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You can download printable support tools created by Rakuramom🇯🇵 for free.
This page is a collection of useful resources for positive parenting, communication with children, therapeutic education for children with developmental disabilities, parent training, and more.
楽々かあさんの伝わる! 声かけ変換


"Rakurakumom's Tutawaru! KOEKAKE-Henkan

Author Misuzu Oba (Asa Publishing)

<Support tools that can be downloaded from this page>
・KOEKAKE-Henkan Conversation Conversion Table
・My child correspondence table
・Deko-Boko Translation table
・Reassure the child Voice/Action
・Card for what to do when you are trying too hard to raise your child

*Before using this tool...

Please read and agree to the terms of use here [About using this tool] before using this tool.

KOEKAKE-Phrase Translation Sheet-2020
KOEKAKE-Phrase Translation Sheet-2023
Tutawaru! KOEKAKE-Henkan Conversation Conversion table
[Definitive Edition] 2020
[Mom and Dad Support Edition] 2023

Now available on the Asa Publishing special website. Anyone can download it for free!



KOEKAKE-Phrase Translation Sheet-2014
KOEKAKE-Conversation Conversion table
[Original 2014 version]

Conversion table for instructions, commands, and prohibitions

(A4, pdf file)

KOEKAKE-Phrase Translation Sheet-Additional
Additional KOEKAKE-Conversation Conversion table

Conversion table summarizing encouragement, situational judgment, and graduation

(A4, pdf file)

To those who want to spread the KOEKAKE-Conversation Conversion table

​・If you would like to introduce us on your blog, SNS, video, bulletin board, etc.,Original, unaltered images with attribution specified.Please use. (*Please refrain from publishing or distributing the KOEKAKE-Conversation translation table that you have created yourself, even if the contents are the same, as it is considered a "modification".)

Free courses and training sessions for educational/support organizations and non-profit organizationsIf you would like to introduce and distribute the "KOEKAKE-Conversation translation table" as it is without altering it, please clearly state the source (including verbally).No need to contact usSo please help us.


・If the above user wishes to excerpt and quote only a part of the greetings from the KOEKAKE-Conversation translation table to fit the publication space in materials, pamphlets, letters, etc. (including cropping images), please do not change the contents of the greetings. No permission is required if you clearly state the following.
・[Definitive Edition] [Mom and Dad Support Edition]

Source: From Misuzu Oba/the Asa Publishing special site

・Original/additional KOEKAKE-Conversation translation table

Source: From Rakurakumom's official website

・Please do not use the image of the KOEKAKE-Conversation translation table for affiliate marketing of other products or to direct people to unrelated sites.Forbidden.In cases of malicious behavior, we may ask you to take measures such as deleting the article.

Childcare know-how summary “My child correspondence table”
My child correspondence table

This is a compilation of ideas and know-how that were born from my time raising my child.

Voices and actions that reassure children
reassure the child
Deko-Boko Translation Table

Weaknesses of children, others, and yourself into strengths and advantages.It's for positiveparenting, enhancing self-esteem and promoting self-understanding.

Card for what to do when you are trying too hard to raise your child

*This site is the "Rakurakumom's Official Website".Please refrain from reprinting or secondary distribution of images, illustrations, and text without permission.  

 © Rakurakumom  Proudly created with

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