Parents + Families

Welcome, Parents and Families!

The Office of Development and Constituent Relations (ODCR) is here to help you support your student’s success at Olin by providing access to information and assistance, offering community-building events like Family Weekend, and coordinating family volunteer opportunities.  

As the parent of a current or former Olin student you’re automatically part of our Parent Community, which is a great way to stay connected to other parents and families and to the College. The community fosters a spirit of association and fellowship among parents and helps advance the mission of the College through its activities. 

We are here to help you throughout your student’s Olin experience. We invite you to explore this site and make it one you visit often. Please call or email with any questions or concerns you may have, and we look forward to working with you! 

Welcome to Olin College! 

GIF with multiple images of families on campus with students

  • The Parent Community at Olin is represented by the Parent Leadership Council (PLC), a formal group that provides support to the college and represents Olin students on behalf of all the parents. The PLC includes and recruits parent volunteers for initiatives throughout the year. 

  • Read the latest Olin news and see our upcoming events + volunteer opportunities in our oLink for Families monthly email newsletter.

    Email us here to sign up if you are not currently receiving oLink for Families.

    • Participate in the Parent Phonathon (annually in March)
    • Help with on campus events, like: Family Weekend; Open Houses; Move-In Day; Candidate Weekends & more!
    • Host an event near you or volunteer virtually: Summer Parties & more!
    • Support Olin philanthropically
  • Want to connect your employer to Olin or want to contact PGP (Post Graduate Planning), now and in the future? Visit the Career Services Page.

    • Help us network  
    • Send a follow-up email to a potential employer for Olin alumni
    • Join the Olin community on LinkedIn
  • Please join us on Friday-Saturday, October 18-19, 2024, for a combined Alumni and Family Weekend!

    This reimagined major Olin event, held during the peak of the New England fall season, will be a new, exciting way for you to reconnect with friends, network, mark milestone alumni reunions (2009, 2014, 2019), and celebrate Olin’s past, present and future.

    Alumni and families will have opportunities to connect with each other, students, faculty and staff, and learn about what’s happening on campus.

    In addition to community-building programming, we will also offer several alumni- and family-focused activities that you know and love from prior years.

  • The Olin Expo is an end-of-semester celebration of student work. Students may share a favorite project from a class or a passionate pursuit, a research experience, or another endeavor. Tables line the hallways of the Miller Academic Center, select classrooms, and large projects are outside, under the building overhang.  We invite community members and student family members to join us for this special event. 


  • Commencement 2024 is an opportunity for the entire Olin community to come together and celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024.

  • This time-honored tradition allows families, students, alums and especially the incoming class to connect with others in their area.

Contributions from Olin families make a huge difference to the College 

With your financial support, Olin will continue to lead the way in innovative engineering education and will provide life-changing opportunities for our students. Gifts to the Olin Fund make the most impact, and support all facets of your student’s education. Please consider making a gift today.

If you have any questions about annual giving, please reach out to Emily Cavalier, Director of the Olin Fund, at [email protected].

For questions about major giving, including naming and endowment opportunities, please contact the Office of Development and Constituent Relations at [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your support!

Family Weekend 2023

Family Weekend 2023

Family Weekend 2023

Family Weekend 2023

Family Weekend 2023

Family Weekend 2023

Other Helpful Links for Families

Learn more about on-campus resources available to the community. Wellness, academics, students life and more.

Click here to learn more