Rib A Plan of Work 2013 Consultation Document
Rib A Plan of Work 2013 Consultation Document
Rib A Plan of Work 2013 Consultation Document
This document sets out the reasons and the rationale behind that review as well as providing a summary of the outline proposals. An online questionnaire has been prepared to enable RIBA members and other stakeholders to respond to the proposals. This can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/V73WCS6 You are invited to complete the online questionnaire by 12 August 2012. Half a century old Since its development first began in 1963, the RIBA Plan of Work has been the definitive UK model for the building design and construction process, and has also exercised significant influence internationally. The Plan of Work framework has served both the architects profession and the wider construction industry well, but although it has been amended over time to reflect developments in design team organisation and alternative procurement arrangements, these changes have generally been incremental rather than strategically driven. The Plan of Work 2013 offers the opportunity to undertake a fundamental review of the RIBA Plan of Work, to ensure alignment with best practice from all the specialists within the integrated construction team, and to provide a renewed framework which will be fit for purpose for the next generation. The review process A Plan of Work Review Group, chaired by Dale Sinclair, has been established by the RIBA Practice and Profession Committee to bring forward proposals for the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. The Review Group has a remit to undertake a thorough review of options and to consider radical proposals where appropriate. The Review Group includes representation from the RIBA Large and Small Practice Groups, the RIBA Construction Strategy Group, the RIBA Planning Group and the RIBA Sustainable Futures Group. It has been consulting with a number of other RIBA expert member groups and a range of internal and external stakeholders. The Review Group is also working with the Construction Industry Council (CIC) to achieve better alignment of the next generation RIBA Plan of Work with equivalent process models published by other professional organisations, such as ACE, BSRIA, CIOB, CIBSE, ICE and RICS, and supporting documents such as the CIC Scope of Services. The mapping of the new Plan of Work and alignment with the current proposed CIC stages is highlighted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Mapping the new Plan of Work, and alignment with the current proposed CIC stages
Why carry out a review? There are several current key issues which any new Plan of Work needs to address: Integrating sustainable design. Mapping BIM processes. Providing flexibility around planning procedures. Addressing changes in the way building services design is delivered. Responding to the recommendations of the UK Government Construction Strategy. Providing straight forward mapping and flexibility for all forms of procurement. There are significant strengths in the existing RIBA Plan of Work: it is straight forward and written in plain English, and Stages A D are clearly understood. However it has inherent weaknesses including: Stages E and F are not clearly defined, resulting in differing interpretations and outputs. It has its origins in traditional procurement and can become complicated when mapped to innovative procurement methods. Planning is not embedded. Soft landings and whole life emphasis is not included. Performance specified work is not covered. The recently published Green and BIM overlays to the RIBA Outline Plan of Work have already begun the process of examining the implications of developments in sustainable design and BIM for the RIBA Plan of Work. Both documents are available to download at www.ribabookshops.com/plan-of-work/ The RIBA Business Benchmarking survey 2011/12 reveals important information about the market for architects services which the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will need to take into account in understanding the market which it serves: Domestic clients make up 34% of the professions client base by number. Public sector clients comprise 17% of the client base. Contractor clients represent 12% of the client base. Nearly half of the professions income comes from housing. 20% of income comes from public sector work. Nearly two thirds of projects involve at least some element of refurbishment.
Summary of the proposals The Review Group has brought forward the following high level recommendations which were reviewed by RIBA Council at its meeting on 21 June 2012. In summary these seek to reflect the need for the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 to incorporate and accommodate: Intelligent commissioning Soft landings Project outcomes Differing procurement models Differing stages for planning UK and International use Private and public sector use Differing project sizes and complexities
In detail the recommendations, summarised in Figure 2, are for: a. An RIBA Plan of Work with a sequence of 7 clearly defined work stages, which will be compatible with emerging cross-professional alignment work being facilitated by the CIC. The draft diagram (Figure 3) illustrates the proposed new stages and overall framework. b. A plug and play approach to the programming of planning applications and different procurement processes, to allow flexibility for different client requirements, with recognition of the need for risk management to be integrated into the process for determining the detail of the project programme. The resultant electronic Plan of Work will allow project or practice specific plans of work to be created to deal with these issues creating flexibility around a new core of stages. c. A re-evaluation of role descriptions as an integral part of the Plan of Work. The suggested roles are as follows: Client Adviser Project Lead Design Lead Construction Lead Architectural Design Landscape Design Structural Design Building Services Design Cost Consultancy Contract Administrator Information Manager Health & Safety Consultant
d. A greater focus on the effective integration of design and production information and in particular design work undertaken by specialist subcontractors, and more emphasis on the outputs produced at each stage (the UK Government is emphasising the BIM aspects to this initiative using the term data drop). e. The commencement of parallel initiatives, including intelligent commissioning and project outcome analysis, that can enhance and build on the new RIBA Plan of Work, enabling RIBA to provide leadership in the industry on some of these new important topics. Timetable & Next Steps The RIBA Plan of Work Review Group will continue with stakeholder consultations and develop more detailed documentation describing how the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will operate along with the supporting publications, tools and products arising from and needed to support the changes. We aim to publish the new RIBA Plan of Work in late 2012/early 2013 with supporting documents continuing to be published by RIBA Enterprises during 2013.
- Identify Project Objectives, the client's Business Case, Sustainability Aspirations and other parameters or constraints and develop the Initial Project Brief. - Examine Site Information and make recommendations for further information, including surveys, required. - Preparation of Feasibility Studies and assessment of options to enable the client to decide how to proceed.
Concept Design
- Preparation of Concept Design including outline proposals for structural design, services systems, site landscape, outline specifications and preliminary cost plan along with environmental, energy, ecology, access or other Project Strategies. - Agree developments to Initial Project Brief and issue Final Project Brief.
Developed Design
- Preparation of Developed Design including co-ordinated and updated proposals for structural design, services systems, site landscape, outline specifications, cost plan and Project Strategies. - Prepare and Submit Planning Application
Technical Design
- Preparation of Technical Design information to include all architectural, structural and mechanical services information and specifications including the Lead Designer's review and sign-off of all information.
Specialist Design
- Progression of Specialist Design by Specialist Subcontractors including the integration, review and sign-off of Performance Specified Work by the Lead Designer and other designers as set out in Design Responsibility document - Review Construction Strategy including sequencing and critical path. - Undertake actions from Procurement Strategy or administration of Building Contract as required.
Use & Aftercare
- Review Procurement Strategy, finalise Deisgn Responsibility including extent of Performance Specified Design and take action - Review Construction Strategy including H&S - Take actions determined by Procurement - Determine client's Risk Profile and agree the where required. aspects. Strategy including issuing in packages where Project Programme and preliminary appropriate. - Prepare Project Manual including agreement Procurement Strategy. of Software Strategy, BIM Execution Plan - Prepare and submit Building Regulations - Assemble Project Team, agree Scope of and extent of Performance Specifed Work. Submission Service, Contract Relationship and Design - Review Construction Strategy including Responsibilities for each participant. Develop - Prepare Construction Strategy including review of off-site fabrication, site logistics and sequencing, programme and H&S asepcts. BIM and Soft Landings Strategies, H&S aspects. Information Exchanges and conclude Appointment Documents. The stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 outputs may be used for tendering and contract purposes depending on the Procurement Strategy as influenced by the clients Risk Profile, time, cost and quality aspirations and how Early Contractor Involvement and Specialst Subcontractor input is to be undertaken.
- Performance Specified Work to be developed in sufficient detail to allow - Implement Change Control Procedures, development and integration by Specialist undertake Sustainability Assessment and take Subcontractors during Completed Design actions determined by Procurement Strategy. stage.
- Offsite manufacturing and onsite construction - Implementation of Soft Landings Strategy in accordance with the Construction including Post Occupancy Evaluation. Programme - Conclude administration of Building - Regular review of progress against programme Contract and any Quality Objectives including site - Review of Project Performance in use and inspections. analysis of Project Information for use on future projects. - Administration of Building Contract.. - Resolution of Design Queries from site as they arise - Implementation of Soft Landing Strategy including agreement of information required for commissioning, training, handover, asset management, future monitoring and maintenance and ongoing complilation of "asconstructed" information. - Updating of Project Information, as required, in response to Asset Management and Facilities Management feedback and modifications.
Planning Applications typically be made using the stage 3 (Developed Design) output, however, certain clients may wish this task to be undertaken earlier. The project or practice specific Plan of Work identifies when the Planning Application is to be made. Certain aspects of the Technical Design may also be required as part of the application or in respond to planning conditions. The Initial Project Brief The Concept Design including Outline Structural and Mechanical Services Design, associated Design Strategies, Preliminary Cost Information and Final Project Brief.
Stage 4, 5 and 6 activities may occur concurrently depending on the Procurement Strategy. Work may also be undertaken in packages to facilitate its development by Specialist Subcontractors. Early package procurement may also occur during stage 3 depending on the procurement route. The Project Programme should set out the timesscales for these overlapping design and, where appropriate, construction stages.
The Developed Design including the CoThe Technical Design of consultant aspects in The Specialist Design including the integration "As Constructed" Information. ordinated Architectural, Structural and sufficient detail to enable construction or of Performance Specified Work. Mechanical Services Design and Developed Performance Specified Work to commence. Cost Information.
"As constructed" Information updated in response to on-going client feedback, Asset Management updates and Facilities Management information.
Government Gateway
Information Exchange 1
Information Exchange 2
Information Exchange 3
Information Exchange 6
As Required
Royal Institute of British Architects Figure 3: Draft diagram of the proposed new stages and overall framework
RIBA 2012