Introduction of hypothesis:
The formulation of hypothesis or proposition as to the possible answers to the
research questions is an importance steps in the process of formulation of the research
problem. Hypothesis is usually considered as the principal instrument in research. Its
main function is to suggest new experiment and observations. Keen observation,
creative thinking, hunch, unit, imagination, vision, insight and sound judgement are of
greater importance in setting up reasonable hypotheses. A thorough knowledge about
the phenomenon and related fields is of great value in its process. The formulation of
hypotheses plays an important part in the growth of knowledge in every science. The
hypotheses are formulated to facilitate the findings of the research study.
Meaning of hypothesis:
The relationship between/ among variables,
Definition of hypothesis:
• Goode and Hatt have defined a hypothesis, “a proposition which can be
put to test to determine validity.”
Characteristics of hypothesis:
Hypothesis must possess the following chacteristics:
• Hypothesis should be clear and precise. If the hypothesis is not clear and
precise, the inferences drawn on its basis cannot be taken as reliable.
• Hypothesis should be capable of being tested. In a swamp of untestable
hypothesis, many time the research programmes have bogged down.
Some prior study may be done by researcher in order to make
hypothesis a testable one
• Hypothesis should state relations between variables, if it happens to be a
relational hypothesis.
• Hypothesis should be limited in scope and must be specific. A
researcher must remember the narrower hypothesis is generally more
testable and he should develop such hypothesis.
• Hypothesis should be stated as far as possible in most simple terms so
that the same is easily understandable by all concerned. But one must
remember that simplicity of hypothesis has nothing to do with its
Importance of hypothesis:
• Hypothesis has a very important place in research although it occupies a
very small place in the body of a thesis. It is almost impossible for a
research worker not to have and or more hypotheses before proceeding
with his work. The importance of hypothesis can be more specifically
stated as under:
• It Provides direction to research. It defines what is relevant and what is
irrelevant. Thus it prevents the review of irrelevant literature and the
collection of useless or excess data.
Difficulties of hypothesis:
• There are a number of difficulties from which a beginner may suffer at
the stage of formulating a good hypothesis.
2. Relational hypothesis:
These are propositions, which describe the relationship between two variables.
The relationship suggested may be positive or negative correlation or causal
Some examples:
“Families with higher incomes spend more for recreation.”
“The lower the rate of job turnover in a work group, the higher the work
3. Casual hypothesis:
State that the existence of, or a change in, one variable causes or leads to an
effect on another variables. The first variable is called the independent variable, and
the latter the dependent variables the researcher must consider the direction in which
such relationships flow.ie. Which are cause and which effect is
4. Working hypothesis:
While planning the study of a problem, hypotheses are formed. Initially they
are not be very specific. In such cases, they are referred to as “Working hypothesis”
which are subject to modification as the investigation proceeds.
5. Null hypothesis:
These are hypothetical statements denying what are explicitly indicated in
working hypothesis. They are formed in the negative statement.
For example:” There is no relationship between families’ income level and
expenditure on recreation”.
Null hypothesis are formulated for testing statistical significance. Since, this
form is a convenient approach to statistical analysis. As the test would nullify the null
hypothesis, .they are so called. There is some justification for using null hypotheses.
They conform to the qualities of detachment and objectivity to be possessed by a
researcher. If the attempts to test hypotheses which he assumes to be true, it would
appear as if he is not behaving objectively. The problem does not arise when he uses
null hypotheses. Moreover, null hypotheses are more exact. It is easier to reject the
contrary of hypotheses than to confirm it with complete certainty. Hence the concept
of null hypothesis is found to be very useful.
7. Statistical hypothesis:
There are statements about a statistical population. These are derived from a
sample. These are quantitative in nature in that they are numerically measurable, e.g.,
“Group A is older than Group B.”
9. Complex Hypothesis:
These aim at testing the existence of logically derived relationships between
empirical uniformities. For example,
“The concentric growth circles characterize a city”.
Sources of Hypothesis:
1. Theory: This is one of the main sources of hypotheses. It gives direction to
research by stating what is known logical deduction from theory leads to new
hypotheses. For example, profit/wealth maximization id considered as the goal
of private enterprises. From this assumption, various hypotheses are derived.
“The rate of return on capital employed is an index of business success “; the
optimum capital structure is that combination of debt and equity which leads to
the maximum value of the firm.” “Higher the earning per share, more
favourable is the financial leverage.”
2. Observation: Hypotheses can be derived from observation. From the
observation of price behaviour in a market for example, the relationship
between the price and demand for an article is hypothesized.
3. Analogies: These are another resource of useful hypotheses. Julian Huxley has
pointed out that casual observation in nature or in the framework of another
science may be fertile source of hypotheses. For example, the hypotheses that
“similar human types or activities may be found in similar geographical regions
‘came from plant ecology.
4. Intuition and personal experience: may also contribute to the formulation of
hypotheses, personal life and experiences of persons determine their perception
and conception. These may, in turn, direct a person to certain hypotheses more
quickly. The story of Newton and the falling apple, the flash of wisdom of
Buddha under banyan tree illustrate this individual accident process.
5. Findings of studies: Hypotheses may be developed out of the finding of other
studies in order to replicate and test
6. Culture: Another source of hypotheses is the culture on which the researcher
was nurtured.
7. Continuity of research: The continuity of research in field itself constitutes
important sources of hypotheses. The rejection of some hypotheses leads to the
formulation of new once capable of explaining dependent variables in
subsequent researchers on the same subject.
4. Compute:
After having selected the statistical technique to test the hypotheses, the next
step involves various computations for the application of that particular test. These
computations include the testing statistics as its standard error.
5. Make decisions:
The final step in hypothesis testing is to draw a statistical decision, involving
the acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis. This will depend on whether the
computed value of the test criterion falls in the region of acceptance or in the region of
rejection at a given level of significance. It may be noted that the statement rejecting
the hypothesis is much stronger than the statement accepting it. It is much easier to
prove something false than to prove it true. Thus when we say that the null hypothesis
is not rejected, we do not categorically say that it is true.
Type I Error (α): It refers to the rejection of a null hypothesis when it is true. The I
error is symbolized by α (alpha)
Type II Error (β): Accepting a null hypothesis when it is false is called type II
error which is symbolized by β (beta)
In the test of a null hypothesis the possible decisions are shown in the
following table:
N Accept H0 Reject H0
H0 is true Correct decision Incorrect decision(Type I
It is true that hypotheses are useful and they guide the research process in the
proper direction. In fact, many experiments are carried out with the deliberate object
of testing hypothesis. Decision-Makers often face situations wherein they are
interested in testing hypothesis on the basis of available information and then take
decisions on the basis of such testing. But in all analytical and experiment studies,
hypothesis should be setup in order to give a proper direction to them. The hypothesis
will guide a researcher in the selection of pertinent facts that are required to explain
the issue considered for the study. Thus, formulation of hypothesis plays an important
role in the research studies.