Floragasse 7 – 5th floor, 1040 Vienna
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Teaching & Courses

Education of Future Experts

Employees of SBA Research work at universities and universities of applied sciences. They teach and mentor students, young academics, and professionals alike.

Education is a core activity of SBA Research, and complements and supports our core, research-intensive activities. We aim at providing high-quality of education in postgraduate and undergraduate studies as well as secondary education, continuing education and in trainings. SBA Research draws from the vast experience, knowledge, and expertise of our staff, the latest research developments in the broader field of cyber-security, and our highly-specialized research infrastructures.

SBA Research is strongly affiliated with the Research Group Security & Privacy at University of Vienna and with the Institute of Information Systems Engineering at TU Wien. In collaboration with both universities, SBA Research offers the following courses:

  • Introduction into Research Data Management
  • Information Security Management
  • Attacks and Defenses in Computer Security
  • Software Security
  • Operating Systems
  • Network Security
  • Quantum Computing Applications

Furthermore, SBA Research provides internships and part-time employment (4 to 10 hours per week) for undergraduate students.

SBA Research affiliates often teach advanced cybersecurity topics in higher education institutes like FH St. Pölten, FH Campus Wien, FH Wiener Neustadt, and FH Technikum Wien. Also, SBA Research contributes every year to the Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Security (IPICS academic summer school).