Privacy Statement

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Privacy Statement

SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) shall handle personal information appropriately in accordance with this Personal Information Protection Policy, which is based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”)

1. Name of the Company Handling Personal Information


2.Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

Our company shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law, and related laws, regulations and guidelines.

3.Purpose of Usage

Our company shall use personal information for purposes within the following range.

(1) Customer-related Personal Information

1. processing requests; negotiating, finalizing and fulfilling contracts (including billing, processing payments, etc.), and other matters related to managing contracts
2. making transaction-related notifications
3. providing, developing and improving products and services, etc.
4. confirming the location for the installation of a product or equipment
5. providing information about group company exhibits, seminars, campaigns, products, services, etc.
6. managing product and equipment maintenance records, and providing appropriate services
7. collecting product quality and development information, manufacturing feedback, etc.
8. for taxation law-related record-keeping
9. handling inquiries, requests, consultations, etc. from customers
10. providing information on new products and services, etc. by direct mail and e-mail
11. following procedures based on various laws and regulations
12. other uses related to the aforementioned matters

(2) Shareholder-related Personal Information

1. exercising our rights and obligations under the Companies Act
2. distributing annual reports or other such materials, and related correspondence
3. complying with shareholder management laws, and other various laws and regulations, etc. (regarding data creation, etc.)
4. providing shareholders with information, etc. from our company
5. implementing various measures to facilitate relations between our company and shareholders
6. providing shareholders with various kinds of services from our company
7. other uses related to the aforementioned matters

(3) Job Applicants' (incl. Prospective Hires'), and Internship Applicants' Personal Information

1. contacting people about recruiting activities and internships
2. recruitment-related procedures and sharing information with relevant parties
3. carrying-out procedures in accordance with various laws and regulations, etc.
4. other activities relating to the aforementioned matters

(4) Employees' Personal Information (incl. information about their family, or persons given as emergency contacts or guarantors)

1. human resource and labor management
2. work-related communications, making decisions on remuneration (compensation, wages, bonuses, allowances, etc.), personnel evaluations
3. sharing information with relevant parties about employees being reassigned, transferred or relocated
4. sharing information with relevant parties concerning tax payments and social insurance
5. carrying-out work related to severance pay and employee benefits
6. confirming employees' safety or contacting them in an emergency
7. maintaining the health of employees; making decisions on leaves of absence, worker reinstatements, etc., childcare leave and family care leave
8. sharing information with relevant parties concerning congratulatory or condolence ceremonies
9. carrying-out human resource development activities, such as employee training, seminars, etc.
10. using various kinds of information systems
11. managing patents, etc.
12. carrying-out matters stipulated in our company regulations, etc.
13. carrying-out work related to equipment and facility management
14. following procedures based on various laws and regulations
15. other uses related to the aforementioned matters

(5) Information About Retirees

1. contacting the person and/or their family regarding necessary post-retirement procedures and social activities, and handling their inquiries
2. sending and receiving company publications and necessary documents
3. making entries in employee records and directories
4. sharing information with relevant parties concerning congratulatory or condolence matters
5. following procedures based on various laws and regulations
6. carrying-out other necessary work for the management of retirees

(6) Personal Information About Participants / Members of Affiliated or Related Organizations

1. communicating about work operations, as well as providing information, receiving and distributing materials, etc. related to them
2. managing information about participants and members, etc. in related organizations

(7) Personal Information of Those Who Gave Answers to Questions or Comments

1. giving answers or opinions in response to necessary surveys or questions
2. other necessary correspondence

(8) Information About Visitors and Those Captured On Our Company's Security Cameras

measures necessary for maintaining safety and crime prevention at our facilities

4.Providing Personal Information

(1) Our company shall not provide someone's personal information in its possession to third parties, except in the following circumstances.

1. the person has given their consent
2. it is required by law
3. it is necessary to protect the person’s life, body or property from harm, but it is difficult to obtain their consent
4. the company has been entrusted with handling the personal information for purposes within a certain range of uses
5. the personal information is provided for the continuity business operations in the event of a merger or other such reason
6. we are required by laws or regulations to cooperate with a national institution, local public entity, or individuals commissioned by them, and obtaining the person's consent would risk impeding their work

(2) Our company may share personal information with other companies within our group of companies for purposes within a certain range of use. In such cases our company shall take responsibility for the management of the personal information.

5.Safety Management-related Measures

Our company shall take appropriate security management measures to prevent the leaking, loss or damage of personal information. Also, employees and contractors who handle personal information shall be properly supervised.

6.The Disclosure of Personal Information, Notifications About its Usage, Corrections, Halting Its Usage, and Deletions (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosures”, etc.)

(1) Individuals (or their proxies) have the right to makes requests about the disclosure of their personal information, send notifications about its usage, make corrections to it, halt its usage and have it deleted (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure”), and our company shall respond promptly without objection. However, this does not apply to disclosures, etc. requested under the following circumstances.

1. it would risk harming the life, body, property, or the rights and interests of the person or a third party
2. it would risk significantly impeding our company’s ability to properly carry out its operations
3. it would violate laws or regulations

(2) To prevent the aforementioned personal information from being leaked or rewritten by others, it is to be confirmed that the disclosure request is actually being made by the person concerned (or their proxy). Personal information shall only be disclosed after confirmation has been made.

(3) In regards to the personal information held by our company, applications to be notified about the purpose of its usage, disclosure, additions / corrections / deletions, halting its usage, remove, or suspend the supplying of it to third parties, will be accepted as follows.

<How to Apply>

Please download and fill-in the required information on the form mentioned in I, enclose it with the identification in II. and the payment for the fee in III. (this only applies to applications to be notified about the purpose of usage and requests for disclosure), and mail it to the address in IV.

I. Personal Information Disclosure Request Form [PDF 23KB]

II. Documentation Confirming the Person's Identity (either from A or B below)

A (one of the following)

a. a copy of their driver's license
b. a copy of their passport
c. a copy of their basic Residency Registration Card with photo
d. a copy of their health insurance card (s)
e. a copy of their pension record(s)
f. a copy of their Japan Residence (“Zairyu”) Card
g. a copy of their disability certificate
h. a copy of their personal seal registration certificate (issued within the previous 3 months, with an imprint of the actual seal made in the margin of the document)

B (one from both (i.) and (ii.) below, for a total of two items)

  • (i) a. a copy or excerpt of their Family Registry (issued within the previous 3 months)
    b. a copy of their residency card (issued within the previous 3 months)
  • (ii) a. a copy of one of their utility bills
    b. a copy of their student ID card or certificate

    (Note) Someone acting as a proxy would be asked to please send in one of the following additional documents.

    1) A Proxy With Power of Attorney

    ・a power of attorney document (with their registered seal)
    ・a personal seal registration certificate for the seal on the power of attorney document
    ・documentation confirming the identity of the person’s proxy (documentation similar to those mentioned above, to confirm the person’s identity)

    2) Legal Representative

    ・documentation certifying that they are the legal representative of a minor or an adult ward
    ・documentation confirming the identity of the legal representative (documentation similar to those mentioned above, to confirm the person’s identity)

    III. a money order for the equivalent of a fixed \1,000 fee. (this only applies to applications to be notified about the purpose of usage and requests for disclosure)

    IV. Personal Information Consultation Desk
    3-33-1 Minami Otsuka,
    Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8451

    (4) Personal information acquired by the company by procedures such as disclosure requests, etc. shall be used for investigative procedures to verify the identity of applicants or their proxies, collect fees, and respond to requests for disclosure.

    (5) Please be aware that applications will not be accepted, and disclosures will not be made under the following circumstances.

    1) Non-acceptance

    ・the identity of the person or their agent cannot be verified
    ・the proxy rights of the representative making the request cannot be verified
    ・the form is incomplete, and our company’s request(s) to correct or amend it is/are not fulfilled within 2 weeks
    ・the fee has not been paid, and payment is not received within 2 weeks of the application being submitted (This includes when insufficient funds to cover the company’s specified fee has been submitted.)

    2) Non-disclosure

    Under the following circumstances, if it is decided that a disclosure will not be made, notification of the reason is to be given. However, please be aware that even if a requested disclosure is not made, the fee will not be refunded.

    ・our company does not posses the information being requested, or it does not fall under the classification of personal information
    * As personal information that is not stored in databases, etc. does not fall under the classification of stored personal data, and is not eligible for disclosure.
    ・it would risk harming the life, body, property, or the rights and interests of the person or a third party
    ・it would risk significantly impeding our company’s ability to properly carry out its operations
    ・it would violate laws or regulations

  • 7. Contact Information

    Please direct any inquires regarding our company’s handling of personal information to:
    3-33-1 Minami Otsuka,
    Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8451
    [email protected]
