

Open 3D Engine (O3DE) User Guide

Welcome to the O3DE User Guide! This documentation contains information and guidance for users working on an O3DE project.

Read about the features provided by Open 3D Engine.

AssetsLearn about O3DE’s asset management tools and pipeline.
BuildLearn how to use the CMake generator with O3DE projects to generate IDE projects and build them.
ComponentsLearn about the components that add functionality to your entities in O3DE.
EditorLearn how to use the O3DE Editor.
Settings RegistryLearn how to use the Settings Registry to maintain settings and configurations for O3DE applications and tools.
GemsLearn about the Gems that extend O3DE.
InteractivityLearn how to simulate robots, implement player navigation controls and other world interaction methods.
NetworkingLearn about the low-level networking stack in O3DE and the multiplayer framework that uses it to provide multiplayer features in games and simulations.
OptimizationLearn how to optimize your O3DE project.
PackagingLearn how to package your O3DE-based product for release.
ProgrammingLearn about core engine programming concepts in O3DE.
Project ConfigurationLearn how to configure and customize your O3DE project.
Remote ContentLearn about Remote Content, a built-in way to share and download Gems, Projects and Templates.
ScriptingLearn about Script Canvas, O3DE’s visual scripting solution, and Lua to create logic and behaviors in your project.
TestingLearn how to test your O3DE components and project.
VisualizationLearn about Atom-based visualization components in O3DE.

Reference documentation

GlossaryCommon terms and concepts used in O3DE development.
Asset file typesReference for the asset file types supported in O3DE by default.
Console variable referenceReference for the O3DE console variables (CVARs).
Log filesLearn where to find common log files in O3DE.
Tutorials and ExamplesCheck out video tutorials, written tutorials, and samples to practice the concepts and techniques that you learn from the sections of the User Guide.