NCBI Front Page Taxonomy Logo
PubMed Entrez BLAST Genome Taxonomy Structure
Just empty space

Taxonomy browser

Taxonomy information

Taxonomy resources

Genetic codes

Taxonomy Statistics

Taxonomy Name/Id Status Report

Taxonomy FTP site


How to reference the NCBI taxonomy database

How to create links to the NCBI taxonomy

How to create LinkOut links from the NCBI taxonomy

Extinct organisms

Recent changes to classification

Just empty space

Taxonomy name/id Status Report Page

Please enter a list of names or tax_id(s):

or enter a path to the data file:

�full taxid lineage �exclude common names


Explanation of status codes for names

1 - the incoming name is our primary name for a taxon in our database or its homotypic synonym (in the latter case primary name appears in preferred name column)
2 - the incoming name is a secondary name for a taxon in our database (it could be listed as a heterotypic synonym, a misspelling, a common name, or several other nametypes)
3 - the incoming name is not found in our database
+ - the incoming name is duplicated in our database
(used in combination with the other status codes)

<- press button to see a status report for the following list of names:

Homo sapiens
Cephalosporium acremonium var. radiatum
Arabidopsis thaliana
Homo neanderthalensis
Agathis montana
Mus musacris
Mus muscaris
Explanation of status codes for taxids
1 - the incoming taxid is our primary id for a taxon in our database
2 - the incoming taxid is a secondary id for a taxon in our database
3 - the incoming taxid is not yet associated with a public sequence entry
4 - the incoming taxid is not found in our database
<- press button to see a status report for taxids 1 thru 25

Comments and questions to [email protected].
Credits: Elena Starchenko, Scott Federhen, Vladimir Soussov