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Solving problems with Q# and Qiskit
Mariia Mykhailova
  • MEAP began June 2024
  • Publication in May 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781633436909
  • 276 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Go beyond the basics with this in-depth guide to quantum programming.

Here’s something you already know: quantum computing is a deep subject. Quantum Programming in Depth takes you beyond quantum basics and shows you how to take on practical quantum problem solving and programming using Q# and Qiskit. Author Mariia Mykhailova, a principal software engineer at Microsoft Quantum, guides you every step of the way.

In Quantum Programming in Depth you’ll explore:

  • Algorithms to solve challenging quantum computing problems
  • Writing quantum programs with Q# and Qiskit
  • Testing quantum programs with simulators and specialized tools
  • Evaluating performance of quantum programs on future fault-tolerant quantum computers

Quantum Programming in Depth shows you how to do quantum computing outside the lab or classroom, presenting problems of quantum programming and demonstrating how they’re solved. You’ll learn to write quantum programs using Qiskit and Q# —and even how to test your quantum code using common testing tools like pytest. You’ll learn to prepare quantum states and implement operations, extract information from quantum states and operations, evaluate classical functions on a quantum computer, solve search problems, and more.

about the book

Quantum Programming in Depth follows author Mariia Mykhailova’s popular “quantum katas” approach to learning, honing your quantum skills with progressively harder programming challenges. You’ll learn a repeatable workflow to solve QC problems. You’ll dive into testing and debugging software using quantum simulators and how to evaluate the performance of quantum algorithms on fault-tolerant computers in a practical, code-based way. Each project in the book is based on the common quantum software development tasks or questions posed during quantum software engineering interviews.

about the reader

For students and software engineers who know Python and the basic concepts of quantum computing.

about the author

Mariia Mykhailova is a principal quantum software engineer at Microsoft Quantum. She has been part of the team since early 2017, joining just in time to participate in the development of the first version of the quantum programming language that became Q#. She works on developing software for fault-tolerant quantum computation, as well as quantum education and outreach for Azure Quantum Development Kit. Mariia is the author and maintainer of the Quantum Katas project – an open-source collection of hands-on tutorials and programming problems for learning quantum computing. She is also a part-time lecturer at Northeastern University, teaching Introduction to Quantum Computing since 2020, and the author of the O'Reilly book Q# Pocket Guide.

This is a formidably well-written and researched treatise on quantum programming using a mathematical and problem-solving approach rather than a physics-first approach.

Tony Holdroyd

The author takes the reader from being a user of pre-existing quantum algorithms to being a creator of quantum algorithms.

Patrick Regan

Please don't miss this book. It will be basic material in future schools.

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