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Richard Chesterwood
  • Course duration: 12h 18m

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See it. Learn it. Do it! Microservices designs require you to change how you build and deploy applications. Instead of creating a tightly-integrated collection of related components, microservices employ a system of single-purpose mini-applications that cooperate as a system. This can get tricky quickly when you’re in a distributed cloud-based environment with lots of moving parts. Kubernetes, a component management system developed by Google, provides a configurable layer for deploying, managing, and scaling the parts of a microservices application. Combined with the Docker container system, Kubernetes makes deploying and monitoring microservices on a cloud system like AWS much safer and more stable than using home-brewed processes. In the comprehensive Kubernetes Microservices video course, expert instructor Richard Chesterwood teaches you to deploy and monitor microservice systems on AWS using Kubernetes, Docker, and other industry-standard tools.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by big data expert Richard Chesterwood and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

about the subject

Kubernetes, aka K8S, is a container orchestration system perfect for automating the management, scaling, and deployment of microservice applications. This incredibly popular framework allows you to manage hundreds or thousands of containers at production scale. It’s backed by a passionate open-source community, and can run practically anywhere. It’s also an incredibly-valuable skill to have on your resume. Google has trusted it to run its production workloads for more than 15 years. Companies like them and other happy Kubernetes users—including IBM, Ocado Technology, and Github—will be on the lookout for Kubernetes-savvy developers.

about the video

In Microservices Kubernetes, seasoned instructor Richard Chesterwood takes you through the process of getting a microservice system running on a production cluster, with the help of visual examples and real-world exercises. You’ll explore pods and replica sets, and you’ll run Kubernetes locally using Minikube, an easy-to-use tool designed for that purpose. You’ll also learn which factors and tradeoffs to consider when making decisions about managing complex microservice systems. You’ll complete the first part of this illuminating liveVideo course on your standalone development computer. Then you’ll move to the cloud where you'll use a real AWS account. Working in a realistic production environment gives you hands-on experience monitoring your system using industry-standard tools such as ELK/Elastic Stack, Prometheus, and Grafana. As you go, you’ll practice priceless Kubernetes skills like container deployment, live cluster monitoring, log analysis, and more!

Because microservices systems can be complex to set up, this course comes with a pre-built application to deploy and run. And don’t worry if you’re not a Microservices guru! Along the way, Richard offers experience-driven insight into the design and implementation of these systems.


This course assumes you’re a competent developer familiar with typical application back ends. Some experience with working from the Linux command line, as well as with Docker and AWS is helpful, although not absolutely necessary.

about the instructor

Richard Chesterwood has been developing high-quality software systems for 25 years. Passionate about great technical education, he’s been delivering training courses worldwide for the last 15 years, particularly in the area DevOps. He currently manages several large scale microservices projects in the cloud.
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