Home Academy Email
Deep-dive into everything you want to know about Email
How you end an email impacts how it is perceived. We have collected the best ways to sign off emails in English. ...
3 minute read
Microsoft Exchange is a mail program with valuable features. Read this article to get an overview of Microsoft Exchange. ...
6 minute read
An email alias is the key to better privacy, security, and email organisation. Learn what email aliases are, why they matter, and how to set them up easily....
6 minute read
The text in the subject field of the newsletter plays a big role in your open rate. Write sharper subject lines and keep your users engaged!...
13 minute read
An article teaching you the meaning of PS in email. It also explains how, when, and where to write it. ...
3 minute read
An article explaining email security and the best practices to ensure your email’s security....
4 minute read
With an out-of-office message, you inform your contacts of your absence. In this article, you will find tips and tricks to apply immediately!...
7 minute read
Do you want to change your current email address? Whatever your reason, with this step-by-step plan, you can change your email address....
4 minute read
An article showing you five business email examples, along with signatures, subject lines, and introductions. It includes a business auto-response email example....
6 minute read
An article explaining email etiquette. It includes a list of 20 rules you should follow. They work for everyone, including customer service and students....
10 minute read
An article teaching the best time to send marketing emails. It includes advice on the best time to send email campaigns, cold emails, and more. Read now....
7 minute read
A mailing list allows you to send emails to a specific group of people. Want to know more? Please read all about it in this article!...
6 minute read
Do you see 'cc' in an email but don't know what it means? You'll find out by reading this article....
2 minute read
An article teaching what’s an email trail. It also teaches how to turn an email trail into a PDF, and what’s an email audit trail. Read more now....
3 minute read
An article teaching how to start an email. It also discusses the importance of starting an email well. Read on to find out!...
5 minute read
What does BCC mean in an email? Learn what BCC means in email and its difference from CC. BCC in email means “Blind Carbon Copy.” It hides the recipient’s email address when sending a message to a group. This way, you keep your mailing list confidential. More security is the result. It lowers the risk...
3 minute read
Learn about the process behind sending and receiving email, including the most common Internet communication protocols (IMAP, STMP, MX)....
7 minute read
Read all you need to know about SMTP and why it's so significant. ...
2 minute read
Sending the perfect email is essential. Read our tips on what you should consider when choosing the best professional font to ensure success. ...
3 minute read
Webmail will help you work more efficiently. In addition, webmail will optimize your time management; all you need is a browser to login into your webmail....
4 minute read
A spam filter will keep you safe and secure. The best email spam filter will remove all your spam and only keep your important emails, making it easier for you....
3 minute read
Premium mail will help you work more efficiently. The best premium email will optimize your time management and make your work easier....
4 minute read
An email calendar book will help you work more efficiently. The best online email calendar will optimize your time management and make your work easier....
4 minute read
An online address book will help you work more efficiently. The best online address books will optimize your time management and make your work easier....
4 minute read
We've written 8 great tips to help you write eye-catching emails. Find out how you can write attractive sentences in your emails to make your business a success...
7 minute read
What is an email suffix? In this article, we've explained the meaning of an email suffix and everything you need to know about the composition of an email....
5 minute read
What is a mail client? Find out the difference between an email client and webmail. Also, read our top 4 criteria for the best email client and get started today!...
7 minute read
Email hosting is the service of renting out and managing email servers. The server is a space where you can send, receive and store emails....
4 minute read
What is a phishing email and how to spot phishing emails? Learn the signs of a phishing email and how to protect yourself from phishing attacks in this article....
6 minute read
Easy email migration with one.com. Migrate your emails to us and enjoy an ad-free, limitless, and protected environment for all your emails....
4 minute read
We have presented various ways to prevent password leaks in this article. Find out if your email password has been breached and what happens if it leaks....
5 minute read
See our tips on how to stop spam emails. We provide a guide on how you can block spam emails from ever entering your inbox....
7 minute read
We have shared great tips on how to write a good email signature and why you need to write a good and professional email signature. Get started today!...
9 minute read
An article teaching how to create an email account. It also teaches how to make one through your phone and how to create an anonymous email account....
5 minute read
An email domain is the part of an email address that comes after the “@” symbol and identifies the organization behind the email account....
5 minute read
Learn everything about an email for a business....
7 minute read
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function niceRounding(stringDigit) {
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/**Glosssary page***/
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// if the link is not active
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// add .active class to the current link
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// remove .active class from all the links
for (i = 0; i < navigationLinks.length; i++) {
navigationLinks[i].className = navigationLinks[i].className.replace(/ active/, '');
// we have found our section, so we return false to exit the each loop
return false;
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/** Glossary page ends here**/
/** NL frontpage modification - version 2.0 **/
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// The function that is called when the button is clicked.
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// Glossary page navigationbar issue fix Start
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