Welcome to the Nektar++ community!
Here are a few ways in which you can get involved, contribute to, and benefit from, the growing number of people working with and developing the library and associated solvers.
Mailing list
We strongly recommend everyone who uses the library should join the mailing list to receive updates on code developments as well as it providing an excellent place to ask questions to more seasoned developers of the code.
Join the nektar-users mailing list at:
Mattermost Chat
In addition to the mailing list we encourage everyone who uses the library to join the Mattermost chat. This chat is meant to provide a place were users interact among each others and with the developers.
Join the Mattermost chat at:
Visit the blog
The Nektar++ blog provides a broad range of posts on topics such as compiling the code on specific machines, to discussions of Nektar++ in specific application areas, to recently published papers which have made use of the code.
Participate in a workshop
In 2015, we held the first Nektar++ workshop, which was a great success and followed by a similar event in 2016. It is now an annual event and details of the 2017 workshop is now available.
Read the documentation
We are trying to grow and enhance our documentation, both in terms of the comprehensiveness of the User Guide, but also the creation of tutorials to guide new users through the use of the code.