Money Makeover - Discussion Notes
Money Makeover - Discussion Notes
Money Makeover - Discussion Notes
Session I
I. The Challenge
a. The History
vi. TMM motto, “If you will live like no one else, later
you can live like no one else.”
III. Conclusion
Session II
I. Debt Myths
i. Proverbs 22:7
3. Proverbs 17:18
a. A man lacking in judgment strikes hands in
pledge and puts up security for his neighbor.
c. Conclusion
Session III
I. Money Myths
a. Money Myths as opposed to Debt myths have to do with
a lie about a shortcut or a lie about safety
b. Risk Denial
e. Conclusion
Session IV
I. 2 Additional Hurdles
c. Hurdle 1: Ignorance
II. Ignorance
i. From books,
ii. From those who are good with money
i. They pay for 2-yr old or older cars, buy jeans from
Wal-Mart, and live in a middle-class home.
V. Conclusion
a. Next week, we begin the climb, what he calls the baby
steps to the top. The top = getting out of debt, gaining
control, and building wealth.
Session V
I. Baby Steps
iv. But when you can focus and attack each area
individually, you can check things off your list and
the sense of accomplishment will give you
strength and energy to attack the next step.
Session VI
iii. Goal to get quick wins. It’s about behavior and not
f. You have to know where you are going and know where
you are not going. Boundaries!
ii. Sell things, e.g. one lady sold 350 goldfish from
her pond for $1 each.
III. Conclusion
a. This step is the most important step of the Money
Session VII
d. Agree with your spouse before you tap into it, sleep on
it, pray about it…
Session VIII
a. Pay Cash
i. Grows tax-free
ii. And the choice for 529 plan is the “flexible” plan.
Allows more control.
Session IX
I. Finish Good
g. Conclusion
Session X
a. First, face the truth that a rich man can still be a slave…
to his stuff.
i. Materialism
III. Conclusion