Revolt of 1857
Revolt of 1857
Revolt of 1857
Q.1 What kind of revolts took place before the revolt of 1857?
1. There were many revolts between 1765 and 1856. The people who revolted were mainly
deprived landlords, disbanded soldiers, tribal people and impoverished peasants and artisans.
These uprisings testify to the gradual dissatisfaction of the people against the British
exploitation. This resentment resulted in a number of uprisings; the most significant among
was the revolt of 1857.
Q.2 What were tribal revolts? Why did they take place?
2. The British annexed large pieces of tribal lands to cultivate cash crops. This rendered the
tribal people landless. They were forced to work as laborers. Customary rights like forest and
pasturage rights were taken from them. This led to the most legendary Tribal revolt by the
Santhals of Bengal and Bihar.
Q.3 What were the political causes for the revolt of 1857?
Royal patronage to poets, musicians, artists, was withdrawn which rendered them
The Indian soldiers were paid very little wages compared to the British soldiers.
The Indian soldiers were considered inferior to the British soldiers and were
The British forced Indian soldiers to fight wars outside India which was not