We’ll meet you where you are — office optional
We know Mozillians do their best work when they have the freedom to choose where they do it.
Location flexible
We’ve been a remote-friendly company since our founding in 2005, which means we have plenty of experience cultivating a community that balances human connection and asynchronous communication. Today, we’re continuing to re-imagine the where and how of the way we work.
Gathering spaces
As we re-imagine what our offices and coworking spaces can be, we’re proud to have these locations for Mozillians to gather around the world. Teams can meet in our offices for collaborative and cultural activities that most benefit from being face-to-face — for planning, product design sprints, hackathons and more.
Our coworking spaces span across 9 cities: San Francisco, San Mateo, London, Paris, Portland, Tulsa, Vancouver, Chicago, and Bellevue.