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Original Editors Only
Here’s how it works
350 words (2,100 characters)
Submissions must include:
Author’s name, hometown(s), affiliation (if any), physical address and phone number (for verification of residency and authorship only)
Policy: The decision to print any letter to the editor is completely at the discretion of the Glenwood Springs Post Independent editor. Letters considered libelous, obscene, in bad taste or containing personal attacks will not be printed. Form letters and letters containing long lists of names will not be printed. Thank-you letters will appear on the Community pages. Letters must include the author’s name, complete mailing address, affiliation (if any) and phone number. We only publish your name and hometown, but need your contact information to verify that you wrote the letter. Anonymous letters will not be printed. The Glenwood Springs Post Independent reserves the right to edit all letters. Because of space constraints, please limit your letters to 2,100 characters which is roughly 350 words.