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iOS app programming for kids and other beginners
Tanmay Bakshi
  • April 2019
  • ISBN 9781617292620
  • 400 pages
  • printed in black & white
  • Available translations: Korean

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Look inside

Hello Swift! is a how-to guide to programming iOS Apps with the Swift language, written from a kid's perspective. This approachable, well-illustrated, step-by-step guide takes you from beginning programming concepts all the way through developing complete apps. (Adults will like it too!)

about the technology

It’s fun to play games and explore new things on your iPhone. How amazing would it be to create your own apps? With a little practice, you can! Apple’s Swift language, along with special coding playgrounds and an easy-to-use programming environment, make it easier than ever. Take it from author Tanmay Bakshi, who started programming when he was just five years old.

about the book

His book, Hello Swift! iOS app programming for kids and other beginners, teaches you how to write apps for iPhones and iOS devices step by step, starting with your first line of Swift code. Packed with dozens of apps and special exercises, the book will teach you how to program by writing games, solving puzzles, and exploring what your iPhone can do. Hello Swift! gets you started. Where you go next is up to you!

what's inside

  • Crystal-clear explanations anyone can understand
  • Kid-friendly examples, including games and puzzles
  • Learn by doing—you’ll build dozens of small apps
  • Exercises that encourage critical thinking

about the reader

Written for kids who want to learn how to program. (Psst! Adults like it, too.)

about the authors

Tanmay Bakshi had his first app on the iOS App Store at the age of nine. He’s now the youngest IBM Champion, a Cloud Advisor, Watson Developer, TED Speaker, and Manning author!

We interviewed Tanmay as a part of our Six Questions series. Check it out here.

A wonderful and rare opportunity for young programmers to learn from a peer. A great introduction to iOS development for readers of any age.

Jason Pike, Atlas RFID Solutions

Great resource for anyone who wants to learn Swift, especially if you are just starting out with programming.

Becky Huett, Big Shovel Labs

The friendliest introduction to Swift for aspiring programmers from 8 to 80.

Christopher Haupt, Mobirobo Indie Game Studio

This book will prove to you that anyone can start developing iOS applications. Now you have no more excuses!

Tidjani Belmansour, Cofomo Québec

A must-have for getting into the world of mobile development.

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