Contact Rebex

Technical support

Direct Sales

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Technical support: [email protected]

Direct sales: [email protected]

Billing address

Rebex ČR s.r.o.

Chaberská 488/47

182 00 Prague, Czech Republic

European Union

VAT-No: CZ 63978296

Mailing address

Rebex ČR s.r.o.

Olivova 4/2096

110 00 Prague, Czech Republic

European Union

Bank address

ČSOB a.s.

Na Poříčí 24, 11000 Prague, Czech Republic



Account number: 225630361 / 0300

IBAN: CZ20 0300 0000 0002 2563 0361


Account number: 326147790 / 0300

IBAN: CZ03 0300 0000 0003 2614 7790

Intermediary bank

JPMorgan Chase Bank

New York, USA


W8-BEN (Rebex)
Use W8 if you plan to pay via wire transfer or send check directly to us.

W9 (FastSpring)
If you plan to purchase your software licenses with a credit card use W9 of our credit card processing partner, FastSpring.


+420 234 749 539 - sales

Our current time is: 01:57

We are located in Europe in GMT+1 Timezone. If not settled otherwise please call in our business hours between 10:00 and 18:00 to ensure that you can reach right person.

We speak English and Czech.

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