Factors Influencing Indian Supply Chains
Factors Influencing Indian Supply Chains
Factors Influencing Indian Supply Chains
The manual, Improving Your Supply Chain (Solomon, 1998, p. 3) published by Federal Governments Industry, Science and Technology Department, defines a supply chain as an organization that covers the full range of activities from the earliest level of input through the internal processes in the host organization and on to the output distribution system. The input elements cover the supply of raw materials, components, assemblies and packaging. The internal elements cover goods inwards receipt, warehousing, movement to line operations, work in progress storage and movement, finished goods inventory, picking, palletizing and despatch. The output end of the chain covers wholesale distribution, external warehousing retail distribution, returns and service and anything necessary to get the product to the client in the most satisfactory way. The supply represents the physical value chain of the host organization. Figure 1 captures the essence of agri-supply chain. Some authors (La Londe, 1997; and Ross, 1998) believe that SCM is a management process. Handfield and Nichols (1999) stated that the supply chain encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage (extraction), through to the end user as well as all information flows. Food is necessarily a mix of the organic and the inorganic (Fine and Leopold, 1993; and Fine, 1994) or the natural and the social (Fitzsimmons and Goodman, 1998).
* Faculty Member, The Icfai Business School, Hyderabad, India. E-mail: [email protected]
* * Faculty Member, The Icfai Business School, Hyderabad, India. E-mail: [email protected] Factors Influencing Indian Supply Chains of Fruits and Vegetables: A Literature Review 2008 The Icfai University Press. All Rights Reserved. 59
Therefore, these categories have great influences on the process of industrialization and also are placing several constraints on deriving profit from the agri-based business sector. The supply chains related to the food products thus invite attention of hosts of researchers and practitioners. Agri-supply chains include growers, pickers, packers, processors, storage and transport facilitators, marketers, exporters, importers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. Supply chain development can thus benefit a broad spectrum of society, both rural and urban, in developing countries. The present paper is an attempt to provide a snapshot of agri-supply chain in India including influencing factors, trends, challenges and research avenues.
Figure 1: Global Food Agribusiness Market
Raw Materials Supply Volatile Supply Primary Processing Cost Driven Primary Processing Difficult Managing Cost
Source: Hargoort, 1999.
Secondary Processing
Demand Driven
Integration in Agri-Sector
Agri-food sectors of many developing countries are undergoing changes leading to closer vertical coordination. However, it is a relatively recent phenomenon (Hobbs and Young, 2000). One of the reasons that can be cited for the phenomenon is the transaction cost economics. According to the theory, economic transactions form a considerable part of transactions in an open market wherein buyer and seller incur costs in conducting a transaction. These costs arise specially when there are a large number of small players resulting in information asymmetry, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1986; and Eggertsson, 1990). However, these costs tend to be low when carried out in an environment of a strategic alliance through contracting, or within a vertically integrated firm (Coase, 1937; and Williamson, 1979). For many agricultural commodities in the US, the trend has been away from spot market transactions and towards closer vertical coordination along the supply chain (Hobbs and Young, 2000). In India, setup of retail chains like Reliance Fresh or Food World has low overall transaction costs for a given volume of transactions when compared to the same volume traded by a large number of small players. Regulatory changes also play an important role in changing transaction characteristics. For example, the apparent negative consumer reaction in Europe to products containing genetically modified organisms may lead to regulatory requirements concerning traceability of these products throughout the food chain. Inevitably, this will lead to closer supply chain relationships (Hobbs and Young, 2000). Some of the examples in India are Reliance Fresh, Spencers, which depict the phenomenon.
centralized management structures (Smith and Sparks, 1993). From a supply chain perspective, the more important aspects of emergence of organized retail have resulted in a close focus on identification and exploitation of hidden supply chain costs and efficiencies. In India Reliance Fresh and Spencers are the pioneers in the organized retail sector. Emergence of organized retail is leading to direct benefits to the farmer, and low cost and better quality to the end consumer. Local companies like Dabur, MTR, ITC, Godrej, and Amul are aggressive across the value chain. Multiple restaurant chains such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Coffee day, Qwikys and Saravana Bhavan, and Sagar Chains are growing rapidly (Viswanadham, 2007).
Emergence of Technologies
One of the major benefits of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) technology is that, in concurrence with delivery information and frequent stock counts, the sales data collected presents a very clear picture of market demand patterns. Along with EPOS, sales-based ordering systems are becoming popular which enable orders to be generated automatically in response to customer demand. This provides retailers an opportunity to develop a seamless information flow, from the checkout to retail stock control and replenishment functions (Soars, 1995; and Collins et al., 1999). EPOS and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are the technologies popular with Indian food retailers like Spencers and Reliance Fresh. From the economics point of view, the costs associated with these technologies can be justified only in case of large organized and integrated players. In the US, the availability of EPOS data enhanced the attractiveness of centralized distribution (McKinnon, 1990), which was rapidly embraced by the major grocery retailers during the late 1980s and early 1990s through the establishment of composite distribution centres. Efficient centralized distribution is dependent on flexible and advanced information systems (Collins et al., 1999). In India, several companies like Reliance Fresh, Spencers, McDonalds are utilizing IT for their benefit. Sachin and Kuttayan (2003) conducted a descriptive case study on ITCs (Indian Tobacco Corporation) e-choupal initiative. The study is an example which clearly delineates the effect of emerging technologies on Indian food supply chain. The case gives a description of the benefits of information technology to the supply chain partners (ITC and farmers). The authors found that farmers get the benefits like faster processing time, prompt payment and access to a wide range of information, including accurate market price knowledge, and market trends, which help them to make efficient selling decisions. Also, farmers selling directly to ITC through an e-choupal receive a higher price for their crops than they would receive through the mandi (traditional) system, on an average of about 2.5% higher. The overall benefits to farmers include lower prices for inputs and other goods, higher yields, and a sense of empowerment. E-choupal saves farmers from the dreaded agents, time wasting mandi system and transportation costs. At the same time, ITC also gets the benefits like lowering of procurement costs (it saves the commission fee and part of the transport costs it would otherwise pay to traders who serve as its buying agents at
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the mandi). ITC recovers its equipment costs from an e-choupal in the first year of operation and the venture as a whole becomes profitable. The system also provides direct access to information about conditions on the ground and weather which helps farmers in planning for the next crop. According to the authors, ITCs IT initiative is also paving ways to educate and update the Indian farmers with the latest happenings in the commodities world and other agricultural products.
Goldberg (1983) observed that: Many transnational companies have grown so large that their size exceeds that of some nation states. Thus they could override, neutralize, or even counteract the political will of a nation state. Economic globalization is due to capital movements and specifically Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Julius (1990) described the flow of FDI in the 1980s between the three areas Japan, the EU and North America. This was market-driven trade in services as well as goods. Cable (1999) identifies that the flow to non-OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries has increased as a share of the total to: Asian countries including China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia; Latin America including Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Brazil; and Eastern Europe. The major beneficiaries of food supply globalization are considered to be consumers who now have greater choice and lower food prices. The chain captainsthose who control the supply chainhave also seen significant financial benefits. Organizations, seeking to improve performance, shareholder dividends and share price, are constantly looking to new markets to lower operating costs. Operating in a global rather than a national market will not only give rise to increased opportunities, i.e., a potential reduction in operating costs whilst increasing the size of the market the organization can potentially trade with, but also increased threats, i.e., increased competition in the individual national markets. Gaining globally recognized quality standards such as ISO 9,000 may mean they can access markets, which are otherwise unavailable to them. Rapid demands of globalization have resulted in Indian companies to gear their efforts to expand their horizons. No wonder the exports have shown a rising trend. They have increased from Rs. 28,764 lakh in 2002-2003 to Rs. 43,002 lakh in 2006-2007 (www.apeda.com). The details of global clients for various Indian agro-products are shown in the Appendix. Multinational companies have entered the food value chain in India; Cargill and Conagra, Tropicana are few of the examples. These companies will generate competition among the Indian counterparts thereby improving the processes and supply chain practices.
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Though India is the second highest fruit and vegetable producer in the world (134.5 million tonnes), cold storage facilities are available only for 10% of the produce. In spite of abundant agricultural produce, India ranks below 10 in the export of food products with processing levels in fruit and vegetable sectors at around 2% only (Viswanadham, 2007). The food supply chain is complex with perishable goods and numerous small stakeholders. In India, infrastructure connecting numerous small stakeholders like farmers, wholesalers, food manufacturers, retailers is very weak. Farmers bring whatever they produced to the market without any knowledge about the demand in the market. Inadequate usage/improper management of cold chains is leading to loss in quality of the vegetables and fruits which in turn is leading to loss of profits and business opportunity. Lot of investments need to made in cold chains in India. Week alignment of supply chain strategy with business strategy is also another major problem with the Indian vegetable and fruit sector. Rapid entry of corporates into vegetables and fruit sectors is helping farmers as many corporates are going for direct tie-ups with farmers eliminating the middle men. The current challenge is to adopt best practices in supply chain like collaborative forecasting, data integration, increased usage of IT, demand-based production, incorporating a pull system for fruit and vegetable production rather than a push system sharing risk and rewards by the supply chain partners, etc. In India, major partners still operate in silos which unnecessarily lead to information distortion and supply chain inefficiencies. Another challenge is to keep abreast of globalization by constantly upgrading competencies which will ultimately lead to better supply chain practices in Indian food industry. When compared to China or Philippines, India lags far behind in terms of exporting food items. Similarly, many Asian countries like China have better storage capacities and well-coordinated supply chains in the food sector.
Research Avenues
The area of Indian food supply chain is full of challenges and throws open several questions which can draw attention of contemporary researchers. Viswanadham (2007) present an important area of research, which includes developing predictive models for concerns such as What happens if 100% FDI is allowed in retail and also Return on Investment (ROI) models for establishing cold chain infrastructure, etc. Other areas could be assessing the role of IT and its benefits for Indian companies in todays globalized world. Sachin and Kuttayan (2003) presents a successful model of ITCs IT initiative. Checking the viability of these kinds of models on other food products invites interesting research questions. Also, according to Food Corporation of India (FCI) sources, an average of 20%-30% of harvested produce is lost during transport from farm to factory. It throws opportunities in the research areas of transportation, storage and logistics, which may concentrate on minimizing these losses. Present trends in globalization demands competitive, innovative and sustainable supply chains in the food sector. The US and UK present several studies which show successful deployment of IT and modeling techniques
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to optimize resources in food supply chain. Can those processes be replicated in the Indian context? This requires further research in food supply chains in India.
India is bestowed with one of the best natural resources in the world and several factors like globalization, information technology, and rise of organized retails are gearing up the Indian food supply chains for a better future. If properly utilized, these natural resources can be converted to an advantage. However, the path is full of challenges and hurdles. There is a comprehensive requirement of research in the area not only to fully understand the supply chains in the sector but also to reduce several inefficiencies in the supply chains. Researchers should take the challenge and develop a body of knowledge, which will help the government, corporate and cooperatives that are responsible for running these supply chains.
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12. Hughes D (1994), Breaking with Tradition: Building Partnerships and Alliances in the European Food Industry, Wye College Press, Ashford, Kent. 13. Julius D (1990), Global Companies and Public Policy: The Growing Challenge of Foreign Direct Investment, RIIA/Pinter, London. 14. La Londe B J (1997), Supply Chain Management: The Myth or Reality?, Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 1 (Spring), pp. 6-7. 15. Leahy T (1994), The Emergence of Retail Brand Power, in Stobart P (Ed.), Brand Power, Macmillan, London. 16. McKinnon A C (1990), The Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralised Distribution, in Fernie J (Ed.), Retail Distribution Management, Kogan Page, London. 17. Ross D F (1998), Competing Through Supply Chain Management, Chapman & Hall, New York. 18. Sachin R and Kuttayan A (2003), What Works: ITCs e-choupal and Profitable Rural Transformation, available at the official website of World Resources Institute, www.wri.org/biodiv/pubs_content_text.cfm?cid=3858 19. Smith L G and Sparks L (1993), The Transformation of Physical Distribution in Retailing: The Example of Tesco Plc, International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 35-64. 20. Soars B (1995), IT Trends in the Grocery Industry, Institute of Grocery Distribution, Watford. 21. Solomon A K (1998), Improving Your Supply Chain, p. 3, Office of Federal Governments Industry, Science and Technology Department (ISTD), Federal Reports. 22. Viswanadham N (2007), Can India be the Food Basket for the World?, Working Paper Series, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India. 23. Williamson O E (1979), Transaction Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 22, pp. 232-262. 24. Williamson O E (1986), Economic Organization: Firms, Markets and Policy Control, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Brighton.
Web Resources
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. www.apeda.com www.apeda.com/aez/AEZ_CS_NOTE_MAY%202007.doc Food Processing Policy, 2005, http://www.mofpi.nic.in www.wri.org/biodiv/pubs_content_text.cfm?cid=3858 www.fciweb.nic.in/ www.ciweb.nic.in/RTI/Index_RTI_Act.htm
Factors Influencing Indian Supply Chains of Fruits and Vegetables: A Literature Review
Global Markets for Indian Agro Products
Apeda Product Destinations Floriculture Fruits and Vegetable Seeds Fresh Onions Other Fresh Vegetables Walnuts Spain Fresh Mangoes Fresh Grapes Other Fresh Fruits Dried and Preserved Vegetables Mango Pulp Pickles and Chutneys Other Processed Fruits Buffalo Meat Sheep/Goat Meat Poultry Products Dairy Products Animal Casings Processed Meat Groundnuts Guar Gum Jaggery and Confectionery Cocoa Products Cereal Preparations Alcoholic Beverages Miscellaneous Preparations Milled Products Basmati Rice Non Basmati Rice Wheat Other Cereals USA, Netherlands, UK, Germany, Japan USA, Pakistan, Japan, Bangladesh, Netherlands Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Sri Lanka, Bahrain UAE, Nepal, UK, Saudi Arabia, USA Germany, UK, Egypt, Netherlands Bangladesh, UAE, Saudi Arabia, UK, Nepal Netherlands, UK, UAE, Bangladesh, Germany Bangladseh, UAE, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, USA, UK, UAE Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Yaman, UAE, Kuwait Russia, USA, France, Belgium, Spain USA, Isreal, Saudi Arabia, UK, Netherlands Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Angola, Jordan Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait Japan, Oman, Germany, UAE, Kuwait Bangladesh, USA, UAE, Germany, Algeria Germany, Portugal, France, Spain, Turkey Ukraine, France, Seychelles, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia Indonesia, Malaysia, UK, Philippines, Malaysia USA, Germany, China, South Africa, Italy UAE, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, USA, Nepal UK, Nepal, USA, Netherlands, UAE UK, USA, Nepal, Bangladesh, UAE UAE, Bhutan, Thailand, Angola, USA UAE, UK, Iran, USA, Indonesia Somalia, Indonesia, UAE, Yamen, USA Saudi Arabia, UK, Kuwait, UAE, Yemen Rep. Bangladesh, Nigeria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, UAE Bangladesh, UAE, Sudan, Malaysia Malaysia, Bangladesh, Korea Dem. Rep., Sri Lanka, UAE
Source: http://www.apeda.com/
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