are capable of being built to resist as much thermal transfer as possible, but it lacks a different aspect relating to some conditions which cant be controlled all the time. As the typical envelope system is merely a passive system within a building, there are ways that the envelopes of buildings could go beyond their passive attributes and begin to engage themselves in problem solving. A building envelope might plan an active role in reducing a buildings energy consumption by altering its own shading properties and triggering the heating and cooling system based on information about temperature and sunlight (Jamin, 2011). With this, the occupants will require less action to alter their own environment for work or leisure and start to focus more with fewer interruptions. The act of an envelope problem solving will create a linear system as it will receive input and simply produce some sort of predictable output. The linear system creates a cause and effect relationship which makes them more reactive than interactive. Similar to this, there is a different type of system which can be useful in being reactive to different settings. This other type of system are learning systems that are able to evaluate their goals and change them in order to follow new ones. This is the realm of sentient systems that can learn from their context and change their actions accordingly (Khan, 2011). Problem: Technology today allows for people to have control over many different aspects and the goal is to incorporate those methods into the built form. To fnd a way for a building to deal with glare and direct sunlight which can cause overheating is a problem in many types of buildings. The task is to fnd a way to automatically resolve these issues without compromising comfort of the occupants as well as to decrease the cooling and lighting load within. Objective: The objective is to allow the occupants to work or experience a space with an optimized internal climate without overheating from solar gain while minimizing air conditioning use. To fnd a method or system which can be used to moderate and allow users to personalize the spaces they occupy. Proposal Output: The output will be a design feature which responds from the input and gets applied to the faade to moderate solar heat and lighting gains. The faade will essentially modify itself based on the input from light sensors within the interior and get transformed into responsive data which can be usable. Input: Solar heat and lighting as well as the occupants input on an individual basis. The way the solar heat or lighting will be measured will be through photoconductive cells. The generation of a photoelectric current or the production of a change in the voltage across a photoconductive cell by such a current is used to detect radiation. Solar trackers will also be used, but instead of orienting photovoltaic panels, they will be orienting the facade towards the sun. Interior condition that is too bright with no shading Tracking system used for photovoltaics Proposal Output Input Light sensors Movement Grasshopper Arduino Facade Response Sun light User Input Process Processes: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Arduinos The main processes which will be involved in the design and functionality of the proposed system will be arduino, while the design of the faade will be created with rhinoceros as well as grasshopper. Essentially what Rhinoceros is, is a non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) based 3-D modeling software which specializes in free-form modeling. Its popularity is based on its diverse multidisciplinary functions and is more popular in architectural designs now due to the plug-in called grasshopper which aids in computational design. The purpose of using rhinoceros is to build the overall design of the responsive faade system. The grasshopper program is a generative modeling plug-in for the rhinoceros program which works with a visual based programming language. Programs are created from components and the outputs to the components are connected to the input of subsequent components. It is mainly used to build generative algorithms which can create 3-D geometry based on several types of input. The purpose of using grasshopper is to utilize the input from sensors which are the variables which can infuence the design of the faade to respond based on the algorithms. The arduino is an open-source electronic prototyping platform which is based on fexible hardware as well as software. What it is specifcally useful at is sensing the environment through receiving input from a variety of sensors which can then affect its surrounding through its actuators. The programming aspect is done with the arduino programming language and the development environment. As the arduino unit can be stand-alone or combined with software running on computers it will be useful in the actualization of the responsive faade system. The sensors used with the arduino unit will be able to convert the data into usable metrics towards grasshopper, which with new input, will change its design through the algorithms. Design Concept For the overall design concept, it is important to ensure that the building is shaded from the sun for as many hours as possible throughout the day. As the sun conditions are the highest during every season on the south faade, it is important the incorporate the responsive faade system mainly on the southern face. The main responsive component about the faade is a sun-shading layer which is on the exterior in front of a curtain wall. The movable component responds to the current environmental aspects and controls the amount of solar gain that can enter into the building during times of direct solar radiation while also allowing daylight to enter. There will be light sensors a long with thermostats located on the interior which will collect data based on the lack or excess amount in that location. With those numbers, the faade will be able to respond to open up to let in more daylight, or close off to reduce too much solar heat. The sun-shading elements will be controlled by motors which can rotate the exterior elements to any degree necessary. Another feature that is implemented is a solar tracking technology, which will allow the shades to move with the location of the sun to provide better shading for its occupants. As the movement of the responsive faade will be continuous throughout the morning until early evening, the shading elements will be made of light metals like aluminum and titanium to reduce the load on the motors. There will be a walkway between the faade and responsive element which will provide for maintenance areas. Horizontal Louvers Sun-shading system Sun-shading system showing how it can change its variation Curtain wall Vertically mounted system with integrated wiring and motors Design Concept Horizontal Louvers Light Sensor Locations Drop Ceiling Sun-shading system Sun-shading system showing how it can change its variation Curtain wall Solar gains Light sensors Solar tracker Arduino Rhinoceros Grasshopper Motors Facade Facade movement Completely open responsive facade Completely closed responsive facade Conclusion In conclusion, through researching and investigating into facades which have aspects of movement, it is inevitable that future envelope systems will continue to develop with new forms of responsiveness. As new technologies continue to emerge, new methods in creating responsive faades will continue to develop. The methods in which the input is received as well as the processing units will continue to change and eventually have less faws and errors which can prevent the faade from functioning. The facade responding to user input References Colt USA - Introduction to Solar Shading. Colt Solar Shading Systems & Natural Ventilation. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. <>. Dynamic facade (Kiefer technic showroom) | Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner | Project. Architonic | architecture and design. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. < partner/5100449>. Faades Confdential: ThyssenKrupp Quarter facades: a giants gentle skin. Faades Confdential. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2013. <>. Jamin, David., Yang, Soo-In., Jeremijenko, Natalie. New Interaction for Environmental Governance Amphibious Architec- ture from Sentient city: ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space. New York City: Architectural League of New York ;, 2011. Print. Khan, Omar. Interaction Anxieties from Sentient city: ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space. New York City: Architectural League of New York ;, 2011. Print. Kinetic Facades | Responsive Skins. Responsive Skins | An exploration of Paratonic Surfaces in Architecture. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013. <>. Light Sensor including Photocell and LDR Sensor. Basic Electronics Tutorials and Revision. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. <>. Photoconductive Cell defnition of Photoconductive Cell in the Free Online Encyclopedia.. Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2013. <>. Poucke, Van. Arab World Institute by Jean Nouvel KineticArchitecture.Net. KineticArchitecture.Net. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. <>. Shepard, Mark. Sentient city: ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space. New York City: Architec- tural League of New York ;, 2011. Print.
ASTM D 2217 - 85 (Reapproved 1993) 2217 - 85 (Reapproved 1998) Standard Practice For Wet Preparation of Soil Samples For Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constant
ASTM D 2217 - 85 (Reapproved 1993) 2217 - 85 (Reapproved 1998) Standard Practice For Wet Preparation of Soil Samples For Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constant