A very common reason is a wrong site baseUrl configuration.\n

Current configured baseUrl = / (default value)\n

We suggest trying baseUrl = \n\n',document.body.prepend(n);var e=document.getElementById("__docusaurus-base-url-issue-banner-suggestion-container"),s=window.location.pathname,o="/"===s.substr(-1)?s:s+"/";e.innerHTML=o}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){void 0===window.docusaurus&&insertBanner()}))

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The cloud-native storage engine for PostgreSQL

OrioleDB is a PostgreSQL extension that combines the advantages of both on-disk and in-memory engines. It uses PostgreSQL pluggable storage to increase performance and cut costs.



The novel design of OrioleDB avoids typical bottlenecks of database engines.

IO Reduction

Logical WAL and non-persistent undo log for less IO from write transactions.

Data Compression

Page-level data compression reduces typical database size in 4-5 times.

Bloat Reduction

Less bloat thanks to efficiently handled in-place update.

Less Maintenance

Lower maintenance required resulting in less operational costs.

High Transaction Throughput

Efficient transactional processing leads to high throughput.


OrioleDB utilizes the power of modern hardware to achieve extraordinary performance.


Read-only tests show that the OrioleDB storage format is over to 4x faster than PostgreSQL's current storage format.


Read-write tests show that the OrioleDB storage format is over to 4.5x faster than PostgreSQL's current storage format.


OrioleDB's architecture dramatically reduces resources used for transaction processing.


OrioleDB is over 6x more efficient on disk reads / IOPS than the current PostgreSQL storage format.


OrioleDB results in a dramatic reduction in disk writes compared to the current PostgreSQL storage format.

OrioleDB is a PostgreSQL extension that combines the advantages of both on-disk and in-memory engines. It uses PostgreSQL pluggable storage to increase performance and cut costs.