Installing CueGUI

Install CueGUI to monitor, manage, and troubleshoot jobs

This guide shows you how to install CueGUI.

Users use CueGUI to monitor and manage OpenCue jobs.

Admins use CueGUI to:

  • Troubleshoot jobs.
  • Assign render processors to jobs.
  • Manage cue priorities.

CueGUI is a standalone PySide application. It runs locally on the user’s workstation; all users within your OpenCue deployment who want to use it will need it available on their workstations.

Before you begin

  1. Before you start to work through this guide, complete the steps in Installing PyCue and PyOutline.

  2. You need the same Cuebot hostname that you used to configure PyCue in this guide as well. If you don’t know the Cuebot hostname, check with your OpenCue admin. After you know this, set the CUEBOT_HOSTNAME_OR_IP environment variable:

    export CUEBOT_HOSTNAME_OR_IP=localhost
  3. To follow the instructions in this guide, you’ll need the following software:

Installing CueGUI

CueGUI is written in Python. To run CueGUI, you install a series of dependencies and configure a virtual environment for the Python code to run inside.

To install CueGUI:

  1. To install the required Python packages, create an isolated Python environment:

    virtualenv venv
  2. Evaluate the commands in the activate file in your current shell:

    TIP: To review the contents of the activate file, run cat activate.

    source venv/bin/activate

Option 1: Install a published release

To install a published release:

  1. Visit the OpenCue releases page.

  2. Download the cuegui tarball from the latest release’s Assets.

  3. Run the following commands in a terminal to install a cuegui executable in the PATH of your environment:

    export CUEGUI_TAR="<path to cuegui tar.gz>"
    export CUEGUI_DIR=$(basename "$CUEGUI_TAR" .tar.gz)
    tar xvzf "$CUEGUI_TAR"
    cd "$CUEGUI_DIR"
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements_gui.txt
    python install
    cd ..
    rm -rf "$CUEGUI_DIR"
  4. Run CueGUI:


Option 2: Install from source

Make sure you’ve checked out the source code and your current directory is the root of the checked out source.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_gui.txt
cd cuegui

You can either install CueGUI from here, and run the cuegui executable that gets created:

python install
cd ..

OR you can run the software directly, without installing:


The CueGUI executable launches and the Cuetopia window appears:

CueGUI Cuetopia window

What’s next?

Last modified Wednesday, December 4, 2019: Update docs with new requirements file. (#128) (73ec3ef)