Eh3 Baby
Eh3 Baby
Eh3 Baby
Objective: Parents will gain an increased Objective: Parents will gain knowledge about
awareness of hazards in infancy. how and why car seats are used.
Agenda: Agenda:
1. Discuss household hazards. 1. Discuss the cat seat law and the proper use
2. Discuss infant car seats. of car seats.
3. Discuss infant CPR. 2. Discuss individual installation and the
importance of following the manufacturer’s
3. Discuss car seats precautions.
Objective: Parents will be motivated to safety Objective: Parents will understand the basics of
proof their environment. infant CPR.
Agenda: Agenda:
1. Discuss viewing hazards from the 1. Discuss when CPR should be used.
infant’s eye level. 2. Demonstrate infant CPR.
2. Point out household hazards and unsafe 3. Observe and assist parents in doing return
products. Show products that aid in demonstrations of CPR.
household safety.
3. Discuss household poisons and give out
the poison control phone number.