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The scverse project provides a computational ecosystem for single-cell omics data analysis

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Fig. 1: Scverse.

Code availability

The source code for the scverse core tools is publicly available at Code for determining the number of dependent packages and repositories is available from


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The authors would like to thank all scverse contributors who opened issues, contributed code or answered questions on scverse forums to guide novice and advanced users. D.B. acknowledges funding by the EMBL International PhD Programme and Darwin Trust Fellowship. G.S. was supported by a DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. F.F. was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (T 974-B30). G.P. is supported by the Helmholtz Association under the joint research school Munich School for Data Science.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations




B.B., D.P., A.R. and S.A.T. are members of the scverse Advisory Committee. F.F., F.A.W., N.Y., O.S. and F.J.T. are members of the scverse Management Committee. Members of the scverse community are listed in alphabetical order.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Isaac Virshup, Danila Bredikhin or Lukas Heumos.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

F.J.T. consults for Immunai Inc., Singularity Bio B.V., CytoReason Ltd and Omniscope Ltd, and has ownership interest in Dermagnostix GmbH and Cellarity. A.R. is a co-founder of and equity holder in Celsius Therapeutics, an equity holder in Immunitas, and until 31 July 2020 was a scientific advisory board member of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Syros Pharmaceuticals, Neogene Therapeutics and Asimov. From 1 August 2020, A.R. has been an employee of Genentech and a member of the Roche Group, and has equity in Roche. M.D.L is a part-time contractor for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. V.B. reports being employed by and having ownership interest in Cellarity. G.E. has been an employee of Genentech since 4 April 2022. R.L. has been an employee of Genentech since 31 August 2021. F.A.W. holds equity in Lamin Labs, Cellarity, Retro Biosciences and Doloromics. N.Y. is an advisor to and/or has equity in Cellarity, Celsius Therapeutics and Rheos Medicines. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.

Peer review

Peer review information

Nature Methods thanks Martin Hemberg and Wolfgang Huber for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Table 1

List of unique PyPI packages that depend on scverse core tools. Determined by looking at reverse dependencies from

Supplementary Table 2

List of unique GitHub repositories that depend on scverse core tools. Determined by scraping the dependent repositories from the core tools GitHub repositories.

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Virshup, I., Bredikhin, D., Heumos, L. et al. The scverse project provides a computational ecosystem for single-cell omics data analysis. Nat Biotechnol 41, 604–606 (2023).

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