Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad
4/27/2018 1
For more such presentations, my notes and compilations on
topics related to Personal finance and Value Investing, please visit
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This is not ‘How to get rich’ kind of book. Financial illiteracy is root cause of many a set backs in life. This book would help in Financial
Literacy and there by helping you to create a own financial plan and path.
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The New World Definitions
Before proceeding further, please sit back and think for a while and put your understanding for the below terms. Keep it
as simple as possible in one line.
Terms Definition
Asset Anything* that puts money in your pocket.
Liability Anything* that takes money from your pocket.
➢ Anything refers to shares or gold or house or property or even a business. For a taxi driver, his taxi is a Asset as it
puts money in his pocket.
➢ Every one has both assets and liabilities.
Terms Definition
Rich person If a person was to sell all his assets, settle the liabilities and still had some money left with him,
then he is rich.
Poor Person If a person after selling all his assets and still unable to settle his liabilities, then he is poor.
So on liquidation, a rich person has money in hand and poor person still has money owed to some one.
Wealth is defined in terms of time and not money.! It is a bit tricky to understand. Let us see a example.
Wealth is a person’s ability to survive so many number of days forward—or, if one stopped working today, how many months could
you survive?
There is a person who is rich by Rs.10000. We call him rich by Rs.10000 because after selling all his assets and settling his liabilities he
has 10000 in hand. Consider his monthly expense is 2500. Then this person is wealth is for 4 months (=10000/2500)
Another person is rich by Rs.50000. His monthly expense is 25000. Then he is wealth is for only 2 months (=50000/25000).
Thus one can see that the concept of wealth is unique to every individual. It depends on two values. (1) The amount by which he is rich
(Surplus of assets over liabilities) and (2) Monthly expenses. Both these values vary between individuals.
ROI stands for Return On Investment. If Rs.100 is invested and if you can take our Rs.20 consistently every year, then
your ROI is 20%.
The definition seen in the previous slide is conventional definition. Well from now, ROI stands for a Return On
Information. This means that more information you have (1) More chance to identify opportunities, (2) Higher returns
on those opportunities and (3) lower the risk in such opportunities.
Whatever worked for Industrial age will not give the same result in Information age. As a example...
➢ Giving your loyalty and best efforts to your employer was one form of investment.
➢ In return, via contract, the employee is rewarded with a pension for life.
➢ This was a form of investment popular in the industrial age that is now almost obsolete in the Information age.
➢ But these days, one can be fired with 1-3 month notice.
➢ In the industrial age people worked for one or two company till they retired. In this information age, one may not
even have a job till their retirement if he does not possess the updated skills and information.
1. Earned income
2. Portfolio income
3. Passive income
Income Detail
Earned Earned income is what you get from your work/profession. This income comes in the form
Income of a paycheck. It could take other forms like bonus, commissions, or tips. This is nothing
but earned money.
Portfolio Portfolio income is generally income from paper assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual
Income funds. The money from dividend or profits made from purchase/sale of shares all belong
to this income.
Passive Passive income is generally income from real estate or interest from fixed deposits. It can
Income also be royalty income from patents or for use of your intellectual property such as songs,
books etc.
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Three types of Income
How all these three income gets linked?
(A high level view of how these three incomes are linked)
One earns by working. This is the earned income. After spending (Expenses) whatever is left goes as saving.
➢ The saved money is put in bank and gets some interest. This interest is the passive income.
➢ But it should happen continuously to build a good base for passive income.
➢ To look at a example. One earns 10000/year and after spending manages to save 1000/year. This 1000 when put in
bank earns 100 (@ 10%) as interest. This 100 is the passive income.
➢ So for one year, the earned income to passive income equation looks as below
Passive income can come in the form of house rent, if the savings were used to buy a house and has been let out.
Passive income increases at the rate of 100/year. It take one 90 years (mathematically) i.e. Rs. 9000 (Expenses per
year)/Rs.100 (Passive income per year) = 90 years. Which in reality is a impossibility, nor is it feasible or practical. This
apart several challenges as below.
Passive income, gives money to us without much effort from our end. There could however be one time effort of buying
a property or investing a bulk amount in bank which generates interest every year.
We saw in the previous slide, that it could take years to increase passive income to match the earned income. The
portfolio income come is a bridge between the two. To accelerate the process you divert the savings from earned income
to shares and get a faster and higher return (Something better than bank) and then channelize the gained money to
passive income.
Passive Income Passive Income can be achieved by some strong conviction to save and channelizing the saving to Bank and earn
interest. Not a rocket science! All is needed is some self discipline. But this approach could take years to achieve
Financial Nirvana
Portfolio Portfolio Income can be achieved with only with a knowledge on Investment or a marketable idea or Business
Income Model. So mere conviction is save would not suffice. The saved money should be channelized through proper
investment giving high returns. For this one should invest time to gain knowledge
➢ What is missing in this scene is the portfolio income. We saw in previous slide that by merely making savings in bank
is not sufficient to create a necessary passive income to meet ones expense leading to financial nirvana.
➢ A person must get higher return rates say 20%-25%. Only at this rate of return, can one see his savings creating a
passive income growing at very high rate to outgrow his monthly expenses in 10-15 years time i.e. 38 – 40 years of
➢ One has to invest his savings in paper assets which gives higher returns.
➢ Available options: Stocks, bonds, mutual funds or any business (Which is within competency and having a risk free
model. This is more important)
➢ The returns form these assets is the portfolio income.
➢ But remember that any of these instruments can give Negative returns as well, if investments is not made in proper bonds,
stocks of mutual funds.
➢ This avenue has risks and investors must be able to handle the risks.
➢ Diversification of assets invested can help to reduce the risk. Also called as Portfolio allocation which is a right mix of Stocks,
Bonds, Real Estate etc.
➢ Here is where the investing skills come to work, which help you to identify sure shot stocks, bonds or mutual funds that would
give Positive returns and better than bank rate. ONE MUST ACQUIRE THE REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS
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Four People Quadrants
Categorize people by the means of which they earn money
1. Employed,
2. Self employed
3. Business
4. Investor
People Details
Employee If a person works in a company for his earning is a employee. Like you and me.
Self Employed If a person make money out of skill and not attached with any company is self employed. Like
yourself, dentist etc.
Business If a person runs a company and giving job to many employed and self-employed people is a
Investor A person invests in different companies or properties and gets returns from the invested
Tax implication ? ? ? ?
Personal timing ? ? ? ?
Mindset ? ? ? ?
Retired life ? ? ? ?
Inflation ? ? ? ?
➢ Consider this cycle….Banks collect FD and give 8% interest to you. Banks have to earn atleast 10% return
to survive. Banks give this money to investor groups for 10-12% interest. The investor because of their
skillful investment can make even 15% with this money. In the cycle all are benefitted. The investors
indirectly use the saving money of you and me for their investment. Hence the term Other People
➢ A question could come, that investors stand with a huge debt. True. There is a difference between good
and bad loan.
➢ Bad Loan - These are meant to meet our basic needs like home and car. These do not give any return and one
has to pay from their earnings.
➢ Good Loan - But the loans taken by investors are used to increase their financial prospects.
➢ How they gain? The take some 1 crore loan with EMI of say 90,000 p.m. Their investment of 1 crore
generates a return of 100,000 p.m. So they pay of the EMI of 90K and pocket the rest of 10K every month.
At the end of loan period the investment becomes their own… and they start getting 100,000 p.m.
Mindset: Which company will give me a secure job with a good pay check and a year on year
good hike?
Self - Pay rate/hour, having continuous stream of work is the focus.
Employed - Need to sharpen his skills and experience for satisfying customers and gain more new
- He serves the other categories (Employee or business or Investor) for his living.
Mindset: With increased skill, I can charge more /hour or get more customer.
Mindset: I should hire a good Vice president for the XXX operation… The Marketing head for
East zone is not doing well, Cost reduction in YYY plant or product.
Investor - Analyse good going business, bonds or properties (which give good rent/lease) is the focus.
- Constantly monitor the existing investment to avoid any surprising downfalls. Constantly
acquire good going business and properties.
- Hire employees or self-employed people at a small scale to help in logistics. He could have 5-
10 people who would broker the deal in getting new properties or business.
Mindset: Achieve higher than bank returns, increasing rate of return. Comparing expected
return of two business/properties before finalizing.
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Retired Life
People Retired life
Employee - Retirement at 60 or 65 (Changes from country to country)
- Survive with pension benefits, PF money, house rent and interest from savings.
- Need to spend cautiously as they have to run rest of their lives with the above four sources
of money.
Self - No retirement. One can continue to earn as long as he can manage to work. One may
Employed work even up to 70.
- No pension or PF benefits. Once decided to sit back, he has to manage from house rent or
interest from savings.
- Ofcourse, there is now PPF schemes available for the self employed.
- Need to spend cautiously as they have to run rest of their lives with these above sources of
E and S on the left of the figure and B and I on the right of the figure. With this quadrant we have new interpretations
as below.
• The left side of quadrant focus more on security. They work for other people and earn money. They earn, control
their spending and save for future. They don’t invest. Because of the insecure feeling, they see investing as risky. Their
dominated feeling is saving is for future needs.
School education can take one People What education or knowledge
successfully to E and S Quadrant will take you to B and I
quadrant. quadrant
School education can take one What education or knowledge
successfully to E and S People will take you to B and I
quadrant. Quadrant quadrant
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Five levels of Investors
Level 1 – The Zero Financial Intelligence Level
➢ People in this level spend more than what they earn.
➢ They may be rich, but are heavily loaded with debt.
➢ Spend their entire life to clear their debts.
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