© Collared Sunbird By Rich Lindie
$('.cont input').change(function() {
$(this).closest('.cont-parent').find('.dest input').prop('checked', this.checked);
$('.dest input').change(loadTours);
if (destination_filter.length) {
$("#destinations").find(destination_filter).prop('checked', true).trigger('change');
var $priceRange = $('#price--range');
range: true,
min: info.price.min,
max: info.price.max,
step: 100,
values: [info.price.min, info.price.max],
slide: function(event, ui) {
if (ui.values[0] == info.price.max) {
$('#price-ammount span').html(ui.values[0] + '+');
} else {
$('#price-ammount span').html(ui.values[0] + ' - ' + ui.values[1]);
$('#price-ammount span').html(info.price.min + ' - ' + info.price.max);
if (price_range.length) {
price_range = price_range.split('-');
if (price_range[1] === "0") {
price_range[1] = info.price.max;
$priceRange.slider('values', 0, price_range[0]);
$priceRange.slider('values', 1, price_range[1]);
$priceRange.slider('option', 'slide').call($dateRange, null, {
value: price_range[0],
values: price_range
var $dateRange = $('#date-range');
range: true,
min: 0,
max: info.dates.delta,
values: [0, info.dates.delta],
slide: function(event, ui) {
var sd = new Date(info.dates.min);
var dte1 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth() + parseInt(ui.values[0]), 1);
var dte2 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth() + parseInt(ui.values[1]), 1);
$('#date-ammount span').html(months[dte1.getMonth()] + ' ' + dte1.getFullYear() + ' - ' + months[dte2.getMonth()] + ' ' + dte2.getFullYear());
var sd = new Date(info.dates.min);
var dte1 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth(), 1);
var dte2 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth() + info.dates.delta, 1);
$('#date-ammount span').html(months[dte1.getMonth()] + ' ' + dte1.getFullYear() + ' - ' + months[dte2.getMonth()] + ' ' + dte2.getFullYear());
if (date_range.length) {
date_range = date_range.split('-');
$dateRange.slider('values', 0, date_range[0]);
$dateRange.slider('values', 1, date_range[1]);
$dateRange.slider('option', 'slide').call($dateRange, null, {
value: date_range[0],
values: date_range
range: true,
min: info.duration.min,
max: info.duration.max,
values: [info.duration.min, info.duration.max],
slide: function(event, ui) {
$('#duration-ammount span').html(ui.values[0] + ' - ' + ui.values[1]);
$('#duration-ammount span').html(info.duration.min + ' - ' + info.duration.max);
var $lead = $('#leaders');
Select Leader ');
for (let i in info.leaders) {
var lead = info.leaders[i];
' + lead.name + ' ');
// range: true,
// min: info.group.min,
// max: info.group.max,
// values: [info.group.min, info.group.max],
// slide: function(event, ui) {
// if (ui.values[0] == info.group.max){
// $('#group-ammount span').html(ui.values[0]+'+');
// } else {
// $('#group-ammount span').html(ui.values[0]+' - '+ui.values[1]);
// }
// loadTours();
// }
//$('#group-ammount span').html(info.group.min+' - '+info.group.max);
var $cat = $('#categories');
var category = "";
for (let i in info.categories) {
var cat = info.categories[i];
' + cat.title + '
if (category == cat.id) {
$(`#cat${i}`).prop('checked', true);
// one type --> many options
var $type_options = {
65: [4, 5, 6],
'#': [1, 3, 7, 2]
var $opt = $('#options');
for (let i in info.options) {
var opt = info.options[i];
var show_option = true;
for (var k in $type_options) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < $type_options[k].length; idx++) {
if ($type_options[k][idx] === opt.id) {
show_option = false;
if (k === '#') {
info.options[i].show_in_filter = '1';
info.options[i].is_option = '1';
if (show_option) {
var checked = '';
if (options_filter === "" + opt.id) {
checked = 'checked';
' + opt.title + '
info.type.sort(function(a, b) {
var tA = a.title.toUpperCase();
var tB = b.title.toUpperCase();
return (tA < tB) ? -1 : (tA > tB) ? 1 : 0;
var $type = $('#types');
for (let i in info.type) {
var type = info.type[i];
if (type.show_in_filter === "1") {
var checked = '';
if (type_filter === "" + type.id) {
checked = 'checked';
var is_option = '';
if (type.is_option) {
is_option = 'data-type="option"';
if (options_filter === "" + type.id) {
checked = 'checked';
' + type.title + '
for (var type_id in $type_options) {
if (type.id === type_id) {
for (var idx in info.options) {
var opt = info.options[idx];
if ($type_options[type_id].indexOf(opt.id) !== -1) {
' + opt.title + '
if (checked === "checked") {
$('#types .type_cont:last-child').find('.type_sub input').prop('checked', true);
$('#types > .type_cont > input').change(function() {
$(this).parent().find('.type_sub input').prop('checked', this.checked);
$('#categories input, #options input, #types > .type_cont > .type_sub > input').click(loadTours);
// getTours();
if (current_destination_id != "") {
// Change the value of the custom variable
} else {
$('#leaders').change(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val()) {
var $opt = $this.find('option:selected');
var $row = $('
' + '' + $opt.text() + '
$row.find('input').click(function() {
if (!this.checked) {
$('#sort, #order').change(loadTours);
$('#content .loader-here').append('
$('#btn-filters').click(function() {
$('#btn-apply').click(function() {
var $win = $(window);
$win.scroll(function() {
var $result = $('.tours_list').find('.results');
if ($result.length) {
if ($win.scrollTop() > ($result.offset().top + $result.height()) - 300) {
function loadTours() {
if (loader) {
loader = setTimeout(getTours, 2000);
function getTours() {
var $list = $(".tours_list");
if (view === 'grid') {
} else {
var sd = new Date(info.dates.min);
var dte1 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth() + $('#date-range').slider('values', 0), 1);
var dte2 = new Date(sd.getFullYear(), sd.getMonth() + $('#date-range').slider('values', 1), 1);
data = {
sort: $('#sort').val(),
order: $('#order').val(),
destinations: [],
price: {
min: $('#price--range').slider('values', 0),
max: $('#price--range').slider('values', 1)
date: {
min: dte1.getTime(),
max: dte2.getTime()
duration: {
min: $('#duration-range').slider('values', 0),
max: $('#duration-range').slider('values', 1)
leaders: [],
//group: {
// min: $('#group-range').slider('values', 0),
// max: $('#group-range').slider('values', 1)
categories: [],
options: [],
type: [],
merge: true
$('#destinations .dest input:checked').each(function() {
if (this.checked) {
data.destinations[data.destinations.length] = $(this).val();
$('#selected-leaders input').each(function() {
if (this.checked) {
data.leaders[data.leaders.length] = $(this).val();
$('#categories input').each(function() {
if (this.checked) {
data.categories[data.categories.length] = $(this).val();
$('#options input').each(function() {
if (this.checked) {
data.options[data.options.length] = $(this).val();
$('#types .type_sub > input, #types > .type_cont > input[data-type="option"]').each(function() {
if (this.checked) {
data.options[data.options.length] = $(this).val();
$('#types > .type_cont > input').each(function() {
if (this.checked && $(this).attr('data-type') !== 'option') {
data.type[data.type.length] = $(this).val();
'url': 'https://app.rockjumperbirding.com/' + 'tour-filter_list/rawpost/1/',
'method': 'POST',
'data': data,
beforeSend: function() {
'success': function(tours) {
$('.tours_list').find('.results .tour-itm').remove();
tourList = tours;
tourPos = 0;
complete: function() {
// $(".tours_list").pagify(5, " div.results > article");
$(document).on('rj.get.tours', function(e) {
if ($(e.target.activeElement).hasClass('link-grid')) {
view = 'grid';
} else {
view = 'list';
$('.listViewIcon .link').click(function(e) {
if ($(this).hasClass('link-grid')) {
view = 'grid';
} else {
view = 'list';
$('.listViewIcon .link').removeClass('active');
$('.listViewIcon .link-' + view).addClass('active');
function showTours() {
if (!tourList) {
var $list = $('.tours_list').find('.results');
var end = tourList.length < tourPos + 9 ? tourList.length : tourPos + 9;
//var end = tourList.length;
for (tourPos; tourPos < end; tourPos++) {
var t = tourList[tourPos];
if (view === 'grid') {
$list.append(TourView(t, 'https://www.rockjumperbirding.com', wishList, wishHref));
} else {
$list.append(TourView(t, 'https://www.rockjumperbirding.com', wishList, wishHref));
if (!tourList.length) {
if (view === 'grid') {
$list.html(getNoToursView(info, data));
var items = $(".tours_list > div.grid > div.results > div.pageload");
} else {
$list.html(getNoToursView(info, data));
var items = $(".tours_list > div.list-view > div.results > div.pageload");
// if (view === 'grid') {
// var itemDiv = $(".tours_list > div.grid > div.results > div.pageload");
// } else {
// var itemDiv = $(".tours_list > div.list-view > div.results > div.pageload");
// }
$('.result-info span').text(tourList.length);
/* var items = itemDiv;
var numItems = items.length; //total items
var perPage = 9; //per page
var startindex = 0;
totalPages = Math.floor(numItems / perPage);
currentPage = Math.ceil(startindex / perPage);
if(numItems < perPage){
$('.pagination-page').css('visibility', 'hidden');
items: numItems,
itemsOnPage: perPage,
cssStyle: "light-theme",
onPageClick: function(pageNumber) {
var showFrom = ((pageNumber-1) * perPage);
var showTo = (showFrom + perPage) ;
items.hide().slice(showFrom, showTo).show();
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".tours_list").offset().top - 250
}, 500);
// $(".tours_list").pagify(9, " div.results > article");
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