Key topics

What matters most to us as paediatricians, nurses, social workers, parents - and children and young people? We explore the key themes in children's health and wellbeing.
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Air Pollution Companion

Welcome to the Air Pollution Companion – a ‘one stop shop’ to learn about air pollution and child health, and integrate it into your practice. This resource was developed by the Clean Air Fund Partnership team, which includes three Clinical Fellows working alongside RCPCH policy experts.
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Child health inequalities and climate change

Climate change poses an existential threat to the health and wellbeing of children and young people. But it is not experienced equally. We look at unequal exposure to its effects, capacity to adapt, food security and eco distress. It's time again to #ShiftTheDial
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Child health inequalities and poverty

The influence of poverty on children’s health and wellbeing is undeniable. With insight from paediatricians, children and young people, we outline our position on health inequalities to Government, and provide paediatricians with tools to make a difference. We need to #ShiftTheDial
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Child mental health

We must work together to improve children's mental health - to put resources into early intervention and prevention, building resilience and ensuring our workforce is trained to spot the signs of mental ill health and equipped to refer and support children.
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Child protection and safeguarding

Child protection plays a role in everything we do as child health professionals, and is about protecting individual children identified as suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. Our main resource for members is our Child Protection Portal. View links from h...
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Climate change

Children are among the most vulnerable to the health risks of climate change. See our position statement, action plan and resources produced with our working group of enthusiastic members and staff - and join us in tackling this issue.
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From early 2020, we looked at the risks and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our members, the wider child health workforce and children and young people. We produced guidance around health services, the paediatric workforce, training and CPD. This page includes resources that may continue to be u...
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Genomics has the potential to change our approaches to healthcare. By gathering insight from paediatricians and children and young people, we are developing an ambitious Genomics Programme. The programme aim is to address unmet need across the sector, in order to improve the health of children and y...
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Industrial action in the NHS

Multiple unions are taking industrial action in the NHS, or are formally balloting members on strike action. We recognise that taking industrial action is a personal choice. To support our members this section includes links to key information, frequently asked questions and advice for members inclu...
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NHS 10 Year Health Plan

In October 2024, the UK government launched a major public engagement initiative called Change NHS to help shape the NHS 10 Year Plan in England. We want to ensure children and young people are at the centre of this plan and have submitted an organisational response. We outline how members in Englan...