Nintendo Switch Online features supported

Super Mario Party Jamboree

System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 17/10/2024
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The biggest Mario Party yet!

Join a jam-packed celebration in Super Mario Party Jamboree for Nintendo Switch! Grab family and friends and get moving and grooving on seven new and returning boards. Battle it out in more minigames than ever before, and slice, dice, and assemble in new motion-based game modes!


Free 7-day trial of Nintendo Switch Online included!

This game comes with a free 7-day trial for Nintendo Switch Online so you can try out selected modes against other partygoers online.


New to Mario Party?


Don’t worry – the rules are simple!

Roll dice to journey across the board, collecting coins and triggering special events along the way.

Once each player has had their turn, it’s time for a minigame! The better you do, the more coins you’ll get.

Collect 20 coins and exchange them for a Star! Whoever gets the most stars wins the game and earns the title of Super Star!


Now boarding!

Jump on a hot air balloon and fly off to the resort islands, where seven diverse and exciting boards await! Check out what each one has to offer.

Up to 4 players locally and online

Party or Pro?

Play with Party Rules when you want a more light-hearted Mario Party experience. Flip to Pro Rules when you want to minimise the role of luck to focus on skill.


Customise the fun

Set some party parameters to have fun your way! Configure the difficulty of CPU players, toggle the number of Stars each player starts with, enable or disable Motion Minigames, and more.


A super-charged celebration

Characters from all over the Mushroom Kingdom – more than in any previous Mario Party – are ready to jamboree! Play as the mischievous Boo, the friendly Yoshi, newcomers Pauline or Ninji, as Mario himself and many more!


Jamboree Buddies

Characters will also appear on boards from time to time as Jamboree Buddies! Once a player reaches them, a showdown minigame will begin. The player who got to the Jamboree Buddy first will have a slight advantage, but whoever wins the minigame gets them as an ally.


They’ll help you with all sorts of nifty abilities like copying items of opponents you pass, adding to your dice roll, or even allowing you to purchase two Stars at once!


The most minigames ever!

Jet off to Minigame Bay and dive into over 110 minigames! Play your favourites in Free Play, form squads and battle it out in 2 vs 2 Tag Matches, test your skills with Daily Challenges or go head-to-head versus players from around the world in the online Survival Mode!


Up to 4 players locally and online*

Get moving!

In the mood for some movement? Then check out these three new motion-based game modes!


Bowser Challenges



Race across the party board in a series-first 20-player online competition to see who can rack up the highest scores across a series of minigames. The higher your score in each round, the faster you’ll get to the goal!

Up to 20 players online

Bowser Kaboom Squad

Boom! Up to eight players can work together online to defeat Imposter Bowser by scrambling to find bombs and blasting ‘em at the big bad Imposter. Join forces in co-op minigames between rounds for a chance to receive helpful items!

Up to 8 players online



Race across the party board in a series-first 20-player online competition to see who can rack up the highest scores across a series of minigames. The higher your score in each round, the faster you’ll get to the goal!


Up to 20 players online

Bowser Kaboom Squad

Boom! Up to eight players can work together online to defeat Imposter Bowser by scrambling to find bombs and blasting ‘em at the big bad Imposter. Join forces in co-op minigames between rounds for a chance to receive helpful items!


Up to 8 players online

Party Plaza

Need a break from the festivities? Head to Party Plaza and help Kamek decorate, trade your Party Points for new reactions, compare your rankings to players around the world and more!


Two games for £84/€99!

Nintendo Switch Online members can save on the combined price of these games with Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers.

Find out more >


More Mario and friends games

Want to discover more games featuring Mario and your favourite Mushroom Kingdom characters?

Check out the Super Mario hub! >


*Motion-controlled minigames and game modes require one or more Joy‑Con controllers and are not available when playing online. Motion-controlled minigames and game modes are not compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, but button-controlled minigames can still be played when using these consoles/accessories.


This description was provided by the publisher.

What you need to know

This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe SE. The payment will be made with Nintendo eShop funds usable through the Nintendo Account used to complete the purchase.

This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe SE, payable with Nintendo eShop funds usable through your Nintendo Account. The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.

This content may be purchased by users who have registered a Nintendo Account and accepted the respective legal terms.

This content may be purchased by users who have registered a Nintendo Account and accepted the respective legal terms.

The details of this offer apply to users who sign in with a Nintendo Account with the country setting corresponding to the country setting of this website. If the country setting of a Nintendo Account is different, the details of this offer may be adjusted (for example, the price will be displayed in the respective local currency).

After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to your Nintendo Account. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download content from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.

In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, a free launcher application or demo can be downloaded.

Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.

After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to your Nintendo Account. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download content from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.

In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, a free launcher application or demo can be downloaded.

Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.

The details of the offer are displayed based on the country settings of your Nintendo Account.

The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.

The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo console or software may render this game unplayable.

This product contains technological protection measures.

Content not playable before the release date: {{releaseDate}} . For pre-orders, payments will be taken automatically starting from 7 days before the release date. If you pre-order less than 7 days before the release date, payment will be taken immediately upon purchase.

To be able to purchase download games or download demos and free software from Nintendo eShop on the official website, you'll need to have a Nintendo Account which is linked to your Nintendo Switch console. You'll need to have your console registered as the active console for downloads for your Nintendo Account by visiting Nintendo eShop on the device you wish to download on at least once. For automatic download, your system must be updated and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. To find out more, visit our Support section. Purchases made or demo downloads activated through the Nintendo website are processed via Nintendo eShop.

This software includes modes or features for which an internet connection and a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online are required. Any online play modes require a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Find out more about paid Nintendo Switch Online memberships.

Multiplayer requires one compatible controller per player. Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required.