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K.G.R.L. COLLEGE, P.G. COURSES Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh 2006 - 2008

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my thanks to Dr.M Lakshmana Rao, Director, and Mr. V.V.V. Prasad, Head, Department of Human Resources Management, KGRL College, PG Courses, Bhimavaram for helping me by providing all the facilities required during the course of my study. It is my privilege to place on records my profound thanks and indebtedness to my guide Mrs. V.Sri Devi Kiran, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Resources Management, KGRL College, Bhimavaram. Her valuable guidance constant support and encouragement, rendered to me through my project work. I am indebted to, Hospital Administrator of Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai and Coimbatore for giving this opportunity to take up this project. I wish to express my profound sense of gratitude to my parents, and Almighty the God for their blessings. A very special thanks to my friends and others who directly (or) indirectly helped me to complete this study.


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the training of Aravind Eye Hospital To measure the satisfaction level of the trainees about the training at Aravind Eye Hospital To determine the expectations of the trainees. To find out if they are satisfied with the services provided To know the overall evaluation of the trainees.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Title of the Study : Evaluation of Training Organization of the Study : Organization of the study at Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.

Definition of the concept : According to Edwin B Flippo, Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee doing a particular job.

According to Dale S Beach, Training an organizer procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Objectives of the Study : To study the profile of the organization. To identify the need of Training practices in Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore. To know about the Training methods adopted by the company. To analyze the Training methods. To enhance the training practices can be followed by the organization.

Sources of the Data : The data of presented information collected from primary as well as secondary sources. The primary data referred to the attitudes of the employees from different categories. I collected this information through a structured questionnaire prepared by me and accepted by the authorities.

The secondary data is relating to administration organization setup and policies relating to Training are gathered from the records, manuals, files and observations from personal interviews. Methods of Data Collection : The data is collected me in two types, they are Primary Data. Secondary Data. For primary data the trainees in different departments were supplied with the structural questionnaire and collected after directly filled in by the respondent. A part from filling the questionnaire, personal interviews were also made.

For secondary data the published materials, records, files etc were followed.

SAMPLING PLAN: Sampling refers to the process of obtaining information about an entire population by examining only a part of it. Sampling plan explains the sampling unit, population, sample size and sampling method.

SAMPLE SIZE: The size of the sample accepted generally is 1/10th of the total population. But size varies from situation to situation and with the researchers satisfaction. The sample size is the true representative of the universe. Because of the limited time factor and for convenience, sample size is 40 trainees The sampled respondents belong to the following departments; Counseling Department Medical Records Department Operation Theatre Out Patient Department Refraction and House Keeping

Sampling Method : The simple random sampling method is adopted for selecting the respondents among the various trainees of the organization.

FRAME WORK OF SURVEY Objective : To identify the Evaluation / Effectiveness of Training

Target groups : Trainees

No. of questions in the Questionnaire : 26 Analysis : Each question carries five options as detailed below : a) Strongly Agree. b) Some what Agree c) Agree. d) Disagree. e) Strongly Disagree JURISDICTION OF THE STUDY: The backdrop of the study deals with Evaluation of Training provided by Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore. The study was carried out by collecting the data from trainees, of Aravind Eye Hospital. The key area where the study is carried out in Aravind Eye Hospital Coimbatore.


The entire period of the data collection was done from April 14th 2008 to May 28th 2008.


The study period is limited to 45 days. The scope of the study is restricted to Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore .

Since the researcher has used convenience sampling to survey the outpatients and inpatients, the data collected may not be fully reliable.

BAR CHARTS: Consists of bars of equal width and length proportional to magnitude of the variables for the different items, bars may be proportionally subdivided to show components of magnitude of the variables corresponding to sub variable. If the sub-division corresponds to percentage, we get bar diagram.

Brief Account of the Organization: Dr. G. Venkataswamy, upon retirement from government service at age 58, wished to establish an alternate health care model that could supplement the efforts of the government and is self supporting. He established the GOVEL trust to initiate Eye Care Work. Under this trust, the Aravind Eye Hospitals were founded.

Dr.V, upon retirement from government service at age 58, feeling the urgent need, started an eye clinic with 11 beds, to create an alternate, sustainable eye care system to supplement the governments efforts

In a developing country with competing demands on limited resources, government alone cannot meet health needs of all the poor.

Service Model of Aravind:

High Quality

High Volume

Affordabilit y

Aravin d

The hallmarks of the Aravind model are quality care and productivity at prices that everyone can afford. A core principle of the Aravind system is that the hospital must provide services to the rich and poor alike, yet be financially self supporting. This principle is achieved through high quality, large volume care and a well-organized system.

Aravind Eye Hospital began in 1976 with just 11 beds. Today, in addition to the hospital in Madurai, there are four other Aravind Eye Hospital in

Theni Tirnelveli Coimbatore Pondicherry.

At Aravind Eye Hospitals great stress is placed on maximum utilization of resources.

With less than 1% of the country's ophthalmic manpower, Aravind accounts for

5% of the ophthalmic surgeries performed nationwide. The hospitals have wellequipped specialty clinics with comprehensive support facilities.

2,313,398 outpatient visits were handled and 270,444 surgeries were performed at the Aravind Eye Hospitals in 2006. Two-third of the outpatient visits and threefourth of the surgeries was serviced to the poor, free of cost. Aravind Vision Vision connection is the one-stop accessible and interactive global internet portal for people who are partially sighted or blind, the professionals who serve them, the families and friends who support them and anyone looking for the latest information on vision impairment, its prevention and vision rehabilitation

Aravind Mission. To Eliminate needless blindness by providing appropriate compassionate and high quality eye care to all, rich and poor.

Aravind Goal To provide sight to many of the worlds backlog of 25 million curable blind by financially supporting the on going efforts of the worlds eye care organizations with proven track records. The current major service commitment of Lions club international is the prevention and reversal of blindness. This program takes the name of Sight First, and includes the activities of every club working to control blindness. Sight First

is an international program dedicated to controlling blindness worldwide. Clubs work individually or through their districts to prevent and reverse the major causes of blindness in their area.

Aravind Team Founder Director Joint Director / HR Director Executive Director Administrator : : : : : late. Dr. G. Venkata Swamy Dr. P. Namperumalsamy Dr. G. Natchiar Mr. R.D. Thulsi Raj Dr. Aravind

ARAVIND COIMBATORE In response to the increasing demand for eye care from patients in the northwestern part of Tamil Nadu and northern Kerela , Aravind opened its third satellite hospital at Coimbatore in 1997.

Aravind Eye Hospital Coimbatore is one of the reputed hospital which is equipped with latest testing equipments full pledged operation theatre and well trained doctors and nurses. People are coming for treatment from various places, from southern parts of our country. Because this hospital was situated at the boarder of Kerala and Karnataka, and it serves a population of 2.5 crores in all the 3 states. The hospital also located in prime place, National highways so that is easy for everybody to reach without much difficulty.

Considering the economical status of the public this hospital provides two types of medical treatment. 1. Paid Service with a very nominal fees, when comparing to any other hospital in coimbatore. 2. Free treatment for the public who is financially poor. The hospital facilities accommodate 175 paying patients and 600 free patients. Aravind Coimbatore offers long term fellowship programmes in IOL Microsurgery, Retina ,Cornea , and Pediatrics Ophthalmology. It also offers short-term fellowship programme in IOL Microsurgery and lasers in Diabetic Retinopathy Management. Aravind Eye Bank in Coimbatore was established in September 1997. Dr R.D. Ravindran is the chief Medical officer and he leads a team of 21 ophthalmologists and 27 opthalmic postgraduates and follows. The hospital has experienced rapid growth in all aspects in a very short span of time .In the year 2000, Aravind - Coimbatore handled 414,345 outpatient visits, performed

surgery on 56,146 patient and conducted 413 screening eye camps.


Retina and vitreous service Cataract and general ophthalmology service. Neuro ophthalmology service

Cornea service. Paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus service. Glaucoma service. Uvea service. Orbit and oculoplasty service low vision Contact lens Refractive surgery (lasik) Ocular oncology Retinopathy of prematurity


Vision rehabilitation center low vision clinic. Patient counselling service. Ocular microbiology laboratory. Instruments maintenance laboratory. Aravind liberary and information center. Radiology department. IT Department Housekeeping services Canteen Services

Optical Audio-Visual Department Pharmacy

ARAVIND is more than an eye hospital. It is: A social organization committed to the goal of eradication of needless blindness through comprehensive eye care services. An international training center for ophthalmic professionals and trainees who come from within India and around the world to teach or to learn, to offer their skills and to acquire new ones. An institute for research that contributes to the development of eye care. An institute to train health related and managerial personnel in the development and implementation of efficient and sustainable eye care programe. A manufacturer to make world class ophthalmic products available at affordable costs.


Eye Care Facilities Aravind Eye Hospitals Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli & Coimbatore

Community Outreach Programmes

Lions Aravind of Community Ophthalmology (LAICO)


Education and Training Aravind Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Women and Child Care Aravind Centre for Women, Children and Community Health

To eradicate needless blindness by providing appropriate, Compassionate and high quality eye care to all

Making appropriate technology affordable Aurolab

Aravind Medical Research Foundation Rotary Aravind International Eye Bank

LAICO The full form of LAICO is Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology. Laico currently partners with 155 eye hospitals located across India, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa for eye care capacity building. It works in collaboration with International Non Government Organizations (INGOs) like Lions International, Sight Savers International, CBM International, IEF, Orbis, World Health Organization (WHO) and Seva Foundation.

Training LAICO offers management training for all cadres of eye care personnel. Various courses were conducted through out the year with the flagship courses being the management, priorities in Eye Care delivery.

Offsite Training. In 2003 LAICO ventured beyond the boundaries of India to provide training. Repeated requests have been coming to conduct training in other countries. In 2003 LAICO conducted three courses: 2 in Bangladesh sponsored by Sight Savers International and one in Tanzania.

Human Resource Department: Human Resource Management is concerned with the people who work in the organization to achieve the objectives of the organization. It concerns with acquisition of appropriate human resources, developing their skills and competencies, motivating them for best performance and ensuring their continued commitment to the organization to achieve organizational objectives. HRM refers to activities and functions designed and implemented to maximize organizational as well as employees effectiveness. All major activities in the working life of the employee from the time of his entry into the organization until he leaves or retires come under the preview of HRM. The most important activities undertaken are: Human Resource Planning, Job Design, Job analysis, Procurement, recruitment, selection, induction, placement and Training and Development. Compensation, rewards, benefits, retrial benefits, medical and health care. Motivation: Motivational aids, bonus, incentives, profit sharing, non monetary benefits are self esteem satisfaction, career development, growth, decision making, promotions, etc.,

Employee Relations: Grievance handling participation, collective bargaining and other aspects of cordial relations conducive to mutual understanding and trust.

Employee Evaluation and performance improvement, HR Audit and HR Accounting.

Objectives of HRM: To provide, create, utilize and motive employees to achieve the organizational goals. To secure integration of individuals and groups in securing organizational effectiveness. To create opportunities, to provide facilities, necessary motivation to individuals and group for their growth with the growth of the organization by Training and Development compensation. To provide attractive, equitable incentives, rewards, benefits, social security measures, to ensure retention of competent employees. To maintain high morale, encourage value system and create environment of trust, mutuality of interests. To provide opportunities for communication expression, participation, appreciation, recognition and provide fair efficient leadership. To create a sense and feeling of belongingness team sprit and encourage suggestions from employees.

To ensure that, there is no threat of unemployment, inequalities adopting a policy recognizing merit and employee contribution and conditions for stability of employment.

FUNCTIONS of HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT are: HR Department Objectives Social Functions: Ensure legal compliance Benefit Administration HR Planning Selection, Development Functional Employee relations Employee evaluation, Feed back process, Assessment Appraisal Placement Training and Development Appraisal Assessment / Placement Compensation Training and



(with respect to employees)

Operative Functions:

Apart from the above functions, the following are the operative functions of the Human Resource Department. Organizational Design Job design Job analysis Human Resource Planning Recruitment Selection Induction Placement Training and Development Performance Appraisal Performance improvement Career Planning Management Development Organizational Development Organizational Culture Job evaluation Salary Administration Benefits Administration Incentives Rewards

Responsible for improving communication, motivation and morale and job satisfaction Grievances Handling Management of Discipline Responsible for improving Quality of Work Life etc.,

In Aravind Eye Care Systems: The above mentioned are the general scope, objective and functions of any HRD in any organization and it also applies for Aravind Eye Care Systems. The department acts as a bridge between the management and employees and facilitates to achieve the organizational goals. As far as Aravind Eye Care System is concerned, the Human Resource Department is a new department and there exists a personnel department which functions for the past 26 years catering to fulfill certain aspects of the Human Resource functions of the organization. It is felt that these functions fall short to fulfill the demand with respect to the rapid and extensive growth of the organization. To fulfill the above short coming to coordinate the various activities, and to improve the communication between various units and centers of the organization the corporate Human Resource Department was formed.

Aravind Eye Hospital Human Resource Department - Mission: To establish Aravind Eye Care System as Employer of Choice and to recruit and retain the best and brightest health care professionals, allied health

professionals and support staff needed to maintain the highest quality of Patient Care through our own commitment to the values of honesty, equality, accountability, respect and team work and an unmatched commitment to excellence.

INTRODUCTION An organization either Business or Industrial Enterprises needs many factors for its growth, further development and for its very survival. The most important factors are Capital, Materials, Machineries and Human Resources as the success or failure of any organization depends on the effective combination of these factors. Managing all other factors is comparatively easier than managing Human Resources are. The Human Resources are most important and need to be handled carefully. Since all the others factors are handled by the human resources, they have to be trained in an effective manner to utilize the resources at optimal level to get the desired output and thereby to reach the organization goals. The effective combination of all these factors results to way for success. Training defined as learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the present job. A person's performance is improved by showing her how to master a new or established technology. The technology may be a piece of heavy machinery, a computer, a procedure for creating a product, or a method of providing a service.

Oliver Sheldon says No industry can rendered efficient so long as the fact remains unrecognized that the in principally human not a mass of machines and technical process but a body of men. If manpower is properly utilized it causes the industry to run at its maximum optimization getting results and also work for as an climax for industrial and group satisfaction in the relation to the work formed. Competitive advantage is therefore depend on the knowledge and skill possessed by employee more than the finance or market structure by organization.

The employee training not only serves the purpose to develop their employers but also safe guard organizational objectives of survival and success through competitive advantages. The training function now popularly called as Human Resource Development, coordinates the provision of training and development experiences in organization. In recent years, the scope of Training and Development has broadened from simply providing training programs to facilitating learning throughout the organization in a wide variety of ways. There is increasing recognition that employees can and should learn continuously, and that they can learn from experience and from each other as well as from formally structured training programs. Nevertheless, formal training is still essential for most organizations or teach them how to perform in their initial assignment, to improve the current performance of employees who may not be working as effectively as desired, to

prepare employees for future promotions and increased responsibilities. The Computer Application Training and New Employee Training are most popular training topics. Various Management and supervisory skills such as leadership, performance appraisal, interviewing, and problem solving were also commonly taught. Many organization provide Train-the trainer courses for superiors or peers who will in turn provide on-the-job training to others. Besides being one of the most important HRM functions, Training and Development is also one of the most expensive. Meaning and Definition: After an employee is selected, placed and introduced, he or she needs to be provided with training facilities. The training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing the particular job. Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing systematic and organized procedure by which an employee is learned the technical knowledge. Definition: Staimez: defines Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel to learn technical knowledge and skill Mamoria: defines Development covers not only the activities which improve job performance, but also those which b ring about growth of personality, helps individual in the process towards maturity and actualization of this potential capacities so that they become not only good employees but also both good men and women.

S. P. Robbins: Defines Training is a learning process which seeks a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Dale Yoder: Defines It is that deals with the effective control and use of manpower as a distinguished from other source of man power

Meaning: Training is part of Human Resource Development. It is concerned with concerned with training, development, and education. Training has been defined as an organized learning experience, conducted in a definite time, to increase the possibility of improving job performance and growth. Organized means that it is conducted in a systematic way. Although learning can be incidental, training is concerned with the worker learning clear and concise standards of performance or objectives. Training is the acquisition of technology, which permits employees to perform their present job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the employee is presently doing or is being hired to do. In addition, it is given when new technology in introduced into the workplace. Development is training people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or future job. Unlike training, which can be

completely evaluated, development cannot always be fully evaluated. This does not mean that we should abandon development programs, as helping people to grow and develop is what keeps an organization in the cutting edge of competitive environments. Development can be considered the forefront of what many now call the Learning Organization. Development involves changes in an organism that are systematic, organized, and successiveand are thought to serve an adaptive function. Training could be compared this metaphor - if I miss one meal in a day, then I will not be able to work as effectively due to a lack of nutrition. While development would be compared to this metaphor - if I do not eat, then I will starve to death. The survival of the organization requires development throughout the ranks in order to survive, while training makes the organization more effective and efficient in its day-to-day operations. Principle of Training: 1. Training Plan: This must be well planned, prescribed and ably executed effective implementation depends to great extend on planning. 2. Organizational objectives: T & D program must meet objectives of the organization 3. Equity and fairness: T and D program must enjoy equal opportunity to drive benefit out of such training and must have equal chance to undergo such training. 4. Application specification: Training content is balanced between theory and practical. It must be Application specification/

5. Upgrading information: T and D program is continuous reviewed at periodic interval as order to make them updated in terms of knowledge and skill. 6. Top Management support: Top management support is essential to make Training and Development effective. 7. Centralization: For economy of effective uniformity and efficiency, centralization of training department is found more common and useful. 8. Motivation Training and Development have motivation aspects like better career opportunity, individuals & skill development etc.,

Importance of training in recent years: Recent changes in the environment of business have made the Training and Development function even more important in helping organization maintain competitiveness and prepare for the future. Technological innovations and the pressure of global competition have changed the ways organizations operate and the skills that their employee need. The tight labor market has increased the importance of training in several ways. First higher employee turnover means that more new employees need training. Second, it has been suggested that frequent and relevant development experiences are an effective way to gain employee loyalty and enhance retention of top-quality staff. Need for Training: Training must be tailored to fit the organizations strategy and structure. It is seen as pivotal in implementing organization-wide culture-change efforts, such as developing a commitment to customer service, adopting total quality

management, or making a transition to self-directed work teams. Pace-setting Human Resource Development departments have moved from simply providing training on demand to solving organizational problems. Trainers see themselves as internal consultants or performance improvement specialists rather than just instructional designers or classroom presenters. Training is only one of the remedies that may be applied by the new breed of Human Resource Development practitioners. In an age of network organizations, alliances, and long-term relationships with just-in-time suppliers, leading companies are finding that they need to train people other than their own employees. Some organization offer quality training to their suppliers to ensure the quality of critical inputs. Organizations with a strong focus on customer service may provide training for purchasers to their product. 1. Shortage of skill: Skilled and knowledge people are always on short supply, alternatively they are too expensive to hire from outside. The best way is to improve the skill and knowledge of the existing employees through Training and Development. 2. Technological Obsolesce: Growth of technology takes place very fast. This will render current technological obsolesces in the near future. 3. Personal Obsolesce: At the time of recruitment employees posses a certain amount of knowledge and skill. As the time passes, their knowledge becomes obsolesce unless it is uploaded by proper training. This happens because of changes take place in product methods procurement of better machines.

4. Organization Obsolesce: Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functioning of management like play organizing, controlling to such change are bound to fail and become obsolete, to prevent obsolesce organization. Employees must be exposed to modern Technology through T & D 5. Increased Productivity: Instruction can help employees increase their level of performance. Increase human performance often directly leads to operational productivity and increase company profits. 6. Coercive Training by Government: In order to provide better employability changes of unemployed youth, certain governments have taken initiatives to mobilize resource available at public/government and private to provide training to outside candidates. One such arrangement is called at Apprenticeship Training conducted by Government of India. A part of expenditure incurred for this by the private sectors is reimbursed by government. 7. Human Capital: The latest thinking is to treat employees as Human Capital. The expenditure involved in training and development are now being considered as an investment. This is cause in globalization it is the knowledge and skill of employees which determine complete advantages of firm. OBJECTIVES AND GOALS OF TRAINING: Training and Development can help an organization in a number of ways. Ultimately, employee knowledge and skill produce the organizations product or service. Training facilitates the implementation of strategy by providing employees with the capability to perform their jobs in the manner dictated by the strategy. Training also assists in solving immediate business problems, such as

when a team of Manager in an action-learning program studies a real problem and recommends a solution. Finally to keep ahead in a highly competitive the turbulent environment, it has been suggested that the training function must foster a continuous learning culture and stimulate managers to reinvent their corporation. Training enables employees to develop and train within the organization and increase the market value, earning power and job security. It moulds the employees attitude and also helps them to achieve better cooperation with the company and greater loyalty to it. The management is benefited in the sense that higher standard of quality are achieved, a satisfactory organization structure is built up, authority can be delegated and stimulus for progress applied to employees. To increase productivity of employees or workers To improve quality of work and product To enhance and update knowledge and skill level of employee in the organization To promote better opportunity for the growth and promotion chances of employees and thereby the employability To secure better health and safety standard To improve quality of life of employees To sustain competitive advantage To impart new entrants of knowledge and skill To build up a sound line of competent efficiency and prepare them as a part of their career progress to occupy more responsible positions

To impart customer education, help grading skills and knowledge and employees estimate career planning of the company.

HOW IS T & D RELATED TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT? An effective use of materials, money, machines and human resource is essential for achieving a high level of productivity in the industry. Whereas other resource have limitation, the human resource has unlimited potential. Moreover this is the only activity resource, other being passive. Its quality of human resource through training input is of vital importance. Improves communication between group and individual Aids in orientation for new employees and taking new jobs throu8gh transfer or promotion Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmation action Improves interpersonal skill Builders cohesiveness in groups Provides a good environment for learning, growth and co-ordination. Improves labour management relation Helps to create better corporate image Provides information for further needs in all areas of organization Moves a person towards personal goals while improve Human Resource and Organisation goals. Training Methods and Techniques for Employees

Because of the objective of Human Resource Development is to contribute to the organizations overall goals, training programs should be developed

systematically and with the organizations true needs in mind. Successful training begins with a thorough needs assessment to determine which employees need to be trained and what they need to be trained to do. Allison Rossett and Joseph W. Arwady states The question is not whether you will solicit this kind of information through needs assessment. It is how much of it you will do and using which tools. The culmination for the assessment phase is a set of objectives specifying the purpose of the training and the competencies required in trainees after they complete the program. This section considers the choice of methods for employees training. With training objectives defined and learning principles in mind, the trainer must be choose appropriate training methods and design the sequence of events in the training program. Perhaps the first decision to be made is whether to conduct the training on the job or away from the job.

Training Needs Assessment Systems (TNA) The process for developing competencies varies widely from organization to organization. One can contrast, for example, the DACUM approach which is a concise method based on a panel of subject matter experts and takes a few days, to that of formal Occupational Analysis studies which often take up to one year. A typical generic process for competency development might include the following steps:

Document search (mission, business plan, job descriptions, generic profiles, competency dictionaries, databases)

Expert Panel to determine: Future needs and Superior performers Interviews Draft list of competencies Validate through focus groups Assess gaps (variety of instruments: e.g. self-scored questionnaire, 360 degree evaluations, standardized tests)

Validate testing through supervisor interviews Collate and prioritize training needs.

TRAINING EVALUATION SYSTEM: WHY TRAINING EVALUATION Training is always done with specific objectives. Hence, evaluation of training is very important. It is important because:

1. It tells us about the quality of training and the effect it has created on the learners. 2. Systematic evaluations also help us in pointing out the weaknesses of the training program so that in future such things can be taken care of. 3. It also indicates the extent to which learners have learnt from the program and 4. The extent they have transferred their learning into their daily job.

For the evaluation to be effective, it is very important that training objectives are carefully thought and framed, the principal significant questions should be:

1. To what extent the identified training needs objectives achieved by the programme? 2. To what extent were the learners objective achieved? 3. What did the learners learn? 4. What commitment have the learners made about the learning they are going to implement on their work?

This model is referred from Kirkpatricks model of training evaluation. Evaluation Steps

Reactions Learning Transfer Results


It indicates the feedback of the participants with regard to the coverage, deliverability, content, presentation and duration of the program. (annexure 1 attached)

Process 1. A feedback form will be circulated to the trainees at the end of the training program to gather their individual feedback / comments. 2. The training feedback questionnaire will cover all the domains mentioned above.

Step 2 LEARNING The purpose of this stage is to obtain information on the amount of learning by the trainees. Getting feedback in an organized manner helps in correct and valuable evaluation. We can evaluate a trainee learning by the following ways 1. Personal action plan 2. 180 degree feedback Process 1. All the trainees will be asked to answer the following the questions and would be asked to reply them while at work: What was your learning out of the session: we would know the extent to which an employee has learned out of the training.

How will you implement the learning on actual work? this is also an employees personal action plan.

What support you require from your senior mangers for implementing the same.

All the trainees would send these answers to the Trainer or Assigned evaluator. 2. 180 degree feedback is done by giving a feedback form to the trainee juniors, trainee himself and his reporting senior. This feedback will be collected after receiving PAP from the trainees and therefore

questionnaire will be based on the trainee PAP which he/she submits. The questionnaire will be prepared by Trainer or Assigned evaluator

Step 3 BEHAVIOUR It is very important to give time to learners to reflect their learning on their work place. Process: 1. During this phase 3 months time will be usually given to trainees to actually reflect the same at the work place. 2. Follow ups are regularly done by Trainer or Evaluator. 3. At the end of three months 180 degree feedback will be repeated and same questionnaire which was filed earlier will be filled again by the same employees.

Step 4 RESULTS Evaluation at this level consists of an attempt to measure aspects of the effects of trainees job behavior whether on productivity or efficiency of trainees department. Procedure: 1. Scores of 180 degree which was taken in Phase2 and 3 will be at the final evaluation. 2. The deviations would reflect the success of the training imparted. 3. Positive deviation would reflect the improvement in an employee behavior or efficiency

Summary of Kirkpatrick Model LEVEL MEASURE KEY QUESTION METHODOLOGIES OR INDICATORS LIMITATIONS Cant measure what is learned, guarantee behavioural change, nor will it ensure quality results from learning Will not measure if they liked the program, if they will behave differently, and if expected results will be achieved Cannot determine if participants liked the training, and if the behaviours accomplished results Cannot determine if participants like the training, understood it, or if it affected their preferred behaviours


Program evaluation sheets, interviews, What was the questionnaires, and participants Satisfaction general participant reaction to the comments program? throughout the program Pre-post testing, observations by tutors, managers and/or peers, team and self-assessment, interviews and surveys


What did the Knowledge participants learn?

Transfer of learning & Behaviour Achievement performance objectives

Pre-post testing, observations, Did the focus-groups, participants interviews, survey learning affect people who their observe the behaviour? performer, and questionnaires


Indicators include Did increased participants Transfer or productivity, behaviour impact on profitability, sales changes affect society and profits, and the decreased employee organisation? turn over and cost

ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS: 1. I was well informed about the objective of the course.

No. of Respondents

40 30 20 10 0

34 Series1 6 0 0 DA (4) 0 SD (5)

SA (1)

SWA A (3) (2)


Sl.No. Option of Respondents 1 Strongly Agree 2 Some what Agree 3 Agree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total No. of Respondents Table Interpretation:

No. of Respondents 34 06 0 0 0 40

With regard to I was well informed about the objective of the course, of the 40 respondents it can be seen from the above presentation that 34 respondents have responded Strongly Agree, 6 acknowledgements as Some what Agree.

2. The training program is very useful to me, because it is related to my actual job work

No.of Respondents

40 30 20 10 0

32 Series1 0 SA (1) SWA (2) A (3) 0 0

DA (4) SD (5)


Sl.No. Option of Respondents 1 Strongly Agree 2 Some what Agree 3 Agree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total No. of Respondents Table Interpretation:

No. of Respondents 32 08 0 0 0 40

With regard to the training program is very useful to me, because it is related to my actual job work, of the 40 respondents it can be seen from the above









acknowledgements as Some what Agree.

3. Information & Content of training is very useful.

No. of Respondents

40 30 20 10 0


Series1 1 SA (1) SWA (2) 3 A (3) 0 0

DA (4) SD (5)


Sl.No. Option of Respondents 1 Strongly Agree 2 Some what Agree 3 Agree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total No. of Respondents Table Interpretation:

No. of Respondents 36 01 03 0 0 40

With regard to the Information and content of training is very useful, of the 40 respondents it can be seen from the above presentation that 36 respondents have responded Strongly Agree, 1 acknowledgements as Some what Agree and 3 respondents acknowledgements as Agree.

4. This training provided me, new skills / information.

No. of Respondents

40 30 20 10 0


Series1 4 SA (1) SWA (2) 1 A (3) 0 0

DA (4) SD (5)


Sl.No. Option of Respondents 1 Strongly Agree 2 Some what Agree 3 Agree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total No. of Respondents Table Interpretation:

No. of Respondents 35 04 01 0 0 40

With regard to the this training provide me new skills / information of the 40 respondents it can be seen from the above presentation that 35 respondents have responded Strongly Agree, 4 acknowledgements as Some what Agree and 1 respondents acknowledgements as Agree.

5. The extent of training met my expectations

No.of Respondents

25 20 15 10 5 0

23 12 3 SA (1) SWA A (3) (2) 1 DA (4) 0 SD (5) 1 NR (6)



Sl.No. Option of Respondents 1 Strongly Agree 2 Some what Agree 3 Agree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree 6 Not Respondent Total No. of Respondents Table Interpretation:

No. of Respondents 35 04 01 0 0 01 40

With regard to the extent of training met my expectations, of the 40 respondents it can be seen from the above presentation that 23 respondents have responded Strongly Agree, 12 acknowledgements as Some what Agree, 1 respondent acknowledgement as Agree.

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