Ready To Teach

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Brittney N.

I believe that learning is a life-long action, whether it is through mistakes, experiences, or
education. As a future educator I want to encourage my students to continue to learn, learning is
very essential to ones life. I want to promote quality care and education to both children and
their families in a safe, loving, supportive educational environment. Children will engage in
activities that will strengthen their minds through the use of their physical, social, emotional,
creativity, and language skills. More importantly these activities will prepare them for a
successful future.
Not only is learning a life-long action, but teaching is a lifelong process, not just
educators but everyone. Students and educators coincide with one other, they help each other
grow and learn daily. It is important as an educator to grow with your children. Being an
educator teaches you so many things that you did not know you had or could do example,
patience. Children help educators become much more diverse and understanding whether it is
through various activities, culture shocks, or family tragedies. All of these are a way for an
educator to grow and learn to handle various situations that may arise throughout professional
Wanting to become an education has been a dream of mine since my memories of early
childhood play. Based on various observation and volunteer hours I am pleased to know that I
still have a passion for becoming an educator. Being an educator requires a great deal of passion,
empathy, and patience. Children are our future and I am pleased to know that have the
opportunity to make a difference in a childs life.
I feel that I can impact the lives of many children as an educator based of the skills and
knowledge I have obtained from the professors at Richard J. Daley College. My definition of an
educator is someone that is not only an educator but also someone that is a role model, such as
the professor at Daley.
Throughout my educational growth at Daley professors have taught me the importance of
assess young children. Many children may or may not start school when they are supposed to for
various reason, and it is our job as educators to assess them. The importance of this is so that we
can learn children's interest, personalities, skill level, development, excreta. Based off of what a
teacher provides when assessing a young child will better prepare them for their academic career.
Assessing young children will also help the parent and teacher understand and focus on the needs
of children. When assess children you should focus on Parten's play and children's
developmental domains.

Mildred Parten observed pre-school children during their time of free play. Free play is
very important during early childhood years because it gives the child the opportunity to enjoy
play and enhance their developmental domains. Free play should not be what the teacher has
planned for a child to do, instead it should be what a child wants to do. Making choices is very
important for early childhood years, according to Erikson this is the psychosocial stage 3, which
I initiative vs. guilt.
This stage is where children develop a sense of independence through play and social
interaction. While Parten observed children during free play should found different types of play.
Solitary independent play, which is where a child plays alone. Onlooker behavior, which is
where a child watches and may talk but will not play. Associative play where a child will play
with the same toys as other children, but still play alone. Parallel play where children play
independently side by side. Cooperative play where children play in the same group with
different roles. Unoccupied where a child does not play and stays in one spot. Free play is a very
good time to assess and observe a child.
I also know that teachers may use various tools to assess a child whether they are
observation or assessment tools. Some tools that may be used during observations are but not
limited to; various tests, audio and video, sociometric tests, and portfolios, just to name a
few. When assessing a child it is also important to practice confidentiality.
Confidentiality is important when working with children and their families because,
parents and children are expecting us to perform a job. A job that provides quality care for them
and their children, not discussing a child's personal information, such as medical records and
history. Confidentiality is a very important when working with not only children, but anywhere.
Building a child's self-esteem is also very important when working with children. It is
essential to know that self-esteem and self-image makes up self-concept. Knowing that self-
esteem is the focus of your self-worth and self-image is how you view yourself is what will help
you help children build their self-esteem. An example if building a child's self-esteem could be
as simple as reading a book during circle time about self-esteem. Reading to children also
enhances a child's language, social, and emotional domains.
The language domain helps children develop vocabulary and construct sentences. Social
domain helps children become more social with their peers, which allows for peer acceptance.
Emotional domain helps children understand emotions and become sympathetic as well as
empathic. There are three more developmental domains which are; physical which helps children
strengthen their small and larger motor skills, creativity helps children think outside the box and
find themselves, and cognitive enhances a child's thinking skills. Recognizing developmental
domains is one of the very first things that I learned at Daley and it is very important to know as
an early childhood teacher.
Building relationships are crucial in the field of early childhood education, especially
parent relationships. You can build parent relationships through various events and activities.
Creating a monthly parent teacher conference is vital when working with children. It is important
to inform parents on their child's educational growth. Bi-annual events for both the parent and
child is a great way for parents to see what their child is learning at school, for instance children
performing a play and having refreshments for the parents. Also, parents should be welcomed to
volunteer whether it is in the classroom or on a field trip. The most important thing I believe is
key in any relationship especially with parents is listening.
I feel that listening is very important especially with working with children is that no
parent wants to hear a teacher babble on and on about what their child is not doing or how he is
she is always in trouble. It is ok for a teacher to listen to what a parent has to say. In addition, to
listening you always have to remain positive. Positivity is something that everyone strives for. I
feel that positivity and a listening ear is something that a majority of educators lack in the
Molding a young mind is something that I feel is not only a necessary but an honor as
well. Knowing that I can be the one to impact a childs life is amazing especially in todays
society. I feel as though it is getting harder and harder to connect with the youth of today. I am
also aware that being an educator has it's pros and cons just like any other occupation, but I also
know that no other occupation will feel as rewarding as expanding the minds of our youth.

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