Lesson Plan in TLE

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March 6, 2020

Lesson Plan in TLE 8: Horticulture for Grade 8

Module Title: Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operation

Topic: Personal Protective Equipment
Content standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts, underlying theories and principles in
applying safety measures in farm operations.
Performance standard:
The learner observes safety measure in farm operations in horticulture.

At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:
1. value the importance of the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment in Horticulture
through the activity STOP and GO
2. identify Personal Protective Equipment used in Horticulture
3. use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment in different situation


Topic: Personal Protective Equipment in Horticulture
Learning code: TLE_AFHC7/8OS-0h-1
Materials: Power Point presentation, Television/Projector, Learning Modules,
Printed pictures, Assessment materials
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Technology and Livelihood
Education Learning Module: Horticulture page 135
Subject integrated: Science and Mathematics
Time frame: 1 hour


Teacher’s activity Student’s response
A. Preliminary activities
1. Prayer and greetings
Everybody stands up, Gerald, The students will stand, and
please lead the prayer. they will follow the prayer. In
the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Good morning everyone! Amen.
Before you take your seat, Good morning Sir Jay.
please arrange your chairs and pick The students will arrange their
some pieces of garbage. seats and will be picking up the
How are you today? garbage.
We are good Sir.
2. Attendance
Let’s check the attendance The class secretary will identify
today. Who are absents today? the absent students.

3. Class rules
Before we go on with our
lesson, let me remind you with our The 4 Be’s Sir namely: Be
class rules. prepared, Be participative, Be
What was our class rules? creative and Be respectful
Understood class? Understood Sir.

4. Review or drill
Okay, let’s have our review in The students will pass their
the past lesson. What was the topic assignment. If none, proceed to
about? review and drill.
Very good Mina. The last topic was about the 5S
What was our activity last Sir.
Very good Mike Sir, we apply the 5S inside the
Do we have an assignment? classroom.
Very good class. Now you are If no assignment proceed to
ready for our next lesson. next activity.

5. Motivation The workers are doing their job

Let’s watch the video clip but they overthink about the
together and observe the pizza party. They have a proper
workers while doing their job. I protection but they lack focus in
will ask later what your doing their work.
reaction to the video are.
B. Group activity
STOP and GO activity
1. Identify the given image if it is appropriate or inappropriate.
2. Use the green card if it is appropriate or good practice in the
workplace and use stop card if it is inappropriate practice.
3. The group can defend their answer to express their stand.
4. Two groups will be selected to correct the situation.
1. How can you say that the first  It is because the workers are
image is a good practice in well equipped.
doing their job?  It is because the worker can
2. How can you say that the second be injured while working.
image is a bad practice in doing  The best practice is the image
their job 2 because he is protected
3. If we will compare the two with the suit that he had and
images, which scenario can be he will not be affected by the
describe as a best practice? chemicals he spayed in the
4. In case of lacking of body  No, because it is our safety.
protection, can we use other Safety is more important than
substitute for protection? substituting our protective
5. What if I do not have the
 We should be informed
knowledge about body
because it is for our own
protection when doing my job?
6. Why do we need to wear
 We need to wear protective
protection for our body?
material for our own safety
7. Why do we need to identify the
and to avoid accidents.
necessary protection in our
work?  We need to identify the
8. What are the possibilities if we necessary PPE in order to
will not wear body protection? work effectively.
 Accidents may happen or
worst lives will be lost due to
lack of protective equipment.



reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries and
 Improves productivity and profits.
 It helps in protecting people’s lives.
Excess nitrogen used in crop
fertilization can contribute to the release
of greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide and nitrous oxide into the
atmosphere. This effect is caused by
using a greater amount of chemical
fertilizer than the plants can readily
Chemical fertilizers are high in
nutrient content such as nitrogen. Over-
application of chemical fertilizer to
plants may cause the leaves to turn
yellow or brown, damaging the plant
and reducing crop yield. This condition
is known as chemical leaf scorch.

 PPE sometimes can be neglected because of the issue of the employer

for the additional amount of money in purchasing PPE in order to make
his/her workers safe.

Task Sheet

1. Identify the scenario given. Each group will be given a printed picture to answer.
2. Identify the parts of the body that should be protected by the PPE.
3. Determine the possible injuries that might happen in the scenario.
4. Choose the correct PPE to be used in the situation.
5. The group will be given 3 minutes to finish the task
No. Body parts Possible injury PPE to be used

5 4 3 2
Organization and participation of
Correctness of the idea presented
Completeness of the necessary
materials needed
Timeliness on finishing the task

Instruction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, answer directly in your paper.
Take the Test
Direction: Read and understand the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on your answer sheet. Write only letter of your best answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What is the main purpose of PPE?
a. To avoid accident c. To go with the safety trend
b. To protect people from harm d. To impress other worker
2. Ana wanted to apply insecticide in her room. What PPE should she use?
a. Mask and gloves c. Goggles and boots
b. Boots and farm suit d. Ear muff and goggles
3. If improper use of PPE is done, what would be the consequence of such?
a. Safety will increase c. Accident will happen
b. Everyone will be safe d. Nothing will happen
4. You can use to protect yourself from the radiation from the sun.
a. Boots c. Hat
b. Goggles d. Face mask
5. What is any unforeseen event that may result to injury?
a. Paralysis c. Accident
b. Fracture d. Hazard
6. What are safety gadgets and devices used by workers/technicians to prevent hazards during
a. Personal Protective Equipment c. Laboratory gear
b. Personal Defensive Equipment d. All of the above
7. When operating equipment such as grain dryers, tractors and chain saw, what appropriate PPE
should you use?
a. Farm suit c. Mask
b. Goggles d. Ear muffs
8. What Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are we going to use if we are constructing a high-
rise building?
a. Gloves c. Hard hat
b. Mask d. Respiratory equipment

1. Submit a picture of any worker or personnel inside the school or outside the school
wearing PPE during their work.
2. Submit through Share it or Bluetooth

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