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Here's a look at where Bob Dylan spent his days in Fargo in 1959, when he was like a rolling stone.
Group of twenty-somethings keep playing 50-year-old music.
He traces his fascination with electronics to elementary school when he dismantled a flashlight to learn why the bulb lit up.
The singer shares her love with opera with her hometown.


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22-year-old Lilly Goyah has experienced homelessness, and struggled with mental health and depression. She found solace in music, and it has inspired her app called ANP Streaming.
The longtime Rochester resident recently won Rochester's inaugural James Weldon Johnson Award.
Roy Rogers followed Autry for a very cowboy 1950 in Rochester.
A guitar Gordon Lightfoot used to write "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" sold for $350,000, while other items related to that song went for four- and five-figure prices.
The band is looking forward to two performances in mid-December.
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Taking a page from the Rochester Symphony Orchestera, Lyra Baroque has planned its season of concerts beginning Nov. 22 to be led by various guest artists from around the world.


Tickets go on sale Friday, Nov. 15, 2024, at the Mayo Civic Center Box Office and
“There’s so much power you can pack into that use of words when pairing it with music,” Jake Runestad said. “There is really no other art form like it.”
A look back at the Minnesotan who inspired more than one of his songs and how the state's cold spring inspired another.



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