Purchase Orders

Quotes and Pricing

Please use the form and information on our main sales page to get the pricing for the products you require.

Small Order Surcharge and Bank Fees

For purchase orders that have a total value of less than $100 USD we reserve the right to add a $10 fee to covering the processing of the paper work. There is an additional $15 surcharge for payments via international bank transfers. No surcharge is added if you order using a credit card from PassMark Software's online store nor when paying via bank transfer from an US or Australian domestic bank.

Sending Us the Purchase Order or Check

PassMark Software has two office locations. Customers based in the United States or Canada should contact North American Branch in California. We strongly encourage customers from Europe, Asia or other regions to mail purchase orders and checks directly to the Australian Head Office.

Australian Head Office

PassMark Software Pty Ltd

Level 5, 63 Foveaux St
Surry Hills, NSW 2010

North American Branch

PassMark Software Inc.

370 Convention Way, Level 2
Redwood City, California 94063
United States

Your Payment

To existing customers we would normally offer net 15 or net 30 day payment terms. For new customers we would ask for an upfront payment. Payment can be made via check or direct transfer to our bank account.

Supply of Product(s)

We would normally supply the product(s) ordered on the same day as we recieve payment. However our bank can take some time to notify us of a payment being received. You can speed up the process by letting us know when a payment was sent.

All of our software is currently supplied via electronic download, so no shipping is required. In the case where hardware (e.g. loopback plugs) have been ordered, they will be shipped by FedEx unless we are directed by you to do otherwise.

Our Bank Account Details

Our bank details will appear on our invoice, but if you wish to directly make a deposit without the formality of a PO then mail Click to send mail [email protected] for our bank details, or just post us a check to the address above. When you mail us your check, please also enclose your contact details, e-mail address and the products you wish to purchase. Checks should be made out to PassMark Software Pty Ltd.

We prefer to accept payment in US dollars (USD), Australian dollars (AUD) or Euros (€)