Trademark Services
Trademark registration
Get exclusive rights to a name, symbol, or slogan that distinguishes your business. Make sure that you are the only one who can benefit from your trademarks.
Our team include registered agents with access to Myanmar’s online trademark filing system. They can take you through the entire registration process, maximising your chances of being able to successfully register your trademark.
Infringement monitoring
With trademarks constituting a key asset for many businesses, making sure that it remains protected is vital for ensuring that it retains its value and that your brand is not impacted.
Our team is ready to assist you with this. Our standard package provides for monthly monitoring for matching and similar trademarks. These packages have the flexibility of being adapted to best suit your needs.
Enforcement actions
Once an infringement has been spotted, we are able to work together with you to evaluate your options and guide you through the process of enforcing your rights.