CogPsych SupplReading2 StudyLearnMemory

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Name:____________Diego Velazquez_______


Due Date: Tues, 10/27/15 Section:

PSY 310. Introductory Psychology

Supplemental Reading #2. Studying: Learning and Memory.
Remember to type this assignment, write your responses using your own words,
thoughts and style of speaking. Please use the spelling check and print out
double sided to save paper.
It is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday Oct 27th.
Late HW earns half credit. Emailed work will not be accepted.
1. Describe the three major stages of memory. Give examples of what happens
in each phase.
Encoding Visual, auditory, and semantic information is taken in and processed.
Storage memory is kept in short or long-term memory, but only long-term if
rehearsed and memorized. Retrieval a memory is actively remembered and
recalled from Long or short-term memory
2. Based on the article you are reading, what is the best way to retain newly
learned information? What are their recommendations for best practices?
Describe each of them and provide an example.
Self-tests, the best practices are flash cards and spreading studying over time.
Flash cards use a sheet of paper and one side holds a statement or question
and the other side has the answer or correct response. To study more over time
is simple, rather than cram all of their studying into one session it is best to
study and allow for significant time before studying again for best memorizing.
3. Compare and contrast massed vs. distributed learning. What are the pros
and cons of each?
Distributed is much more effective for learning. The pros of massed learning are
few and far between but the pros for disturbed learning is more effective
learning. The only real con is needing more time for the most effective learning.
4. What is your current method or strategy for learning and studying? Is it
working? How so? Why or why not?
My method is mostly distributed due to my limited time. It is working well
because I am rehearsing the work over and over with more time rather than last
minute attempting to memorize everything. It works with my schedule and has
improved my grades.

5. Which strategy/strategies would you consider using or trying for your next
round of midterms? Why? How do you think things will turn out? Would there be
a difference in the outcome? What other methods would you consider trying in
the near future?
I will continue to use distributed methods

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