Editorial policies
The Nature Portfolio journals' editorial policies for primary scientific research can be found on the pages listed below. The Nature Portfolio includes all journals with Nature in their name, the Communications journals, the npj series, Scientific Reports and Scientific Data. A list of these journals and a description of the relationship between them can be found here. In August 2015, the Nature Portfolio journals became members of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We will be guided by COPE guidelines, however the Nature Portfolio journals will continue to make independent decisions based on our existing policies and principles.
For details on the editorial policies of other any non-Nature-Portfolio journal on nature.com, please visit their website.
Communicate with respect
Only through relationships based upon mutual respect can we build trust and deliver quality publishing products and services to the communities we serve.
The Nature Portfolio journals' authorship policy (including Authorship: inclusion & ethics in global research).
Competing interests
Nature Portfolio journals' competing interests policies.
Ethics and Biosecurity
Nature Portfolio journals' editorial policies on publishing primary research reporting experiments on living organisms; and on biosecurity and bioethics.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Nature Portfolio journals' policies on the use of artificial intelligence.
Reporting standards and availability of data, materials, code and protocols
Nature Portfolio journals' policy on availability of materials and data, and reporting requirements for life sciences research articles.
Image integrity and standards
Nature Portfolio journals' policies and guidelines on digital images and their manipulation.
Plagiarism and duplicate publication
The Nature Portfolio journals' policies on plagiarism and on providing due credit for published and unpublished data.
Corrections, Retractions and Matters Arising
Nature Portfolio journals' policy on corrections, retractions and other amendments to published material.
Peer Review
Nature Portfolio journals' advice for peer-reviewers, and policies relevant to the peer-review process.
The Nature Portfolio journals' policies on confidentiality.
The Nature Portfolio journalsâ acknowledgements policies.
Appeals & Complaints
The Nature Portfolio journalsâ appeals and complaints policies.
Preprints & Conference Proceedings
Nature Portfolio journals' policy on preprints and conference proceedings.
Press and embargo policies
Nature Portfolio journals' policy on authors' communication with the media and at scientific meetings.
Self archiving and license to publish
Nature Portfolio license to publish policy, and conditions of re-use, for authors.
Collections and Special Issues
Clinical Research
Nature Portfolio journals' policy on clinical research.