Marianny Torres-Collado, who will be a junior in high school this fall, is a student debater with the Denver Urban Debate League. Learn about the positive impact that debate has had on her life with this video profile.
"I really appreciate that we're getting to work with the nonprofits because that helps us really live the values of serving not only schools who need the support, but the students [for whom] debate can be absolutely life-changing," Lewis said.
"I think one of the things that has been really positive in the debate world is the expansion of debate access for more people," Rhee said, "and that is what the Urban Debate League is all about."
"We didn't expect to win by any stretch," Bolden told Newsweek. "We recognize that our work is just part of a much larger picture, but to have the opportunity to have some of our efforts highlighted is really cool."