Speaker: (Frédéric Descamps, MySQL Evangelist, community manager, and Architect, https://about.me/lefred)
Discover how to unlock the full potential of MySQL in your development projects. This talk offers practical insights, optimization strategies, and best practices for developers to write efficient queries, design robust schemas, and troubleshoot common issues. Learn how to leverage MySQL features to boost performance, ensure scalability to be ready for replication. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, this session will equip you with actionable techniques to elevate your MySQL expertise.
After graduating in Management Information Technology, Frédéric Descamps started his career as a developer for an ERP under HPUX. He will then opt for a career in the world of Open Source by joining one of the first Belgian startups dedicated 100% to free projects around GNU/Linux. It is in 2011 that lefred joined Percona, one of the leading MySQL-based consumerism specialists. He decided to join the MySQL Community Team in 2016 as a MySQL Community Manager for EMEA & APAC. His blog mostly dedicated to MySQL: https://lefred.be/
Even if MySQL is not a purely a JVM topic, all of us probably need to do some work with databases quite often. So, this kind of session exploring MySQL best practices and performance tips will be surely interesting! Even if your primary database is from different vendor, these tips will surely be relevant to help you manage your database too!
We will also stream this time online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GzUwO4D2As! If you plan to attend online, you don't need to register here since we're using this information to order food. This is also a tiny push for you to come in person!
See you there!