Train to Machu Picchu – Ollantaytambo – Cusco | Peru Rail | Deals | Perurail

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Useful travel information

Tickets to Machu Picchu 2024

Find out where to buy your tickets to Machu Picchu and what are the new circuits and routes 2024.

How to get to Machu Picchu​

Discover travel time, types of transport, routes you can takes, places to visit and more.

Train schedules

Check the departure and arrival times of our trains and discover all the options where you can embark and disembark.

Stations and ticket offices

Find out the addresses, opening hours of the stations where our trains operate from, as well as sales points.

Why buy at

More than 20 years leading the transport of passengers worldwide.

25 years of experience

More than two decades travelling to the most emblematic places in the country to create unique moments on board our trains.

Several departure times

We have different options of timetables, train frequencies and boarding points for you to enjoy your stay in Machu Picchu, Cusco, Puno or Arequipa.

Purchase 24/7

Our platform is available 24 hours a day so you can buy your tickets anytime and from anywhere in the world.

Changes to your booking

We give you the facility to request changes to your travel date, seats, service, among others, through our modification form.

Tripadvisor reviews

Amazing service and clean facilities. Maritza C was delightful, polite and catered to all our needs. She was friendly and helpful. We couldn't have asked for more. Amazing experience.

Salina T.

The trip was excellent. The view and experience was out of this world. The highlight of the trip was the fashion show put on by Mavilla N and Felipe. A fashion show with a view.

Dvas 87

The journey was incredible the views an nature are incredible. But!!! The service and attention to every single detail was more than excellent. the most enjoyable and unforgettable trip.

Daniel O.


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