Lesson Plan 2 - EnG 11 Poetry
Lesson Plan 2 - EnG 11 Poetry
Lesson Plan 2 - EnG 11 Poetry
- Fall 2012
Lesson Plan
Title: Poetry Slam Grade Level: 11 Time Frame: 45 minutes Connection to Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.11-12.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
Rationale/Purpose: To have students engage in different forms of poetry, to help expand their own understandings of interpretive language and expression. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TSW indentify conventions and common themes of slam
poetry, as identified in readings or videos watched. This will be evidenced through checks for understanding and class discussion of the poems used.
TSW examine the language used in Anis Mojganis live
reading of Shake the Dust. This will be evidenced as students will highlight literary devices and figurative language in the transcript of the poets reading.
TSW write slam poetry. The student will be evaluated on
their use of figurative language and statements regarding human nature, existence, society, and other claims. The concentration will be less on creativity than it is on examination of everyday life.
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills
Required Materials: Projector Youtube Print-out of Buddy Wakefields Convenience Store and Anis Mojganis Shake the Dust. Highlighters Journals
A. Lead-in/Anticipatory Set a. Profound Statements. Ask students, have they ever read any words of wisdom on a tea bag or on a bottle cap? What did it mean? What is one simple statement doing if it can affect us deeply? Ask students to define profound. Ask students to share profound statements.
B. Step by Step
1. Introduction-
a. Performance Poetry. What is a poetry slam? Who are notable performance poets? What does performance poetry typically do? What makes it different from what we are familiar with in poetry? What makes it the same?
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills
performance poetry from the Beats of the 1950s to the coffee houses of California, to the urban areas of the 1980s, and up to a respected art form with international competitions. Identify performance poetry as something that can be very general to human nature, or be very specific to the poets own narrative.
b. Students will watch a video of Anis Mojgani performing his poem Shake the Dust. Students will read along on sheets where they will highlight instances of figurative language or statements and conventions they may not be familiar with. The class will then discuss these items as a whole, and try to find what it is about these poems that make them so original.
what they think Anis Mojgani had to say that impacted their own life.
3. Closure a. Students will be instructed to start formulating ideas for their very own piece of performance poetry, which may be optionally performed for a classroom coffee house at a later date. Students choosing not to perform will be required to provide an explanation for their poem, where emphasis should be placed, and their intentions during the creative process.
b. Students will be provided with a transcript of Buddy
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills
Wakefields Convenience Store and Daniel Beatys Knock Knock The students will be asked to consider
how they would present the poems, and then view them by following the attached links of the papers.
A. Learning Modality Preferences and/or Learning Style Preferences and/or Multiple Intelligences Direct Instruction. PowerPoint for visual learners. Class discussion. Individual writing Videos for visual learners.
B. Advanced
Direct Instruction, students will not be separated Advanced students may be asked on to show examples of figurative language and share the highlighted passages with fellow students in groups
C. Struggling Will be assisted during the video to ensure they are highlighting figurative language use.
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills
D. Student(s) with Exceptional Learning Needs (ELN) Direct Instruction- Any necessary support services will be provided to help students in need through instruction/PowerPoint. IEPs will be accounted for and instruction will be redesigned in accordance with them.
Homework, if Applicable or Follow-up Students will be assigned a journal writing activity where they will describe ways in which Anis Mojganis Shake the Dust impacted them or what they think the intent of the poet was. They will reflect on emphasis in speech and phrasing. Students will read transcripts from other performance poets and begin to work on ideas for their own poem.
A. Assessment of Student(s) a. Informal- Check for understanding periodically. b. Formative- Review of previous experience with poetry, famous poets. c. Formative- Highlighting of performance poets transcript. d. Informal- Student engagement and participation e. Formative- Journal Writing.
B. Self-Assessment (Teacher)
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills
a. Did students effectively model figurative language or should a focus for the next lesson be on it? b. Student response to direct instruction/group work. Should activities be adapted in further lessons? c. Was there enough activity for kinesthetic learners and were students with visual or auditory needs able to follow along with the videos in the lesson? d. Do the returned journals reflect an understanding of the concepts behind performance poetry?
Shake the Dust by Anis Mojgani http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qDtHdloK44 Knock, Knock! by Daniel Beaty http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_ULYGc-J_WQ&feature=related Convenience Stores by Buddy Wakefield http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tduHh-MLxYs
Adapted by Snowden, P. L. (2012) from: Carmichael, S. B. (Project Coordinator). (2012). Common core curriculum maps: English language arts, grades 9-12. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass.
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professional" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills