S Skõt & - Pircy : An Introduction To Sanskrit: Unit - Xi

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1 l dl ~ Pl Tll lP ldll: 1
P l 1 P: l 1
Sanjaya [m,N,s] (P:} spoke [pt]: (l ~
ll l? }
Q l 4 U l4 U: d 1
l~ 7ld llPl d'T 1/1
d 1 l4 U: 4 U Q l ll l~
7ld l d'T 1
Oh scorcher of enemies[m,V,s] (d} - the thick
haired one[m,N,s] (l4 U:} having spoken [ger.]
(l } thus [I] (Q } to the horripilating
one [m,A,s] (4 U } and indeed [I] (} having
said [ger.] (l} I will not [I] fight [ft,1p,s] (
lP } to Govinda [m,A,s] (ll } he became
[pt,3p,s] ( l? } silent [I] (d'T }1 Here
d refers to Hdl 1 l4 U: is <7 : 1
Here is a new PlH rule: (P ~ ?l: Ul4~}
The normal rule is when Q, Q , <l l <l is followed
by a vowel, the former is replaced by < , <l ,
<, l <l 1 However, when the former element
is the result of a grammatical form ( } the
l is dropped optionally. Examples:
Ql ~ Ql 1 l~ 7ld ~ l~ 7ld 1 d~P 7P
~ d~Pl 7P 1 No further PlH is allowed!
dPl 4 U: Pll ld 1
P llP ldlP : 11
ld 1 4 U: P 7 P l: l: P ld
d 7 : l 1
Oh Bharata [m,V,s] (ld ~ H dl } Hrsikesa
[m,N,s] ( 4 U: } as if [I] (7} smiling
[prp,m,N,s] ( P P } spoke [pt,3p,s] (l}
this [n,A,s] (7 } speech [n,A,s] (:} to him
[m,A,s] (d } who was moping [m,A,s] (ld }
in the middle [m,L,s] (P } of the two [f,G,d]
(l:} armies [f,G,d] (P l:} 1
l l l 1
<UllUl~d Hlll U lP 1
dlPdlP U lUlld ldl: 11
<Ull <Ul: Hl ll lP 1 ldl:
d~<P <d~<P <Ulld 1
You [N,s] ( } have grieved [pt,2p,s] (<Ul:
U } for t hose are not t o be gri eved
[pot.p,m,A,p] (<Ull U } and (yet) [I] (}
you speak [prt,2p,s] (lP } words of wisdom
[m,A,p] ( Hl l l }1 The learned [m,N,p]
(ldl:} do not [I] (} grieve after [prt,3p,p]
(< Ulld < ~U } those whose life breath
is gone (dead) [m,A,p] (dlP } and [I] (} and
whose life breath is not gone (living) [m,A,p]
(<dlP } 1
l 7ldlP l P 7llHl: 1
l'lP: P Pd:P 1\1
d < 7ld <lP Q 7P 7llHl: 1 Q
P <d: l'lP: 1
Not [I] (} indeed [I] (d } I [N,s] (< } ever
[I] (7ld } not [I] (} was (existed) [pt,1p,s] (<lP
<P } likewise [I] (Q} not [I] (} you [N,s]
( } not [I] (} these [m,N,p] (7P } Lords
over men [m,N,p] (7llHl:} 1 And [I] (}
likewise [I] (Q} we [N,p] ( } all [m,N,p]
(P } from here onwards (<d:P } not [I] (}
become [ft,1p,p] (l'lP:} 1
This verse and a few more do not lend themselves
to word by word translation. The student should
consult translations and/or commentaries for the
gist of these verses.
lll~Pl 4lPl l 7l 1
dl ld ll'dH ~d Pld 1 (1
~ l~4 d l'll l:
An Introduction to Sanskrit : Unit XI
(l: } (is) not [I] (} found [prt,3p,s] (ld l }
1 Realitys [n,G,p] (Pd:} unbecoming [m,N,s]
(<l:} (is) not [I] (} found [prt,3p,s] (ld
l } 1 But [I] (d} even [I] (<l} these [m,G.d]
(<l:} two [m,G,d] (l:} is surely [m,N,s]
(<d:} seen [ppp,n,N,s] (:} by the seers of
truth [m,I,p] (d~lU l:} 1
\ d: Expositions / Glosses
\~ 4 ld ~ Participles etc.
\~~ l'd 4 d~ ll:
~ Future participle Usage
H:4l~ ld'd: 437 l - the row of severed
necks of the Rakshasas body that was about to
HPlTl 7Pll P~d: - the two masters who were
about to start the yajna bathed.
Note the agreement of the participle with the
noun it modifies. In the 1
example, it is genitive
singular while in the 2
it is nominative dual.
\~~ lHd 4 d~ ll:
- Past perfect participle usage
7P : lH: l - having seen the departing queens ..
l7l dl~lP d 7l: <l: 1 People greeted
that Bharata who had camped at the gates of the
Note the agreement of the participle, in gender
number and case.
(~\ PPlPld - Compounds
PPP PPlP: ~ PPlP is the compounding of
nominals. lP (l ~ <lP} is the dissolution
of a compound and the consti tuents of
dissolution is called l l 1 The great sage
l P is so called because of his work in
classifying or arranging the Vedas!
(~\~ d PPlP:
(~\~~ lH4T (ll}
- Oblique case compounds
Unlike the 4P Hl where the two members of a
l l: <l~P 4lPl l 7l dl ld ll'd: 1
H: d Pld 1
As [I] (l} the jiva's (embodied's) [m,G,s]
( l:} in this [m,L,s] (<l~P } body [m,L,s]
( } childhood [n,N,s] (4lPl } youth [m,N,s]
(l } old age [f,N,s] (7l} likewise [I] (dl}
another body [n,A,s] ( ld} attains [f,N,s]
( ll'd:} 1 There (therefore) [I] (d} the wise
person [m,N,s](H:} is not [I] (} confused
[prt,3p,s] (P ld P } 1
Pll~Ul ~d 4ld Udl'TPO:Ol: 1
<lPllllll: dl l~ddH~ ld 11
4ld Pll~~Ul : d Ud~'T~P O~ :O~l: 1
<lP~<ll: <ll: 1 ld dl lddH~ 1
Oh, son of Kunti [m,V,s] (4ld } material contact
(influence) [m,N,p] (Pll~~Ul :} but [I] (d} give
feelings of cold, heat, happiness and grief [m,N,p]
(Ud~'T~P O~ :O~l:} 1 Their comings and
goings [m,N,p] (<l P~<l l : } are not
permanent [m,N,p] (<ll:} 1 Oh, the scion of
Bharata [m,V,s] (ld} endure [im,2p,s] (lddH~
ld7 ~ lddH} them [m,A,p] (dl } 1
l d 1
PP:OPO H PlP dl 4d 1'1
~ Qd ld l PP~:O~PO H
P: <P dl 4d 1
Oh, bull among men [m,V,s] ( ~} the
person [m,A,s] ( } whom [m,A,s] ( } these
[m,N,p] (Qd } do not [I] (} afflict sorrow
[prt,3p,p] (ld } the wise [m,A,s] (H }
who is eqanimous to pleasure and pain [m,A,s]
(PP~:O~PO } he [m,N,s] (P:} is fit [prt,3p,s]
(4d 7 } for immortality [m,D,s] (<P dl} 1
lPdl ld ll lll ld Pd: 1
ll ld~l~dlU l: 11
<Pd: l: ld 1 Pd: <l: ld 1 d <l:
l: <l d~lU l: <d: : 1
The unreals [n,G,s] (<Pd:} becoming [m,N,s]
~P ~ ~P (d } - A verb whose
fruit of action accrues to another (non-doer)
ld <ld: ~ lld: ld: (TP} - Coming
from far
ll l: ~ lll: ll: (} - Aptness of
lH l~ ~ lHl l~ (P'dP} - One who is
firm in battle.
In the above examples, the actual case
termination was retained. Some pronouns when
compounded changes its case to TP ll 1
PP : ~ P: <~P: 1
(~\~~\ l d Negation
In Sanskrit the particle is used for negation
and the particle is compounded with the nominal.
The is changed < to before a consonant <
and before vowel sound. Again, there are
situations where the is unchanged! This
compound is not a strict compound in the sense
of losing the case inflection, as the particle is an
ll ~ <ll 1 Pd ~ <Pd 1 < : ~ < : 1
T l Pl ~ P4 1 Hld 7ld ~ HP 1
(~\~~( d
Word prefixed Compound
In this compound the 2
word is actually a finite
verb! The verb reduces to the root and it is also
called a reduced word compound.
P 7llld 7ld ~ P H: 1 O 7ld 7ld ~ O: 1 7?
PTld 7ld ~ 7?P 1 l lld 7ld ~ l: 1 l
ld 7ld ~ l : 1
ldd 4TP Verbs / Conjugation
~ PlPll'4l? (7 }
Ordinary Future tense
There are two future tenses in Sanskrit and both
types belong to <l H Hl d 4l : 1 The verbal
compound are in case apposition, two members
of ll d are in oblique cases. Because the
final member is placed in the nominative, there
are 6 possible compounds belonging to this
(oblique) category. The ddl and d are
encountered most frequently.
The English word Bluebird is an example of case
apposition and can be viewed as a 4P Hl PPlP
1 However, hand-made (made by hand) can be
viewed as ddl d 1 Williamson (Williams
son) as a d 1 Kiln-dried (dried in a kiln)
as a P'dP d 1
ldl d
4l? <dd: ~ 4l?ldd: 1 PP <llld: ~ PPllld: 1
lP d: ~ lPd: 1
ddl d
U T d: ~ Ud: 1 ?l Plld: ~ ?lPlld: 1 H l
<l: ~ l: 1 Hl l ~ Hll 1
d d
ldP ~ lldP 1 lll 4P ~ ll4P 1
TP d
lld P ~ lP 1 Hld ldd: ~ Hldd: 1
U~ : ~ U: 1 lH: : ~ l7: 1
7l <lH: ~ 7llH: 1 d~ lU ~ dlU 1
P'dP d
4 P4: ~ 4P4: 1 ll ~ l 1
A general property of compounds is the loss of
the case inflexion or ll 1 However, there
are exceptions where the case termination is
retained. Such compounds are called <?4 PPlP
- or non-loss of case-endings!
<?4 PPlP
<l7Pl 4 dP ~ <l7Pl4 dP <l7~4 dP (d dl}-
Done by strength.
terminations are added directly to the root rather
than to the stem. However, we recall that 7 may
be added, optionally added or not added depen-
ding on whether the root is P , l <l 1
This future tense uses the tense marker ~ and
fortunately, the terminations are exactly the same
as ? in ~P <lP 1 The algorithm for
forming the finite future verb is:
Hld + (7} + ~ + ? ld 1 7 + ~ '1 When
~ is preceded by a consonant, special sandi rules
apply! The following are examples of the 3
person singular 7 1
P ~ lP'ld (P } 1 l ~ l~ld (<l } 1 U ~
U'~d (<l } 1 U4 ~ Uld (<l } 1 l ~ ll'
d (P } 1 P7 ~ Pll7 'ld l Pl ld ( } 1 H ~
Hl'ld l Hl'd l Hl'ld l Hl'd ( ~ } 1
PlH Rule:
The 43 dl? consonants of the root change
to 4 1 The ~ changes to ' 1 4 + ' or 1
Other consonant sandhi rules and a few other
changes (T, l,} also occur as can be seen
U ~ ld 1 < ~<~ld 1 P ~ P ~d 1 H ~
l~ld 1 7 ~ ld 1
1. Form the PPlP l l 1 Identify the ll 1
Ul4 <l4?: 1 <lT : 1 lP: 1 4gTl PlT: 1
4lUP 1 ll: 1 4l4P 1 ~ : 1 lP
1 Hldd: 1 ll T: 1 <lP 1 4 'T <llld: 1
<l 1 l 1 < P 1 <H: 1 : 1 44l:
1 g 7ld 7ld 1 ldld 7ld 1 l l?ld 7ld 1
2. Change the tense from present to future or
vice versa.
P: H lld 1 lUU: *l'ld 1 llTl: d 1
P 1 lP PllP 1 P : d'~ld 1 ll ?~ 1
Sanskrit Crossword #11
(One syllable per box)
Clues Across:
1 Brahmana, scholar
4 Atom
5 Half year from July to January
6 Astrologer, Arithmetician
8 Path, going
10 With bead (Inst.)
11 Mongoose
12 The sun
13 Father, Ramas father-in-law
Clues Down:
2 Circumambulation
3 Salutation
4 Drinkable (double negative!)
6 Elephant faced
7 Brahma- born of lotus
8 Ring (nameless) finger
9 Genitive of City
\ (


Solutions to Exercises from Unit -10
1. Pll7l 1 l4P 1 1 l7l 1
UPll7: 1 Pl 1 Tl{P 1 <ll 1
Pd ?P 1 lTl l Tl PPll: 1 ll H
7 1 : lP: 7 1 : H: 1
2. Solution to crossword # 10
lH 1 ll 1 ' PTlP 1 <T4 1 / d~4
1 P 1 P? 1 \ 4 1 ( 7l 1
\ PT 1 ( T 1 lP~4 1 <ldP 1
4P?7 1 / d 1 l4 1

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