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Programmer's guide to idiomatic and testable code
Inanc Gumus
  • MEAP began October 2021
  • Publication in May 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781617299896
  • 300 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Unlock Go’s unique perspective on program design, and start writing simple, maintainable, and testable Go code.

In Go by Example you will learn how to:

  • Write and test idiomatic and easy-to-maintain Go programs from scratch
  • Design and structure maintainable and testable command-line applications, concurrent programs, and web servers
  • Test Go according to best practices
  • Spot common Go anti-patterns
  • Understand what makes Go different from other languages

Go by Example is a practical guide to writing high-quality code that’s easy to test and maintain. The book is full of best practices to adopt and anti-patterns to dodge. It explores what makes Go so dramatically different from other languages and how you can still leverage your existing skills into writing excellent Go code. Aimed at Go beginners looking to graduate to serious Go development, this book will help you write and test command line applications, web API clients and servers, concurrent programs, and more.

about the technology

Writing well-designed Go code takes more than just porting across skills you’ve learned in other languages. You’ll need to understand Go’s unique way of working to ensure your programs don’t spiral out of control. This book is the perfect primer on Go’s hidden mechanics that will help you code more effective Go.

about the book

Go by Example teaches you to write well-designed and maintainable code in Go. By concentrating on Go’s unique characteristics, you’ll learn how to stop fighting against the language and start delivering idiomatic code that’s simple, adaptable, and testable. You’ll learn how to deliver applications and how to extend code with robust testing. Easy-to-understand visualizations and step-by-step examples help explain Go’s complexities without oversimplification.

about the reader

For experienced programmers who are new to Go programming.

about the author

Inanc Gumus has over 25 years of experience in software engineering. For the last eight years, he has been working as a consultant for Go programming, focusing on best practices and testing. Inanc is also an occasional open-source contributor to the official Go test package and teaches Go to more than 100,000 developers through his online courses, his blog, his YouTube channel, and his GitHub repository with over 20,000 stars.

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