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Operational Best Practices

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See it. Do it. Learn it! Production-Ready Serverless: Operational Best Practices introduces you to leading patterns and practices for creating operationally sound serverless applications using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and Kinesis. You'll enjoy the professionally-produced video instruction from AWS expert Yan Cui, along with live exercises, text-based navigation, and the other innovative features built into Manning's liveVideo platform.

Production-Ready Serverless: Operational Best Practices teaches you how to build applications that take advantage of AWS Lambda and other AWS platform features like API Gateway and Kinesis. AWS expert Yan Cui guides you from writing your first AWS Lambda functions through handling the operational challenges Lambda can bring as you integrate serverless development practices into your applications. You'll build a basic e-commerce site piece by piece, including a Lambda-based web API using the API Gateway service. This hands-on course introduces processing events in real-time using Lambda and Kinesis Streams, implementing security against common OWASP attacks, modern serverless design patterns, and best practices for maximizing performance and minimizing cost!

about the subject

AWS Lambda is a platform for running cloud-hosted functions—small, single-responsibility services that handle tasks and orchestrate data flow among other AWS services. Lambda functions responds to the events triggered by users and your application. AWS automatically scales Lambda for you based on demand, so you can minimize infrastructure plumbing management and enjoy the reliability, security, and responsiveness you need to create amazing applications!


For developers with some experience building cloud-based applications on AWS.

about the instructor

Yan Cui has worked with AWS since 2010 and has architected and implemented many scalable backend systems running on AWS, including a successful mobile game with 1,000,000 daily active users. He has worked with AWS Lambda in production extensively in the last 18 months, including migrating a social network from a monolithic backend architecture running on EC2 to an event-driven, service-oriented architecture centered around AWS Lambda. Yan is also an AWS hero!

We interviewed Yan as a part of our Six Questions series. Check it out here.

The level of detail and pace are perfect for someone looking to tackle a complicated subject and being directly hands on like this is great. Best resource for real-world Serverless usage I have seen so far.

Survey Responder

An essential guide to getting started with Serverless with AWS Lambda.

Michael Bright

The jump start you need to serverless AWS Development.

Paulo Cesar Dias Lima

Excellent introduction to securing and deploying your first serverless lambda on AWS.

Anonymous Reviewer
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