

今回の交流を通じて、最高裁判所のチャイヨス・オラノンシリ(Chaiyos Oranonsiri)裁判官からは本学の取り組み等に強い関心を示していただき、特別専門事件控訴裁判所の ナジラ・カントン(Natjira Kanthong)裁判官からは日本の司法について多くの質問をいただきました。


Visit to Our University by Supreme Court Justice Chaiyos Oranonsiri and Judges from the Judiciary of the Kingdom of Thailand

Our university welcomed Supreme Court Justice Chaiyos Oranonsiri and 21 judges from the judiciary of the Kingdom of Thailand, providing them with an introduction to our university and a campus tour as part of an exchange program. (February 28, 2024)

Through this exchange, Justice Chaiyos Oranonsiri of the Supreme Court showed strong interest in our university's initiatives, and Judge Natjira Kanthong of the Specialized Appellate Court asked many questions about the Japanese judiciary.

We hope that this visit will serve as a foundation for international understanding and friendship, and contribute to further promoting academic exchanges between the two countries. Furthermore, our university hopes to continue to have meaningful exchanges with judges from the Judiciary of the Kingdom of Thailand, and to be blessed with further opportunities for joint projects.
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