Train to Machu Picchu – Ollantaytambo – Cusco | Peru Rail | Deals | Perurail

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How to get to Machu Picchu from Lima-Peru?

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Find out everything you need to know about how to get to the Wonder of the World in the safest and most entertaining way: travel time, types of transportation, routes you can follow, places to visit and more.

How to get to Machu Picchu

How to get to Machu Picchu from Lima

1. Take a flight or bus from Lima. Both will leave you approximately 20 minutes from the Plaza de Armas in Cusco. Duration: Plane: 1hr 30min / Bus: 22hrs.

2. Go to the train station of your choice from Plaza de Armas:

  • San Pedro Station: 10min.
  • Wánchaq Station: 10min.
  • Poroy Station: 20min.
  • Urubamba Station: 1hr 20min
  • Ollantaytambo Station: 1hr 30min (with more departure times and train services).

3. Travel by train. In PeruRail we have the best train services and a variety of frequencies that will take you to the Machu Picchu Pueblo station (also known as Aguas Calientes). Duration: between 1hr 30min to 3hr 30min.

4. Board the Consettur bus (authorized company) from Machu Picchu Pueblo to the entrance of the Inca Citadel. Duration: Consettur Bus: 30min. departures every 10min.

5. Arrival to the Citadel or Llaqta Machu Picchu. We recommend you to buy your tickets at least 30 days before your trip at

What you need to know

What if I can’t get Machu Picchu tickets?

The Ministry of Culture has enabled the sale of 1000 daily tickets to visit Machu Picchu for the following day. To purchase them, you must go to the Cultural Center of Mincul in Machu Picchu Pueblo, also known as “Aguas Calientes,” from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Please remember that you can only use the ticket during the specified time; otherwise, it is considered forfeited.

How to buy your train ticket online

Choose your travel date and destination here

Select your train type and schedule. Find out more about each train service:

Enter your passenger information

Choose your payment method and confirm

Book at least 30 days before the date you wish to visit the Machu Picchu citadel and live an unforgettable experience.


What is the weather in Machu Picchu?

During the rainy season (November to March), from 19 to 21°C. In dry season (April to October), from 17 to 19°C. In June and July it can reach -2°C. However, there have been cases where the sun can peek out in low seasons, so you can take a good picture of the citadel. Click here for more information.

Can I get altitude sickness in Machu Picchu?

More severe symptoms of altitude sickness are very rare. For more information click here.

Is the use of masks and vaccination card mandatory for admission?

According to DS 130-2022-PCM, it is no longer mandatory to show the vaccination card and the use of masks is optional.

What is the currency used in Machu Picchu and the exchange rate?

The currency used in Machu Picchu Pueblo is the Sol and the exchange rate varies every day. To know the current exchange rate, click here.

What methods of payment are accepted in Machu Picchu Pueblo?

For consumption and purchases in Machu Picchu Pueblo, payment methods will depend on the establishment; smaller locations usually accept cash-only transactions.

Are Machu Picchu Citadel, Llaqta, Machu Picchu Pueblo and Aguas Calientes the same thing?

No, “Machu Picchu Citadel or Llaqta” is the name of the mountain that houses the Inca citadel, the Wonder of the World. While Machu Picchu Pueblo, formerly known as “Aguas Calientes”, is the official name of the town where the citadel of Machu Picchu is located.

Do I need a guide to enter?

Yes, when you arrive at the entrance gate of the citadel you will see that groups are organized to enter with a guide.

Is the Consettur Bus the same bus that is taken for the Bimodal service?

No, the bimodal service bus only takes you to the Ollantaytambo station to board the train, while the Consettur bus takes you to the entrance of the Machu Picchu Citadel.

What are the entrance and exit hours of the Machu Picchu citadel?

The entrance time starts at 06:00hrs and closing time is 17:30hrs. You can stay up to 4 hours inside the citadel. Please note that the entrance has an assigned schedule.

At what time could there be fewer tourists at the citadel?

In the early morning hours, between 06:00 to 10:00 hrs and from 3pm onwards. Click here for more information

Will I be able to see llamas in Machu Picchu?

Yes, the llamas inside the citadel of Machu Picchu walk freely around the site all year.

What should I bring for my visit to Machu Picchu?

For your entrance to the Wonder of the World, it is advisable to bring sunscreen, insect repellent, windbreaker jacket, backpack up to 5kg, identity document (ID card or passport) and your entrance ticket either physical or digital.

What should I NOT bring for my visit to Machu Picchu?

Tripods or implements for photo shoots, suitcases or backpacks with more than 5kg, perishable food or snacks are not permitted.

Are there toilets inside Machu Picchu?

No, but next to the entrance gate to the citadel there are toilets at an extra cost.

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