PHCC Political Action Committee (PHCC-PAC)


Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors—National Association Political Action Committee is a non-partisan political action committee to support and elect pro-industry and pro-business candidates for federal office.

Who can participate in PHCC PAC?

Only individual and non-corporate business members may receive solicitations and participate in PHCC PAC.

PHCC PAC can ask for contributions from executives or those with an ownership stake in a PHCC member business only after prior written approval has been provided. Only an authorized representative with whom PHCC normally conducts association business may give prior approval. Representatives from our incorporated member companies can use an online form for this purpose.

How does PHCC PAC work?

PHCC PAC pools permissible resources from America’s plumbing and HVAC contractors. That enables the plumbing-heating-cooling (p-h-c) industry to support candidates for federal office who believe in and support pro-industry and pro-business policies.

How does the PHCC PAC help meet the p-h-c industry’s goals?

Decisions by lawmakers and regulators on Capitol Hill impact every aspect of the p-h-c industry. Federal legislation impacts your day-to-day business operations and affects how plumbing and HVAC products are manufactured and installed. Sound public policy begins by supporting and electing candidates to federal office who understand the p-h-c industry and know that you protect the health and safety of the American people. 

How are PHCC PAC contributions to candidates determined?

PHCC PAC is governed by a committee of 12 PHCC members and state executives from across the country. The committee convenes throughout the year to determine the best opportunities for PHCC PAC engagement and support.

The above information is provided for information purposes only.

Learn more

If you have any questions, contact Mark Valentini, Director of Legislative Affairs at [email protected].

Are you ready to become a part of PHCC PAC and make a difference?

Submit your prior authorization here.

Make a Donation