NCP Imbalanced Nutrition

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PROBLEM # 3: Nutrition, imbalanced, less than body requirement PATIENT: RJB


SUBJECTIVE: Imbalanced At the end of nurse INDEPENDENT: RATIONALE: Goal met. Patient
“minsan hindi na nutrition less than patient relationship had told the
ako kumakain kasi body requirements the patient would be - discuss eating - to appeal to student nurses that
umiinom naman related to able to: habits, including patients he wanted to eat
ako .” as verbalized substance abuse. - have positive food preferences, likes/dislikes nutritious foods.
by the patient. dietary intake intolerances/
- verbalize aversions Goal met. Patient
OBJECTIVE: willingness to - promote pleasant, - to enhance intake is able to eat one
- evidence of lack eat nutritious relaxing cup of rice daily
of available food foods environment, from ½ cup.
- poor muscle - increase food including
tone intake as socialization when Goal partially met.
- decreased manifested by possible Patient wasn’t able
subcutaneous eating from ½ - prevent or minimize - may have a to gain 10 % of the
fat or muscle cup of rice to unpleasant odor or negative effect on total body weight.
mass. one cup. sights appetite or eating
- Patient’s weight - Increase 10% of - develop regular
is kg total body weight exercise or stress
reduction program


- refer to home - for initiation or

health resources supervision of
and so on home nutrition
therapy when

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